Monday FGS

| January 2, 2023

Bring Both!

Tacoma police: New Year’s Eve domestic violence call leads to officer-involved shooting

Sean Robinson
A New Year’s Eve domestic violence call led to a shooting involving Tacoma Police officers and an unidentified suspect, according to a news release from the department.

The dispatch call came at 7:31 p.m., the department said. A man called 911 and said he was involved in a domestic violence incident with his fiancée and that he was armed with a knife.

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Shots were fired. No one was injured.

I don’t think ‘putting one across his bow’ is a standard police tactic, but whatever works. Or more range time needed? I’ll defer to our resident LEO for the particulars.

Police fatally shoot man in Kansas City suburb

Police in Kansas shot and killed a man who approached them with an “edged weapon” after a New Year’s Eve disturbance, police said.

Officers were called to a disturbance Saturday night at a home in the Kansas City suburb of Olathe, Sgt. Joel Yeldell said in a news release.

When officers arrived, a 27-year-old man inside the home pulled out the weapon and moved toward the officers, Yeldell said.

Officers tried to use a stun gun on the man but he continued moving toward them. One Olathe officer shot the man, and he died at the scene, Yeldell said.

No officers were injured.

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A couple “edged weapons” brought to a gunfight today. Neither worked well- this is my surprised look.

Thanks again for the links, Gun Bunny. For the more literal among us, today’s gun pR0n is intended as humor on several levels.

“Make crime pay. Become a lawyer.”
Will Rogers

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Yeaaah. Suuuure. Bring both.
In that configuration, you’re most likely to stab yerself. And then lose the blade at the next mag drop.
But that is good for a chuckle or two.

I prefer the pistol bayonet, it comes with a sheath for your safety, just remove before use. BTW you can get one in many colors, I like stealth black.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

A sheath……for your safety…….and hers.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Are chain saw bayonets still the thing to buy???


Yes, they are (this one’s out of stock right now though):

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Two of a cop’s most feared calls……holiday and domestic violence.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Olathe……isn’t that where Betty White was from?

I’m so old I remember when people talked about Kansas City or Olathe, not one as part of the other. Believe there was a Naval Air unit there, we found it amusing that this Navy base was 1000 miles from the nearest salt water.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“Tried to use a stun gun on the man.”
“Tried” being the operative word here.
It’s winter. People are wearing thicker clothes.
So…..nice try, but always have a Plan B backup.
Which it seems the good officers of Olathe had.
I’m gonna say it, no one else has.
Besides ‘Ed’s, “don’t bring a knife to a gun fight” , I’ll add, “play stoopid games, win stoopid prizes”.

Yep, he did the requisite fucking around, leading to the inevitable finding out.


There are those humorless souls, dry, barren, sere, who do not understand gun pr0n humor like that.

We find them jumping in front of news cameras, not realizing just how desiccated their intellects are.

Then there are the intelligent ones among us – aka TAH Deplorables.


Neither of these two are eggsxactly the sharpest knives in the drawer. Disturbed people creating a disturbance. Yep…the LEOs worst nightmare.

Damn a knife bayonet on a pistol. Worx Tools makes a real nice batt-tree operated chainsaw that would work nicely on a full framed design of either Messrs Colt, Smith/Wesson, or HMS JMB (HBHN).

“First thing we do is kill all the law(y)ers.” The Bard of Avon.

Personal FGS today. Was about 70 miles into my solo 400 mile drive. BP dropped way down and was getting wobbly. My Guardian Angel got me back to Firebase Magnolia. Ol’ Gun Bunny has some fair days and some not so fair days. The Chancre Mechanics made mention that it would be that way. And so it goes.


Glad you got behind the Firebase Magnolia wire safely, KoB.


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Glad ya made it back S&S, Gun Bunny.
Don’t know what the weather is like at Firebase Magnolia, but since it’s winter everywhere (Damn that “Climate Change”!), I would suggest robusting up on some cast iron skillet cornbread and crock pottery meat of your choice.

ANd I know yer gonna hate me sayin’ it, and you hearin’ it, but lay off the al-key-haul for a spell (at least a week). Until we can verify that your cannon cocker chassis, axis and wheels are greased (GAA, Grease, Artillery & Aircraft), steady and trued for long haul travel.

Tanks!, Men, ‘preciate them kind words. Balmy 73 degrees right now. This just became one of them not so fair days. Think I got a little cocky since I drove down at Thanksgiving (with a co-pilot), I figured I could do it. Been awhile since I had a BP drop, Chancre Mechanic Ms Thang made mention that she may adjust the meds this month. I usually rock along around 128/72 but when it droops, it’ll bottom out at the high 80s over high 50s. Very little alkeyhaul anymore, coold beer about oncet a week or maybe a shot of Jameson or Jamaican. Not the age of this chassis as much as the high mileage. Not to worry, when I run out of the borrowed time I’m on, I’ll be awaiting on y’all at Fiddler’s Green.


Atta boy!