Marines to leverage X-ray scanners to measure body fat composition

| January 2, 2023

The Marines have decided to leverage X-ray technology to measure a person’s body fat composition. Instead of the traditional method of using a tape to determine body fat composition, an X-ray system is used to do the measuring.

A Marine will not be assigned to the body composition program unless they’ve had this X-ray procedure completed. According to Major Tamara Velding, who volunteered to help test this method, the procedure was not invasive and data collection was approximately half an hour.

From the Military Times:

Marines previously were subject solely to the tape test method, which measures a service member’s neck, waist and other body parts against their height.

Under the new guidelines, however, troops will not be subsequently assigned to the service’s body composition program ? which helps to manage weight or separates them for not meeting standards ? until their body composition also is calculated using the new X-ray scanners and other tech employed in the study.

The Marine Corps’ Training and Education Command already began fielding 257 of the machines to prepare for the upcoming requirement, according to a release from the command.

Col. Eric R. Quehl, director of policy and standards for the Marine Corps’ training and education command, told Marine Corps Times during an interview in September what drove the service to explore this switch: “The whole purpose of us looking at this issue, taking a really hard look at it, is ensuring that we do have a good proper balance between performance, health and well-being of the force,” he said. “And of course readiness.”

Maj. Tamara Velding volunteered for the body composition study at The Basic School in Quantico, Virginia, becoming one of more than 2,000 Marines who signed up to participate.

“All of the equipment and technology was really simple,” she told Marine Corps Times in September 2022, saying the whole data collection took about 30 minutes in total. “It didn’t feel invasive or anything like that.”

lUnder the new guidelines, however, troops will not be subsequently assigned to the service’s body composition program, which helps to manage their weight or separates them for not meeting standards, until their body composition a calculated using the new X-ray scanners and other tech employed in the study.

The Military Times has additional information here.

Category: Marines

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I’m not a fan of X-rays – although the newer versions are better than what we were subject to in the ’60s – but it’s gotta be more accurate than the tape joke.

It can, possibly, actually determine fat as opposed to uber-beast-mode muscle.

Note: those Meal-Team-6 members are a disgrace.

Last edited 1 year ago by Graybeard

Those at Bagram or Kandahar know this one or similar (Pizza Hut, baby!):
comment image

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande



I pity his Sgt.

How’d that tub o’lard ever make it on a ruck?


In order to see soft (fat) tissue with X-rays, a lower energy is required and a much shorter exposure time than that required for say a standard bone X-ray. Hence a very low dose of radiation. Much less than an airplane flight (natural space radiation interacting or going through the skin of the plane).


“Note: those Meal-Team-6 members are a disgrace.”

How can you really tell without X-rays?


That top picture looks more like the thing that ate a Marine.

And the stretched out a uniform.


That’s not fat, it’s called cover for us skinny guys…

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s who gets “voluntold” as soon as the words “I need a volunteer…” re heard because he can’t run as fast as the others!


And the guy with the measuring tape was always the plump NCO.


No Private Pyle comments? This place is slipping.


A jelly donut?????


A major malfunction.


Hack Stone

This is going to get complicated when troops overweight troops who identify as a woman has a penis show up on the X-Ray. So does he/she be judged on male or female standards?


Good God, almighty. I didn’t even think about the “which gender’s weight standards you use” question when someone pretends to be the opposite sex. Thanks for making think about that bullshit. On second thought, I will wrap myself up in my DD-214 quilt (made of 4 DD-214s – when dropped to reserves after basic, upon commissioning, upon accepting a regular commission [augmentation], upon retirement) and sleep soundly.


Yes, because it is verifiable that real women have on average a higher percentage of body fat than males.



You racist, sexist, oppressor!


X-rays were discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Rontgen, a German physicist. Glad to see our Marines stepping up and embracing 19th century tech.

Hack Stone

A German? We need to cancel X-Rays immediately, he was probably a Nazi, even if the Nazi Party didn’t exist for another 35 years.


Service-related cancer? Watch how many decades it’ll take the VA to accept this.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Non-invasive………until they glow in the dark.


Will the x-rays sort out the fat heads who are ruining todays military.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Thin is in but fat is where it’s at.


So many questions… what training will the operators of the system receive? What safeguards are there against overexposure? …against intentional misuse? How are the exposures going to be tracked? A strong argument can be made that these are not medically-necessary exposures, so this poses a huge violation of the ALARA concept.
I see some lawsuits in the not to distant future when people develop cancers and blame the X-ray exposures they received from these devices.


Quit asking questions, you. Step into the machine and get measured!🤣 🩻


Apparently Apple has an X-Ray 🩻 emoji! Still no noose, though.


Props for recognizing the ALARA concept! Radiation safety is radiation safety and still important…looking at you TSA.

Last edited 1 year ago by DocV
A Proud Infidel®️™️

“Overexposure to X Rays? You could be entitled to compensation …”


I am curious about how many PTSD cases will be caused by overexposure to traumatic radiation.


Or, in this day and age, just being told they need to lose weight.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous

I could be wrong, but I think the one that “appears to identify as female”, is an LT. Way to enforce those standards, Ma’am!


Maybe they can figure out a way to see thru this boondoggle.


I’m curious about one thing: will it be Marines operating these machines or Navy corpsmen?🤣


Not sure how I feel about removing the sponge from the bullet-sponge Marine Corps. I see many tactical reasons to have thick, very thick, jarheads! 🙂

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Were you in the Marine Corps during the years 2022-20??

Were you subjected to X-Rays as part of the Marine Corps Fat Shaming policy?

You may be entitled to significant compensation.

BlueCord Dad

“Dial 1-800-SHYSTER(749-7837) for your free consultation. We don’t get paid unless you win. We also handle COVID-19 malpractice.”


Looks like Dan missed out on a golden opportunity!🤣


Naw, he woulda been disbarred no matter what he did. His lawering days were over even if he hadn’t decided to show his incompetence as a pilot one last time.


“The study will compare whole body scans, body fat percentage and body shape to the physical fitness test and combat fitness test scores of Marines to come to a more scientific body composition standard.”

Because it is necessary to quantify fitness to at least three decimal places, whether they can pass the fitness test or not. Gotta make that uniform look Good!