THE Regiment Gets a New Boss…

| August 12, 2009

And not surprisingly another in a long list of studs to get the coveted position of Commander of the 75th Ranger Regiment.

Naturally he brings a rather impressive resume to the job.

Kurilla has served as a Rifle Platoon Leader and Executive Officer in 3/505 PIR, 82d Airborne Division where he participated in Operation Just Cause and Operation Desert Shield/Storm and subsequently as a Rifle Platoon Leader in the 3d Ranger Battalion.

Following the Infantry Officer Advanced Course, he was assigned to 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry, 2nd Infantry Division in Korea where he served as a Mechanized (BFV) Company Commander and returned to the 75th Ranger Regiment and subsequently 3d Ranger Battalion where he served as the Regimental Training Officer, Battalion S4, and Rifle Company Commander participating in Operation Uphold Democracy (Haiti).

Kurilla was assigned to the 173d Airborne Brigade where he served as Battalion S3 in 1st Battalion, 508th Airborne Battalion Combat Team, Brigade S3 of the 173d Airborne Brigade, and Chief of Operations for the Southern European Task Force (Airborne), participating in numerous missions in support of Operation Joint Forge (Bosnia) and Operation Joint Guardian (Kosovo). He subsequently served as Aide de Camp to the Commanding General of the United States Army Europe and 7th Army. Colonel Kurilla commanded 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry (Stryker) “Deuce Four” deploying the battalion to Operation Iraqi Freedom from Oct 2004 – Sep 2005 where the battalion earned the Valorous Unit Award. Colonel Kurilla subsequently commanded 2d Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment where the battalion participated in numerous deployments to Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

If you are a fan of Michael Yon, you will certainly recognize the name. Col. Kurilla was commander of 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment during some of the fiercest fighting in Iraq and Yon was along for the ride.

When you have a battalion commander get shot at close range and refuse evac and continue to fight, you have a real Ranger commander. I’m happy believing that the Ranger Regiment is in good hands.

Category: Politics

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AW1 Tim

Hell yes!

That guy is, from my readings and conversations with others, a GREAT officer!


I DO recognize the name…he got shot and refused to be taken out and I believe he got shot again…Congrats to him, for being one tough SOB and staying on it.


Served with him in 1-25 SBCT when he was the 1-24th IN Co. He is all that they say and then some. The man is a force of nature… a combat stud. They could not have picked a finer officer.


what happened to that movie they were going to make?


LTC Tim: Thanks for the firsthand knowledge. It’s reassuring to know that the 75th is going to be commanded by such a fine man and true warrior from head to toenails.


I think you all have to work on your typing skills. You’ve accidentally capitalized all three letters in the word “THE” at the beginning of you title for this post. If you’re insinuating that the 75th is the top unit, you’ve got to be kidding. If you’re insinuating their the top unit after every other Ranger Battalion, then I’d agree.

Jonn Lilyea

88m’er, those Ranger Battalions are IN THE Regiment. That’s what makes it THE Regiment. Please try to keep up.

David M

This is very good news.

Bob D

Truly a STUD. I can only hope that this is not the last stop in his career. We need guys like this leading the fight!

Winfred Brandl

surely, that a good issue you publish on the websites for. Yet, there far more things to conside. it just much less straightforward because that will. thanks again

Big Mac

Wish the best for 75th RGR RGT. I’m an X-Ranger 3/75. I don’t think people understand what our great RANGERS do. We have pride and great men who put there lives on the line everyday. I thank my brothers in arms for protecting me and my family everyday. I’m in a dam wheelchair now from my parachute accident in 92. I know my Ranger buddies will take care of me. Thanks guys.
Rangers Lead the Way