Indictment unsealed on Marine veteran accused of training Chinese military pilots

| December 14, 2022

Daniel Edmund Duggan

The Marine veteran, a former Marine pilot, is being held in Australia pending extradition to the US. His 2017 indictment was unsealed this past Friday. The indictment alleges that he provided military aviation training to Chinese nationals. A Chinese business firm compensated him for his services. According to the article, this action violates a federal law applicable to providing defense services. The U.S. has until December 20, 2022, to request his extradition.

From the Military Times:

According to the indictment, Duggan faces two counts of violating U.S. arms control laws, one count of conspiracy to launder money and one count of conspiracy.

The indictment, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, also lists eight unnamed alleged co-conspirators, including the unnamed Chinese business and a former U.S. Navy fighter pilot.

At the behest of the unnamed business, according to the indictment, Duggan also evaluated People’s Republic of China military pilot trainees and taught them how to fly planes on and off aircraft carriers.

The Marine veteran provided this training more than three times starting in 2010 or earlier, the indictment alleges, and at least twice at a flight school in South Africa. In 2010, the flight school and the Chinese business bought a decommissioned T-2 Buckeye, a naval training plane, from a private seller in the United States, according to the indictment.

The indictment also charges that Duggan engaged in money laundering by covering up the payments that he received for training the pilots. The unnamed Chinese business paid him thousands of dollars at a time for “personal development training,” according to the indictment.

Duggan and his alleged co-conspirators didn’t apply for a U.S. license to carry on these activities, according to the indictment, which added that the U.S. government would have denied a license as a matter of policy.

Providing a “defense service” like military training to foreign nationals violates U.S. law, the indictment notes.

Australian police arrested Duggan at the request of the United States, which sought to extradite him on what were then undisclosed charges. The arrest came as the Australian Defence Department announced a crackdown on its former military pilots training members of the Chinese military.

Duggan shared an address in Beijing with Chinese businessman Su Bin, who in 2016 pleaded guilty in California to helping Chinese hackers steal sensitive information regarding U.S. military aircraft, Reuters previously reported, which also first reported the unsealing of the indictment.

Duggan is being held in Sydney, Reuters reported. The U.S. government has until Dec. 20 to file an extradition request, according to previous Reuters reporting.

The Military Times has additional information here.

Category: China, Veterans in the news

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AW1 Rod

Extradite him.  Try him.  Convict him.  Stand him up before a firing squad.


I like the sentiment, but we all know he’s only going to get some prison time. Besides, traitors are typically hanged, not shot. Less honor in hanging, which makes it appropriate for spies and traitors.


Bail him out at 40K with an O2 mask.
No chute.
Live (ha,ha) stream body cam..


We can run a betting pool on diameter and depth of his crater.


Will it be deeper than bar-nasty?


Why waste a perfectly good mask if he’s going to go splat? He won’t have time to suffocate. Hell, he may be able to take a couple of good, deep breaths before impact.


Tall tree, or lamp post, and a rope just long enough for him to stand on tip toes. Sooner or later, he will get tired and hang himself.

Anybody care to give the over under on time before he expires?


Holy sh*t! That’s a VMA-214 patch on his helmet. VMA-214 that was VMF-214 when they flew Corsairs in WW II and became known as the Blacksheep of Maj Greg “Pappy” Boyington fame. This guy’s a disgrace to Pappy’s legacy.
While Pappy did fly with the Flying Tigers in China prior to the United States entering the war, I’m sure he’d happily kick this dick cheese’s ass for supporting the communist Chinese.


Yep, it’s a Black Sheep patch. Can’t read the text, but the “Bar Sinister” is unmistakable and comes from the original name of the squadron: Boyington’s Bastards. At least according to his autobiography. However, I’m going off of a 35 year old memory.


The text across the bottom says “VMA-214 BLACKSHEEP.” There’s a front view of an F4U Corsair at the top center and a black sheep at upper left.


Oh, I’m quite familiar with the patch. I’ve seen it on several occasions and we also featured a phony here who claimed to be an F-18 pilot in that squadron. Which is a neat trick because 214 never operated that aircraft.


I was going to mention this. I deployed with 214 on the 31st MEU. I’m sure they are pretty disgusted.


I am guessing suitcases full of cash convinced him this was a good idea. Wonder what his commissary allowance will be at PYITAP?

A Proud Infidel®™

Bury the motherfucker under the prison.


“Daniel Edmund Duggan Biography: 10 Things About US Marine Corps Veteran”

“Daniel Edmund Duggan is a former citizen of the United States. Here are 10 more things about him:”

“1. From 1981 to 1986, he attended Milton High School in Milton, Massachusetts, USA. He was a member of the school’s football team.”

“2. From 1986 to 1991, he attended Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, Massachusetts where he earned his bachelor’s degree in aviation science.”

“3. From May 1989 to October 2002, he served with the U.S. Marine Corps as a pilot and a flight instructor. He rose to the rank of Major.”

“4. In November 2005, he moved to Tasmania, Australia where he founded Top Gun Australia. He served as the company’s director and chief pilot.”




“5. In April 2014, he sold Top Gun Australia.

“6. In May 2014, he moved to Beijing, China. He worked as the general manager of MCT-Asia Ltd in Beijing.”

“7. In October 2017, he registered an aviation consultancy company called AVIBIZ Limited in Qingdao, China and served as the company’s managing director. In 2020, the company dissolved.”

“8. On October 21, 2022, Australian Federal Police arrested him in Orange, New South Wales, Australia following a request from the U.S. government.”

“9. On November 4, 2022, his defense lawyer Dennis Miralis said he will fight his extradition to the U.S. and seek the intervention of an intelligence watchdog.”

“10. He was 54 years old when a court in Sydney, New South Wales was told on November 28, 2022 that the U.S. must lodge an extradition request for him by December 20, 2022 under a bilateral treaty. The case was adjourned until December 16, 2022.”


Let’s not be too hard on Ed. This is too easy, almost like shooting fish in a barrel.


Our Beloved Mick as well!!



Yep, I’ve lost any lovin’ feelin’ I mighta had for this maverick. Unless he’s a demonrat, his goose is cooked. Pappy, if you’ll build us a scaffold, I’ll provide some good hemp rope and we’ll put his azz on ice, man.


I’ve published the plans here on several occasions. I’ll get right on it. You know, instead of a “pregnant man” emoji, Apple should come up with something useful like a noose emoji.

Last edited 1 year ago by MustangCPT




*sigh* Remember this toon? Not shown three rows back the AW1 is asleep.

I hate you all.



And the Naval Aviator on vacation there in the photo is saying:

“Pffffffffttttttttttt…is this all ya got?”


And the Airborne guys behind the naval contingent are catching a few Z’s, just like always before a jump… 😝 


“I hate you all.”

Pouted like a true squid drama queen… 😜 


All doggies bark in their own yard. Woof.


Woof, woof. That’s my other dog – Oddball


Grew up wanting to be Oddball


I Wonder what douchebaggery he was engaged in to leave the service at 13 years and then leave the country? Seems odd to give up a $2,000,000 pension for only 7 more years of playing tag during the GWOT.





“Ex-Top Gun Marine Who Is Facing Life In Jail For ‘Assisting’ Communist Beijing Is Revealed To Have Lived At SAME Address In Australia As Chinese Hacker Who Admitted Stealing US Stealth Fighter Technology”

“A former Marine pilot who was arrested in Australia on undisclosed charges listed the same Beijing address as a Chinese businessman jailed in America for hacking into US military aircraft designs.”

Army-Air Force Guy

Hunter’s pilot for his personal jet.

Hack Stone

If only he kicked back 10% to The Big Guy, this would all be considered a Nothing MRE.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Rat bastard needs capital punishment for this level of treachery.

Selling out your nation for cash is not unheard of sadly, but the punishment when captured should always be the same.

Hanging seems appropriate.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

He would have kept out of trouble if he re started the Duggans bakery that delivered their products to homes like the milk man, Charles Chips and soda pop delivery trucks.