Tuesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| December 13, 2022

Sounds racist to expect less out of your black students, but what do I know?

Safe. And. Effective. Will probably cause infertility though.

He sounds reasonable

I don’t think I’d stand behind a guy so excited for butt play

“Anti-racist” is another word for just being racist

Yikes. Glad she’s not my doc

It’s racist to not want to exchange the “Merchant of Death” for a dope smoking, drug smuggling baller

Trust the experts

I don’t remember the electric company asking my race

Forced to resign for her open racism

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Prior Service

What is with all of these vacuous people that stare into their phones and babble stupid stuff? What compulsion makes them do this and then send it out for all the world to see?

Retired Grunt

Because the western world is full of fruit bats who don’t have to concentrate for the most part on tasks of day to day survival and thusly have far too much time on their hands, angst in thier hearts and no faith in anything higher than the narcissistic self. That is my .5 cents worth, I lost the 1.5 cents due to King Brandon’s new IRS reporting rules.

Green Thumb

They were nerds and losers in high school and they are still nerds and losers now.

Generally speaking, those who sound off in public that cannot get above the background noise find solace in screaming into a phone in a solo capacity.

Much like a bedroom martial artist. Your a bad ass in the mirror. In a barroom or on the street, not so much.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

They believe their superior intellect helps them achieve a more perfect world than the average human, thus the Tik-Tokkers feel compelled to alert the rest of humanity that the Tik-Tokkers are here to educate us poor dumb peasants out here in the hinterlands…

We get the morons spouting their moronic babble while in China Tik-Tok is filled with an entirely different sort of content. It’s not by accident that a Chinese constructed app released in the US not only steals your data but represents the dumbest fuckers in the nation as well.

Last edited 2 years ago by Veritas Omnia Vincit
Old tanker

This woke pandemic has reached staggering proportions of the younger population in it’s mental disorder.

I have said it before and I have found no reason to change the statement. Liberal political thinking is a sign of a serious mental disorder characterized by a significant disassociation from reality and a total misunderstanding of human nature.

Last edited 2 years ago by Old tanker

I was a racial bill adjuster for a hot minute!!

It was an unsolicited service I was providing Eversource and Connecticut Natural Gas pro bono with a subscription offer submitted in a contract I drew up in crayon, high on meth.

By not responding they bought the service. Too bad, so sad.

When I went to go collect the fees, even after late notices, they tossed me out of the lobby!!

I now need a lawer, so if you know anyone that’s looking for an easy payday, holla!!

Last edited 2 years ago by Roh-Dog

Don’t get me started with Eversource.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

To the dude, “white cis men are terrorists”;
if you had the courage of your convictions, you’d improve the world by “offing” yourself.
But sadly for the rest of us, you’re still here irritating us with your insane and inane twaddle.
Maybe you can follow the LibTard approved Canadian model (MAID Medical Assistance In Dying) and have someone else “off” you.
I doubt that even that is going to happen. You’re like the rest of the Marxist LibTards, the ones that PROMISED that they would leave the US if DJT was elected President……and yet, here they still are. And so are you.


White people’s utility bills are cheaper?

Be glad to swap my bill for hers, cause it sure af was more than what she pays. My provider jacked up generation charge in August.

Right now I’m paying 37 cents/kwh.


CT Ever-sore’s rate is going from 12.050 to 24.172¢/kWh.
Last bill was 25.72¢/kWh with all fees and ‘unicorn farts’ thieveries added in.

I thought it was bad when it was going up 10+% month/month!!! 

Hold on to your asses up there! We’re going to have a rough winter. Asinine headline from the Concord Monitor:

No obvious problems seen for New England’s power grid this winter

but in the first (h/t moi) paragraph….?:

New England faces no obvious power problems this winter, according to an annual forecast from the group that runs the six-state electricity grid, although extreme conditions might produce requests for conservation. [emp. ad.]

so, ‘mostly peaceful’ power restrictions?


Oh FFS! When the woodchippers are fired up the excessive use required will necessitate Depot Level Overhauls. I predict a good career field and job growth opportunities.

Green Thumb

I am sure All-Points Logistics and their CEO “Phony” Phil Monkress have penned a letter of support for the Fracis W. Parker School in Chicago, IL and their Dean of Students Joseph Bruno.

He (Bruno) is someone that Phildo can get behind, I am sure.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“lower expectations for black students”
I think it was Rush (correct me if I’m wrong) who called it “the bigotry of low expectations“.

Now who’s the bigot? Who’s the racist?
The person that expects high standards for EVERYONE?
Or the person that kicks out whitey, and coddles the POC?

It’s not “racist” when left/libtards do it or somethin’…


Damn right! I send my kids to school to learn math, science, reading and writing. Stick to that!

I think that the pink, blue, green, etc. hair dye is sinking in. I noticed that most of the “teachers” that spew this crap have pink and/OT blue hair! Coincidence????


So, so many broken “liberal” white women…


So, electricity is also racist?

Is racist per kilowatt hour? Or, just overall?

It couldn’t be that they also use gas, or that they turn shit off when not using it, or that they possibly have solar or hydroelectric in their homes?

Nope! Systemic racism is even in inanimate objects and nature!