Falling poll numbers and corporate shills
So the White House and the rubber stamp Congress are out this weekend trying to paint the whole tea party movement as some kind of insurance industry plot to undermine the post-racial presidency. But the Washington Times notes this morning that with falling poll numbers, that’s a harder case to make;
For more than two weeks, polls have consistently shown growing resistance to President Obama’s reform proposals, largely because of concerns about the nation’s deficit and debt.
“There are a number of statistically valid public opinion polls that show that there has been a dramatic increase in public concern about escalating deficits and debt levels and our nation’s increased reliance on foreign lenders,” said David Walker, the nation’s former comptroller general.
Mr. Walker…said that the American people are “ahead of their elected officials” in understanding the need to rein in spending before expanding health care coverage.
Yeah. it’s funny how the people who actually earn the money are more concerned about the way it’s spent than Congress seems.
Andrew Breitbart describes how the Left is trying to marginalize the protesters using the traditional media;
Stepping up the rhetoric from mockery to pure hatred, and absent any evidence, Mr. Olbermann has called the president’s public protesters “worse than racists.” Political activist and comedianJaneane Garofalo colored them “racist rednecks who hate blacks.” And at the somewhat higher end of the food chain, liberal economist Paul Krugman in the New York Times wrote last week that they were motivated by “cultural and racial fear.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is having a hard time these days explaining the president’s Israel policy to her Jewish constituents, blatantly lied and said that the protesters were wielding “swastikas and symbols like that.”
See, making fun of the protesters and calling them racists would work on members of the Left they’d try to keep on the Democrat Plantation, so they figure that doing the same to people expressing their own opinions would work on the tea partiers, too. I think that will probably backfire.
We’ve been called racists for so long about nearly everything we’ve done (including voting our minds), that it has the effect of water on a duck’s back now and it only encourages our side, these days. It’s almost a badge of honor to be called a racist for acts, words and deeds that have nothing to do with racism. The new American martyrs.
Oh, and we have new call to arms, like the call from the Green Revolution in Iran who declared “I am Neda”, Brietbart declares “I am Kenneth Gladney”
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Health Care debate
I’m just waiting for one of the town hall protesters to be an Iraq or Afghan vet. Then the media can remind people that we all have PTSD.
Saul Alinsky would be SO proud of the SocLib’s current tactics.
I’m trying to understand the logic here…if all of these mobs are staged and thrown together by well connected PR firms and shills, what dumbass PR firm would instruct their porta-mobs to show up wearing swastikas? That makes no sense whatsoever…of course it doesn’t really have to makes sense, does it…
Up here in the People’s republic of Maine, all four of our Congress Critters have decided to not hold any public meetings on health care.
The rumour on the streets is that if they refuse to talk to the public about it, then the public will be going to their offices to talk about it.
I am SO looking forward to that 🙂
Personally, I am trying to get out this week and stage my own one-man protest regarding health care. The downtown where I live is always full of cars with Obama stickers and union stickers, so I figured I’d start by placing anti-ObamaCare flyers under their windshield wipers. That ought to get some blood pressures up, at least.
AW1, next door to you in NH, the same can be said for three of our four Congressdipshits, Senator Gregg being the notable exception.
Best response to the “racist gop” was actually said on Bill Maher’s show tonight.
Bill commented that the gop was racist for not voting for sotomayor. Reps from CA and GA brought up Thomas, and why people who were against him weren’t called Racist, or the same for Estrada, a dubya appointee. Amazingly Maher let them talk and really didn’t disagree with the fact.
I’ve just decided that racist is the new synonym for informed or intelligent, so really I can’t wait to get called it again.
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