Monday FGS

| December 5, 2022

EEA Witness Elite 1911

Phoenix officer shoots man suspected of threatening people with a knife

Lillian Boyd, Arizona Republic
Authorities are investigating a police shooting in Phoenix that resulted in a man being hospitalized for serious injuries.

Phoenix police officers were dispatched to 27th Avenue and Thomas Road for reports of a suspect threatening people with a knife. When they arrived, they saw a man who matched the description of the individual from the call, according to Sgt. Brian Bower, a spokesperson for Phoenix Police Department.

“One of the officers used a less-lethal launcher and fired one impact round at the man in an attempt to have him comply,” Bower said.

The man continued to run west along Thomas Road, police said.

According to Bower, officers ran after the man while giving commands to stop and put the knife down. While chasing after the man, multiple attempts with the less-lethal launcher were used to gain the man’s compliance but all attempts with the less-lethal tools were unsuccessful, police said.

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Set phasers to “Maim” Mr. Sulu.

Armed bystander in Florida stops attack on pregnant woman
The armed bystander said that he feared for the woman’s life if the attack continued

By Michael Lee | Fox News
An armed bystander intervened to stop a brutal attack on a pregnant woman at a Publix parking lot in Florida.

The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office said 27-year-old Cole Joseph Danisment became angry with the mother of his unborn child and began brutally beating her in a Publix parking lot Saturday, punching her in the face several times during the attack, according to a report from WFLA.

Danisment continued his attack after the victim, who was 14 weeks pregnant with his child at the time, even after she fell to the ground, stomping on her head and upper body.

Police say at the point a witness near the attack believed it was “so brutal in nature” that he feared for the woman’s life, spurring him to intervene by pulling out his firearm on Danisment and causing him to stop the attack.

The victim and Danismen were dating for about a year leading up to the incident and had lived together for about a month, but the was put under a no-contact order after being arrested on a domestic battery against the victim in October and showing a pattern of violence toward her.

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Fox News

A good guy with a gun trumps a piece of paper every time.  Best possible outcome, an Armed Citizen halted the attack and held Mr.Danismen until the Po-Po could arrive. He can be tough dude wife beater in the slam. Thanks once again for the links, Gun Bunny.

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Oh shit! A poly framed 1911?!
QUICK! Hide that article before Gun Bunny sees it and goes into seizures! Maybe even rants. Or conniptions. I fear for his health.
A furrin company abominated the sacred design of St JMB (HBHN). How dare they! (to quote another furriner)
But seriously, I noticed that the company had to reinforce the poly frame at several places. This will be an interesting long-term experiment to see how well that frame will hold up to 10s of thousands of rounds shot through it……for someone else to try.

Last edited 2 years ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

You know me too well, Tox. It was only because of the shortness of breath and heart irregularities sapping me strength that kept the lap top from sailing across the room. Good thing that Mz Home Health Care Thang was here to fetch my Formerly New in Box Kimber 1911 Model Custom LW to use as smelling salts. HMS JMB (HBHN) weeps.

“…less than lethal…” Popo musta been toting some sort of plasticized abomination.

Guess that the next picture of Mr. Danisment we see will be as featured in Prison Bride Weekly. Too bad the armed citizen didn’t go ahead and deliver a TPS.

It is also too bad that a former “Constitutional Scholar”, that was (s)elected as President of these States United didn’t understand the Constitution. Hasn’t been a shortage of TP in the grubermint offices cause they had so many copies of the Constitution around to use.

Almost all larger caliber poly guns have metal at key points like slide rails. May be cuz it’s Monday, I can’t think of any that don’t

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Once again……knife…….gun. At least this one has survived long enough to possibly learn his lesson.
Long term survival odds? Waiting to be seen.


Just a SWAG, but maybe a little meth involved?

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Meth? Maybe, but definitely FUBAR.

Whiz Wheel®™ spins up a score of 36×7= 252 on this “individual”.


Not a bad pice for a 1911…I guess if all the plastic doesn’t work out you can just put it on a real frame. I wonder what the weight savings is compared to an aluminum?

Seems like a lot of extra crap to reinforce the polymer…maybe they should choose a different polymer!

Old tanker

There have been several poly framed 1911’s and 2011’s. Stacato (formerly STI) has some of them as well IIRC. Having owned a Para Ordinance P16 (double stack 40) I like the idea of more than 7 to 10 rds in the 1911 in either 45 or 9mm. Unfortunately the 2011’s tend to be kinda pricey.

Last edited 2 years ago by Old tanker
Amateur Historian

“…spurring him to intervene by pulling out his firearm on Danisment and causing him to stop the attack.”

I would’ve just shot the guy.


A plastic frame 1911? Is nothing sacred anymore? The sainted John Moses Browning is spinning in his grave over the sacrilege! May the fleas from a thousand camels infest the armpits of the EAA designers of this monstrosity!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Danishment, which rhymes with “banishment”, which equals “prison time”.


Here is a slightly off-topic feel good strory. Michael Avenatti, the Creepy Porn Lawer, was just sentenced to 14 years in the federal pound (PITA-prison) for embezzling $11 million from four of his clients and for evading income taxes. This is in addition to about six years he is now serving on his other two convictions (Nike extortion attempt and Stormy Daniels embezzlement). I predicted he would spend about 20 years in the slammer for his crimes. So was it written, so shall it be.


Well, Michael “All of my sexual fantasies involve handcuffs” Avenatti.


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