Protest some more, Code Pink

| March 13, 2008

Despite Code Pink’s best efforts to hinder recruiters, all of the services’ recruiters are reporting that they’ve met or exceeded recruiting goals for February, according to Some Soldier’s Mom.

Yeah, well, I’d rather go somewhere and get shot at than wake up to this every morning, too.



Or read garbage like this in my local newspaper (h/t Little Green Footballs);

Many who oppose the Bush regime wars also say they “support the troops.” Let me say it straight out—I do not support the troops and neither should you. It is objectively impossible to support the troops of the imperialist military forces of the U.S. and at the same time oppose the wars in which they fight.

The United States has over 700 military bases or sites located in over 130 foreign countries. The hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in these countries are not there to preserve or foster freedom and democracy as the Bush regime would like to claim, but to maintain U.S. imperialist domination of the world.

What self-respecting American wouldn’t enlist to offset the garbage that passes for American Political Thought these days?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Support the troops

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“Yeah, well, I’d rather go somewhere and get shot at than wake up to this every morning, too”.

Great line John especially with those pictures.

If you think back into Code Pink’s history, they have actually lost every cause that they’ve fought for. The only victory they had was with the Mayor and City Council of Berkeley.

Now, what kind of victory was that really??? It was a inside job at Berkeley.

Berkeley felt that way “BEFORE” Code Pink showed up, like way back in 1968 Berkeley was Anti-War. Code Pink just shows up 40 years later, and Claims a Victory over Berkeley??

Yeah Right!!!


[…] First, go here. […]


Was that a Mu-Mu? Wow! Nice post!