So what?

| March 13, 2008

OK, Spitzer’s gone (on Monday) – that’s all we needed was to get rid of the hypocrit and now we can move on. Well, apparently not. Now that our bloodhound media has discovered pictures, websites and My Space links (provided by bloggers, I’m sure) we’re bombarded on every website, every print media, every news program with this girl’s picture. Why?

On top of that, Tuesday we were treated to “expert” guests in legitimate news media like Heidi Fleiss who does an interview with Newsweek and Fox News. Newsweek for pete’s sake!

The local Fox station here in DC interviewed the “DC Madam” you can see the worthless interview here with the lead in; “The “DC Madam” Deborah Palfrey weighed in, spilling the insider secrets in a Fox 5 Exclusive. Fox 5’s Tom Fitzgerald has details.” So?

Was she in the room with Spitzer and this slut (yes, dear, you’re a slut – you may feel like a star right now – but you’re a slut, just like Heidi Fleiss and Deborah Palfrey)? What possible information could she have that sheds light on the case? Why are we subjected to this regurgitation of old news – and recycling of old (skanky) newsmakers? Because Drudge told us it’s important? How dare the media try to act like bloggers?

I saw her picture yesterday – although she’s a comely lass, she ain’t worth $4300 and a governorship (and possibly a marriage and fatherhood). I don’t think I’d pay $50 for four hours and give up my job for her.

The only interest I had in the whole dust up was that we wipe that smarmy smile off of Spitzer’s mug. Having accomplished that, I think we’re done here.

Category: Bloggers, Media, Pointless blather, Politics, Society

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heh, I like Atrios’ take, reflective of most of the leftwingnuts, that everyone is just obsessed with the SEXXXX. The moral, I guess, is commit whatever crimes you like, but link it to sex somehow, so you can accuse anyone who criticizes you of being obsessed with the sex. That’s the Clinton way: “if they say its not about the sex, its about the sex”.

Investigate my illegal bank transfers, abrogation of my duty as the state’s highest law officer, my selectively prosecuting prostitutes based on my personal perversions, transport girls across state lines for immoral purposes, patronize brothels run by Mafiosos, leaving myself open to blackmail and extortion, compromising my integrity and ability to prosecute them on other crimes, break my marriage vows and cheat on my wife (having unsafe ANAL sex, exposing her to disease and even death), lying to my security detail so that they cannot properly do their job, leaving them open to disgrace and ruin if something happens to me on their watch after I’ve lied to them about my whereabouts, misusing campaign funds, taking undeclared favors, discounts and gratuities that leave me open to charges of favoritism and malfeasance: oh you are just obsessed with the fact I’m having SEXX!!11

Sex, I might add, that was so disgusting, unnatural, dangerous and depraved that a professional hooker refused him.

I think we can safely assume that the Democrat party apparatchiks who call themselves “progressives” are, in fact, progressively deviant, and so obsessed with their unnatural, psychotic, deranged and dangerous perversions that even the very harlots they employ to fulfill their sick, twisted fantasies shrink away in disgust and horror at the depravity of the acts of Democrat politicians.

I don’t think I’m wrong in assuming that, based on the facts, and using Atrios’ logic.