Chutzpah in Gaza

| March 12, 2008

Just seeing the title of this Associated Press article made me giggle;

Hamas sets terms for Israel cease-fire

Since when does the armed force that’s getting it’s ass handed to it get to set terms of a ceasefire? Here’s some terms for you, Hamas; stop killing Israelis and they’ll stop killing you. But that’s not possible is it?

Gaza’s Hamas prime minister publicly set his conditions Wednesday for a cease-fire with Israel to end the fighting that has killed dozens in recent weeks.

Ismail Haniyeh demanded an end to Israeli military activity in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, a lifting of Israeli economic sanctions and the opening of Gaza’s borders, which have been sealed since the Islamic militant group seized control of the territory last June.

“We are talking about a mutual, comprehensive calm, which means that the enemy must fulfill its obligations,” Haniyeh said in a speech at Gaza’s Islamic University. “The Israelis must stop the aggression … including assassinations and invasions, end the sanctions and open the borders.”

Yeah, open the borders so those guys with the heavy coats in the 90-degree heat can cross over and start blowing up more Jews on buses. And what are you giving return? Another empty promise? Oh, that’s right, Hamas sets the rules while it’s getting it’s ass kicked – the whole rest of the world has to bow down to the thugs.

Haniyeh used the word “tahdia” to describe the informal cease-fire he sought. He did not use another Arabic term, “hudna,” because it would imply recognition of Israel’s right to retaliate for attacks, Hamas officials said. Both terms denote a temporary cease-fire rather than a permanent peace.

Hamas does not recognize Israel’s right to exist and is sworn to its destruction.

Every time Hamas attacks Israel, the Israelis retaliate and kill more Palestinians. You’d think after awhile Hamas would learn. Well, when I say “you’d think”, I’m assuming that the reader is a rational person living in a 21st Century culture that respects peace, life and liberty.

Category: Foreign Policy, Terror War

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Yeah, this is classic. Just as the guard with two legs and two arms severed in the scene in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” continues to dictate orders to the victorious knight, Hamas lies bloodied and bruised after a fight it started ranting pathetically about a “…mutual and comprehensive calm…” while explaining Israel’s “…obligations.”

How futile and embarrassing. And it couldn’t please me further — unless they were completely wiped out.