Who are the racists in PW County?

| March 12, 2008

Just when you thought you’d seen the worst that evil conservatives can do to the least of us, they do something new and something more evil. Now, they’ve almost destroyed soccer in Prince William County, Virginia…well, according to the page one story of the Washington Post;

When Northern Virginia’s Latino soccer leagues kick off the 2008 season early next month, fans of Honduras de Manassas will have to travel outside their base in Prince William County to see their team score goals. So will supporters used to watching Juventus Sure¿o crush the competition in Woodbridge. Devotees of longtime Manassas powerhouse Fiorentina will need to switch allegiance. Their team is sitting out this season.

As Prince William proceeds with its crackdown on illegal immigrants, one result is a shake-up and shrinking of the area’s entrenched Hispanic soccer leagues. The reason is simple, organizers say: Players and fans, among them many illegal immigrants, are so worried about being detained by authorities en route to or at games that they are avoiding local fields. Legal immigrants are also wary, for themselves or their illegal relatives, organizers say.

Honduras of Virginia? That doesn’t indicate to me that there’s much assimilation going on, or that people who benefit from our economic and political situation are grateful that they’re here. Legal residents have nothing to fear, do they? Can anyone name even ONE legal immigrant who has been mistakenly deported by US immigration officers? Cheech Marin in the movie “Born in East LA” doesn’t count.

Officials have said the policy is not meant to intimidate but to remove illegal immigrants, particularly those who commit crimes. The imperiled leagues draw little sympathy from backers of the county’s enforcement program.

“I would hope that the soccer leagues didn’t depend on illegal aliens to make them viable,” said Greg Letiecq, president of Help Save Manassas, an anti-illegal-immigration group. “It just doesn’t seem like a valid reason for overturning the rule-of-law resolution: because without the illegal aliens, the soccer clubs will all fall apart.”

Indeed. The illegal aliens are here ILLEGALLY (hence the label), they’ve already committed crimes and until recently there’s been no repercussions for that illicit behavior. Me, personally, since I’m married to a LEGAL resident of hispanic origin, stepfather to another LEGAL resident, and step-grandfather to yet another LEGAL resident, I enjoy the abundance of Latins in the area.

I like to immerse myself in the Latin culture from time-to-time. My barber, a legal immigrant from Paraguay, have long passionate discussions in Spanish about US politics in relation to Latin America. There’s a lot of tropical foods and pastries I enjoy.

Learning Spanish in barrooms and discos has helped me learn and use my own language better. I’ve never spent a day in a Spanish class although I have two years of college credit in Spanish and the Army designated me a Latin American and Castillian Spanish interpreter.

But I don’t like lawbreakers. People who break one law are forced to break more laws to cover up their disregard for the first – and it becomes easier every time. Sooner or later, there grows an entire lawless underground culture – the tentacled arms of Mara Salvatrucha (MS13) proves that.

To try to allay fears, league owners have hosted team meetings at which police have explained the county’s policy, which took effect last week and requires officers to check the immigration status of crime suspects who they think might be in the country illegally. There are to be no immigration checkpoints, racial profiling or sidelines raids, the teams were told. The meetings have had little impact, league owners said.

Well, that’s because the Left and groups like La Raza have turned the illegal immigration discussion into something racial and use that to spread fear – and increase their membership and donations. Trying to assimilate Latins into American culture has been met with charges of racism from the entities that have the most to gain from an ignorant and frightened community of Latins – the racist groups like La Raza and the American Spanish language media.

Latins in the United States are being victimized and stigmatized by their own people – the illegals who’ve created the whole problem and the race-baiters who perpetuate the illusion of American racism. Instead of blaming the American nativists for the collapse of their soccer league, Latins in Prince William County should be pointing at the real villains here.

Category: Illegal Immigrants, Legal, Society

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