Thursday FGS

| October 27, 2022

Glock 17 30th Anniversary Edition

Man bursts into flames after being tasered during arrest in Arkansas

Abe Asher
A man in Arkansas was reportedly hospitalised after a taser sparked a can of gasoline in his backpack and set it alight.

Christopher Gaylor, 38, was reportedly told to pull over by an Arkansas state trooper for not having a licence plate on his motorcycle in the early morning hours of October 13 in the state capital of Little Rock.

But Mr Gaylor allegedly declined to pull over, and instead sped away from the officer at speeds approaching 100 miles per hour. Police pursued him, eventually catching up to him. KHBS in Fort Smith reported that Mr Gaylor then jumped off his motorcycle and attempted to continue his flight on foot, when an officer tasered him.

That led to an explosion, reportedly caused by the contact between the taser and the gasoline in his backpack.

0 / sqrt(-1) / 0

The video you’ve all been waiting for. I grew up riding motorcycles, and wasn’t always completely law abiding about it. This kid has zero real riding skills and is lucky to receive a vivid learning experience, instead of a pine box.

Man armed with butcher knife found shot after attempted break-in Pennsylvania cops say

Alison Cutler
A man armed with a butcher knife was found shot…

0 / 1 / 0

We’ve seen this movie before. Thanks again for the links. Gun Bunny.

Now from our very own Poetrooper,

Joe Biden Pushing to Limit Gun Owners to ‘Eight Bullets in a Round’

AWR Hawkins
President Joe Biden told NowThis News during a Sunday interview that he is pushing to limit gun owners to having no more than “eight bullets in a round.”

Natalie Barden, whose brother was killed in the December 14, 2012, Sandy Hook Elementary School attack, urged Biden to “address ‘high capacity’ magazines”…

No Score

Is Shotgun Joe recommending flechette rounds? Interesting.

Soldier, airman rescue elderly couple from house fire

by: Richard Everett
FORT RUCKER, AL (WDHN)— Two military men had an unexpected encounter after coming across a house fire in Bonifay and experiencing what one says was “probably the bravest thing I’ve ever seen.”

On, Oct. 9, U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer 5 Nigel P. Huebscher from Fort Rucker and his family were traveling north of Bonifay when they noticed flames on the porch area and going up the side of the house. They pulled their vehicle into the driveway of the home and Huebscher’s wife, Devi, called the local police immediately.

Looking around the scene, Huebscher saw the gate to the property was locked and had fence rows surrounding it. Huebscher jumped the gate and ran to the house, seeing a large pile of rags burning on the wooden porch with a gas can nearby. He grabbed the gas can and threw it away from the house.

An elderly woman met Huebscher at the door of the house, and he asked if anyone else was in the home. The woman seemed confused, mumbled a response, and tried to go back inside the home. Huebscher led the woman down the stairs of the porch and away from the house, and then entered the home, where he found an elderly man sleeping.

Huebscher woke the man and repeatedly told him the house was on fire. The elderly man eventually got up from the bed and was led to the door by Huebscher. By this time, the smoke has grown thick and the outside of the home was engulfed in flames. While trying to exit, flames came across the open doorway, and the elderly man turned and started to go back into the bedroom.

Around this time, Florida Air National Guard Major Bradley J. Vaughn and his family had also arrived on the scene and saw that the elderly woman needed help.

2 Saved
My Fox 8

BZ Army! Thanks Poe.

“Honor is simply the morality of superior men.” —H.L. Mencken

Category: Army, Bravo Zulu, Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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The Taser lit that perp up…Literally! I don’t think that Something’s burning is Love. (apologies to KR & The FIRST Edition)

Knife/gunfight… *sigh*

“…recommending flechette rounds?” Be still my beating heart.

BZ (GO) Army! And being as this Hero is a WO5 from Fort Rucker, I’ll go out on a limb and say that he is (GO) ARMY Aviation. Suck it, Zoomies!

Morals are in short supply these days…as is Honor.

Gonna relieve your frustrations by poking at us with articles on plasticized abominations, again, huh? Got it.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande



There is a video out there of a drunk covering himself with hand sanitizer and then getting the zap. He died after a month in ICU.


Yeah, our beloved squid is poking us again.

But when my brother-in-law, who works for Glock, got effusive when he shot my P220, I knew that the plastic abomination would not bother me to see.

gabn – even in firearms selection. 😄


I was going to say ‘never bring a gas can to a TASER fight ‘ but it’s probably already done.


When I first saw the video, I noticed his [lack of] skills on that crotch rocket. He did (barely) keep it up when he had a tail-wobble, though.
And, evidently, this is not his first time behind bars…

MI Ranger

Mr Gaylor is lucky that he actually was obeying the law and wearing protective gear…if not his makeshift stuntman attempt would have been much more tragic…lucky the deputies carry fire extinguishers

Last edited 1 year ago by MI Ranger

Scooter boy indeed doesn’t know how to ride. If he did the police wouldn’t have caught him. But at least he remembers to stop drop and roll when things got heated, that might have saved his life.

Gun banners going to ban. He’s almost like a drooling zombie now; “baaannnnn thees gunz…. gunz bad…. bannnn deezzz bulllllitsss…. ate buuuuullits in aroundddd”


8 Bullets makes Oregon’s ballot measure look reasonable. They want to turn the state into the crime free utopia of DC.

RGR 4-78

They would also be subject to a fee of up to $65, need to pass a criminal background check and need to be determined by a permit agent to not pose a danger to themselves or others based on their mental state or past behavior.”

How easy it will be to deem honest, law-abiding citizens mentally unfit.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Soviet era style psychiatric exams.
“We WILL find you mentally ill!”


comment image


Somewhat OT, but… Modern generation discovers what World War II-type war is like (nasty, casualty-intensive and much more balanced than COIN):


P.S. I tell the younger generation it won’t be a “battlefield cross” ceremony once a quarter or so because a (one) guy got killed on patrol. That’s how you mark your dead (25% of your platoon; 9 guys) so Graves Registration can find them because you’re moving up (you’ll get your replacements there). No time.

RGR 4-78

NYC has always teetered on the edge of anarchy, without proper LEO support it is sliding slowly off the edge of sanity.

Most large Blue metro areas have this problem.


Thanks, Democrats!!

Daisy Cutter

Build a man a campfire and you keep him warm for the night.
But set a man on fire and you keep him warm for the rest of his life.

Steve 1371

There are a lot of good videos on YouTube of pursuits by the Arkansas State Police. Lots of tire spikes and high speed pits. Also a lot of rapid depreciation of fast cars.
Check out Byrd can fly. Officer Byrd has so much damage to the front end of his patrol car it is hard to tell one Pitt from the other.

John Seabee

Melody playing in the background…

light my fire.jpg
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Was just thinking of posting that. Thx.