Dayton to shut down “shot-spotter” system $600K later
Told ya – I get to pick and I like brunettes. So there. And yes, there IS a gun there – you just missed it.
Dayton, Ohio implemented Shot Spotter, the gunshot-reporting/locating system, to great fanfare in 2019. They claim it has been such a spectacular success that they are – shutting it down.
It has led to arrests in 74 incidents.
Commissioner Darryl Fairchild told Mamie that the data doesn’t justify claims that the technology has helped solve crimes.
“I’d certainly be open. If there is data that shows that, to rethinking this,” said Commissioner Fairchild.
The City of Dayton says the ShotSpotter has led to a 55% reduction in all crime categories, compared to 37% without it. WKEF Dayton
So it helped reduce crime 18% more than it was already going down? Right. Good reason to dump it.
And yet, just two years later, Mayor Whaley’s Dayton is shuttering the program, having now spent more than $615,000 total (not to mention the time and money spent to send officers on calls which only led to arrests 2% of the time). Whaley’s system has produced just 74 arrests, adding up to a cost of $8,310 per arrest. (Numbers of how many of that 74 who were actually convicted were not provided in the article.) Buckeye Firearms
So since 2019 it has aided in less than 75 arrests, cost over $600,000, and is so successful it is getting terminated. But hey, the politicians DID something, right?
Oh, for you Ohio folks – it was brought in by Nan Whaley, currently running for Governor of your fair state. Might make note of that come Voting Day.
Category: 2022 Elections, Guns, Politics
Oh, no. I didn’t miss the rifle. It’s covering up one of her sweater puppy assets.
And at night, lights out, horizontal, snuggling, who can see/cares about hair color?
“All cats are gray in the dark”
The was a rifle?
I’m reminded of New York’s and Maryland’s flawed and failed “spent shell casing” software, which cost taxpayers millions and did precisely dick. They, too, were both shitcanned.
These morons never learn.
Hey, let’s use “gunshots” as probable cause to raid nearby gun owners’ owners houses and confiscate their guns for being bad! Those drug dealers and gangbangers? Naw, that’d be “racist” to bust them. Good thing we have registration! (You know how left/libtard bureaucrats and policians are.)
Chicago seems to like the system! Maybe they are just using it wrong?
It is a series of cameras and microphones positioned, usally on light posts, that run through a computer algorithm. When a shot is heard the computer triangulates the location of the shooter based on each microphone detecting the sound. The computer then sees if it has a camera in the area to ID the shooter. Then a patrol is sent to pick up the individual(s).
Wonder what they are doing wrong? Did they put it in the suburbs? Or space the microphones and cameras out too far?
Still so many they can’t tell who did it.
Trilaterates, not triangulates. Same as GPS.
Just sayin’ 🙂
I had a joke about the hypotenuse of a triangle…I’m only able to tell one side of the story, though.
If they really wanted to stop the shootings, why not just put up a sine?
600K? phfftt! Chicken feed $. Not enough polis paid off? The Little Big Town up the road from me spent $2 mil to cover 7 sq miles out of a 255 sq mile area. 6 arrests, so far, and 0 convictions.
This posting did tweak my curious bone so I did a quick Google Foo dive. Looks like the data on the effectiveness of this system from the Company is as fake as those sweater puppies Ms Thang has. And she is prolly as expensive as the system is. She a Rep for Shotspotter? Uses them Store Bought Blouse Bunnies to distract or as an example of fakery? I like brunettes OK, but give me a Ginger or a Raven Haired Beauty…with real boobs.
98% of the detained perps shared one trait, no doubt, deeming the technical solution unacceptable.
If only the crime reduction measures were as effective as David’s choice of photos….