Boomer’s Sunday
It’s time once again, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, for Boomer’s Sunday, where I sort through the weekly offering of ‘toons and pick the best. Toons are provided mostly by Boomer and AW1 Scott, with many others contributing.
Disclaimer: These toons are meant to amuse, entertain and inform, pretty much in that order. While I cull what I can, they are not specifically fact-checked, so expect a certain amount of artistic license.
Work gloves and Father’s Day cards too. Weird.
Feel the Bern.
Category: Guest Post, Humor, Satire, Schadenfreude
She was in the Gun Cave at Cabalas, should I buy her?
Yes, though having worked at Cabelas you can probably talk them down about 20%. 🙂
You missed the run on F-15’s and now considering the leftovers, huh? It’s your money. Those greenbacks will have less purchasing power in three months. I say but it!
So last week.
Wow! What a selection today and good Sunday morning TAH!
Just wanted to stop by early and apologize for my general lack of participation of late. I’m about a week behind on reading, but I did note two of my all time favorite deplorables have been arguing adorably for attentions and affections.
Going to be all feminely-like and say I can’t make up my mind and pick. So, here’s a blush and a grin and a warmed heart to both KoB and Chip.
Aw1Ed gets a most honorable mention, too, for the Sunday morning laugh and jus reasons.
To all and sundry TAHer’s, all of you of both (nope, not going to say all) genders, you make this my favorite place to be on this interwebzie-thing.
Welcome Home, Dear Lady, you have been missed. Chippy can’t even strike the match to light the candle to compare to the Blue Flamed Torch that The Gun Bunny totes. And not only do I cook, there’s a Waffle House right up the road. A musical interlude posted below, just as an expression.
And the our Beloved AW1 Ed for his assemblage of the ‘toons? Ya done good, Kid Squid (ht 2 Ol’ Poe)! Too bad (BEAT) Navy can’t assemble such a group of winners.
Serenaded on a Sunday. Oh my, here’s a blush just for you KoB
Well while you’re handing out the hugs to these dubious dickweeds, young lady, how about one for ol’ Poe, who first came up with the concept of a regular weekly treat of Boomer’s funnies?
Besides, Poe’s a much more charming and sophisticated target for your affections than your aforementioned Moe, Larry and Curly of TAH… 😜
All kudos to the source of the concept, and my – and I’m sure all of TAH’s – eternal gratitude and affection.
I would admit to sapiosexuality except for the fact this recently invented, otherwise great word, has been made weird by those claiming it is a separate definition of sexual/gender identity.
To quote Kid Squid but in a different context:
Sigh… 😜
Smart move, OAM. 😉
Great job as always! To all who make it possible, thanks!
The how to move money — Ukraine it is great with the pic of the crane.
I grew up in Wyoming watching stupid tourists. I can testify that the Woody Harrelson meme is absolutely true. It also applies to elk, moose, and those cuddly little bears.
When we lived on NM, had a Californian neighbor who almost had to be forcibly dissuaded from petting those adorable bear cubs while Mama was ransacking the dumpster.
Just possible nuclear war, no big…
“North Carolina Judge Throws man In Jail For 24 Hours For Not Wearing Nask In Court”
“Judge Charles Gilchrist of the North Carolina Superior Court found Gregory Hahn, 42, guilty of contempt of court for not following Gilchrist’s mask mandate. The judge is the only one within the courthouse that requires a mask, according to Clerk of Superior Court Renee Whittenton.”
“You can go in any district courtroom without a mask, you can come into superior clerk court without a mask and the [district attorney’s] office without a mask, but with Judge Gilchrist he has a mandate that you must wear a mask,” Whittenton said.”
“The irony of all this is the judge was talking to me without a mask,” Hahn said in a television interview. “If safety was such a concern, I go to jail, no mask requirements with inmates.:
Gilchrist is a liberal pinhead. Must have worn the wrong panties to court that day.
Correct. Nothing worse than an arrogant judge who thinks he is some minor god. They develop these attitudes when they are still effing lawers.
Mask of Obedience, comrade!

Speaking of the Clinton Crime Family and their illegal radiological material sales…
And that Heinlein advice is too sage.
(I’ll keep it under consideration tho)
Memes brought to us by John Cordisco on the youtubes.
I’ve said for a long time that Margaret Sanger was easily the biggest bitch of the 20th century.
my co-workers gonna be howling with laughter…thanks for making my monday!
There was this election, and suddenly just like that, Democrats supported
The vulture pic had me stumped.