The plot against Obama
The Washington Times‘ Nicholas Kralev writes this morning that “Clinton goes goes off-script, ‘clarifications follow'” – basically, he compares HRC’s gaffes to Joe Biden’s;
Compared with Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the former first lady and senator from New York has committed only minor diplomatic gaffes. Still, twice during her trip to Asia last month, Mrs. Clinton made comments in which the accuracy was questioned by specialists and later had to be “clarified” by the State Department.
But some folks on the Left see much more nefarious reasons for Clinton and Biden’s missteps in policy – they think that the two are in cahoots to bring down the Obama Presidency;
Take Joe Biden. Three weeks ago he gave Israel the green light to bomb Iran, only to be swiftly corrected by his boss. At the time it seemed yet another,somewhat comical mile marker in a lifetime of gaffes, perpetrated in the cause of self-promotion and personal political advantage.
But Biden’s subsequent activities invite a darker construction. In the immediate aftermath of Obama’s Moscow visit, the air still soft with honeyed words about a new era of trust and cooperation, Biden headed for Ukraine and Georgia, harshly ridiculing Russia as an economic basket case with no future. In Tbilisi he told the Georgian parliament that the U.S. would continue helping Georgia “to modernize” its military and that Washington “fully supports” Georgia’s aspiration to join NATO and would help Tbilisi meet the alliance’s standards. This elicited a furious reaction from Moscow, pledging sanctions against any power rearming Georgia.
On the heels of Biden’s shameless pandering in Tbilisi, Secretary of State Clinton took herself off to Thailand for an international confab with Asian leaders and let drop to a tv chat show that “a nuclear Iran could be contained by a U.S. ‘defense umbrella,’” actually a nuclear defense umbrella for Israel and for Egypt and Saudi Arabia too.
The Israel lobby has been promoting the idea of a US “nuclear umbrella” for some years, with one of its leading exponents being Dennis Ross, now in charge of Middle Eastern policy at Obama’s National Security Council. In her campaign last year Clinton flourished the notion as an example of the sort of policy initiative that set her apart from that novice in foreign affairs, Barack Obama.
Of course, the Left is always counting up sides for the anti-Israel crowd, and they’re making excuses for their fella, Obama, who apparently has the most inept foreign policy team in the history of the US since no one can really tell what our foreign policy is anymore.
For example, what is our policy in regards to human rights? In Honduras we seem to want to return a president to power after he was found in violation of their Constitution. But on the other hand, we have Venezuela supplying weapons to Colombian terrorists while shutting down private dissent against a repressive regime by closing radio stations.
In Iran, show trials are being held to prosecute people whose only crime seems to be dissent against another repressive regime. While three errant American hikers are being held in Iran. Shades of Jimmy Carter, eh?
Oh, and look – we seem to moving dangerous terrorists currently being held in Guantanamo to our heartland…just because the world is telling us to do it. For no good reason.
If there’s a plot against Obama’s foreign policy, it’s his own fault. he’s more interested in making our economy into a third world cesspool to be paying attention to our place in the world. Apparently, Obama can’t do domestic policy and chew gum at the same time.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy
Chew gum and do domestic policy? He can’t walk and breathe without screwing something up. He’s for human rights, except when he’s against human rights, and our friends will be our friends, unless they happen to be our enemies, then they’ll be our…, uh, never mind. Confused? So is Obie, and he’s supposed to be in charge.
Sounds like they’re preparing for failure and deciding who to blame in advance of his reelection run.
Joe Biden: The “Wile E. Coyote” of politics.
Joey Plugs and Shrill Hill conspiring to take down the Bamster? It’s hard for me to ascribe intelligent planning to those two when simple incompetence provides the same explanation!
I think Wash Times is a bit too hard on Hillary, who is a shining star compared to the rest of the Obummer administration. But what good is foreign policy when your country is collapsing from within.
Occam’s razor: The simplist explanation is the most likely; Biden, Shrillery, et al, are bumbling incompetant fools who can’t string two coherent sentences together.
That’s what will bring Obeyme down; that is the plot that he has set in motion against his own self; that he has put into positions of power and authority, stupid people who couldn’t get hired at McD…, I mean, any fast food place if they weren’t already elected into Kongress.