
| August 3, 2009

From the Washington Times on the President and the GI Bill;

Before a crowd of roughly 350 people, Mr. Obama recalled how President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the original GI Bill in 1944, which led to an education for 8 million service members, including the president’s grandfather who helped raise him.

“I wouldn’t be standing here today if it was not for the GI Bill,” he said, while flanked by Virginia Sen. Jim Webb and retired Sen. John Warner, who worked on the legislation. “By 1947, half of the people enrolled in college were veterans.”

I don’t understand. Can someone explain that to me?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Um, I think he meant to say that if it wasn’t for his Granddaddy…right…

Was the TOTUS not working?


Sure Jonn; I’ll ‘splain it for you:

Barry “the narcissist” has to show us his legendary recall of history, as he has done countless times already. Not that the GI Bill was even produced while FDR was alive, I think we should give PBO a pass on this, cuz he tells the story so well and they didn’t teach American History in Indonesia.

Does he NOT know that he’s in front of the camera now and everything he spouts is subject to being researched and refuted?


I stand corrected: FDR did sign the original GI Bill.

As for the thoughts on his Grandaddy; I don’t know what he meant by that?

Maybe the education of his grandpa was instrumental in his momma gettin jiggy wit it with a college student from Kenya?


One more thought, well more like a question: Did he mention that Pres. Bush signed this almost 2 years ago? If not; why? Also; why is he up there with Webb and Warner, but didn’t invite the man who signed it?


I think what you’re all trying to say here is that Barry needed something here to connect to the common man, so he basically ginned something up that was partially true and virtually unverifiable, yet sounded folksy…all he was missing was a quartet in the background gently singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic.


His grandad didn’t have to work a second job, and then get all Al Bundy on Gramma and say “Not tonight Peg….”

Michael in MI

“Why couldn’t he leave it at that instead of somehow injecting himself into it?”

I think you have it backwards, Jonn. You have to keep in mind that every press conference, every townhall, every speech like this is all about him. What he injects into these narcissistic speeches is not himself, but irrelevent stuff like talking abou the troops and the GI Bill. Those are just side issues he injects into speeches about himself.

When you think of it that way, this all makes sense. Instead of asking yourself why Obama injects himself into speeches about topics on which he has no personal experience, you need to ask yourself why Obama injects topics on which he has no personal experience into speeches about himself.


Jonn, EVERYTHING has to do with the glorious birth of the Messiah 0bama! Everything that has come to pass was only there because the ‘O’ was coming. We’re the one we’ve all been waiting for (or something to that effect).


Old Trooper,

I wouldn’t have mentioned Bush if I was him. Bush, McCain and Lindsay Graham were the most vocal opponents of the bill before the Senate pushed it through with a veto-proof majority. Only then did they grudgingly accept, and later champion, the new GI Bill.


Also, Webb made a new GI Bill his legislative priority since he took office. It was his baby for nearly three years. It’s only right he was there with Warner (another big supporter and one of few prominent Republicans in the Senate to help the bill along).

Army Sergeant

Yeah. Bush lost my last iota of respect (not that he had much) when he had the colossal gall to oppose veteran education because people might actually use it. Way to admit that our so-called education benefits before were worthless and not worth anyone actually using, there, guy!


Way to admit that our so-called education benefits before were worthless and not worth anyone actually using, there, guy!

Yeah…almost as bad as this quote: “You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

The moral of the story, kids? Be smart, marry rich, don’t join the service (unless it’s to set yourself up for a political run at a later date) and don’t let Teddy Kennedy drive you home after a party.


Well, Alex and AS, excuse me if I don’t share your opinion of Pres. Bush concerning the GI Bill. Does anyone have a quote for why he opposed it, along with other republicans? As with any legislation, there might have been something within it that would give pause. While Bush wasn’t the greatest President, nor the worst, he didn’t turn his back on the troops. Now, what is ironic is that Pres. Obama is up there mugging for the cameras and he had little to do with the bill to begin with, plus he has attempted to crap on the Vets several times since he took office.

I don’t recall Bush shying away from wounded troops in Germany, because he couldn’t bring his posse in with him for photo ops and then use the excuse that he was on a campaign swing (I know that Pbama thinks that Germany is one of the 57 states). I don’t remember Bush blowing off the Honors Inaugural Ball. I didn’t see Bush say that if you were uneducated and not articulate, you would end up in the military and Iraq (John F-ing Kerry). I didn’t see Bush think about making wounded Vets pay for their healthcare through third party insurance. There was never a security memo published that generalized Vets as possibly being security threats. I didn’t see Bush vote for something before being against it in funding the troops.

Who would/did I trust more as a Vet? I’ll give you a hint; it ain’t Obama.