Yes, birthers are mainstream
SeanM at DoublePlusUndead found this wonderful video. The explanation from YouTube member Pursuit of Liberty;
This is the song “We are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting for Obama” backwards. Amago means” I threaten” in Spanish. El amago means “threat. Apparently there are other messages backwards in this song in various languages. If you can translate what they are saying feel free to comment. I used free software called audacity to record the song and to play it backwards. In order to play the song backwards highlight the audio data then go under effects and then to reverse.
Have a ball. I’m laughing too hard to comment;
Category: General Whackos
Last night I had just enough beers to go back and check in at Little Green Footballs after not having been there in months. The great Lizard King and the Lizardoid Army (very few I recognize anymore) are pretty much in agreement……..conservatives are doomed because most of us believe in nirhterism….far more than they ever saw in 911 troofers, and they had a poll that showed that 48% of us are birthers.
Now when I left we were doomed because creationism was tearing apart the republican party…… but I guess now it’s nirtherism.
Old Tanker — Well, going by that logic (of LGF), the 9/11 Truth movement didn’t seem to hurt the Democrat Party at all. In fact, the more it picked up steam and the more the “Bush Lied!” meme picked up steam, the more power and credibility the Democrats gained. Hell, they even embraced openly Michael Moore and his Farenheit 9/11 movie (and the lies and distortions presented within it), with many of the Democrats going to the premier of his movie and bragging about how other Americans should go see it as it raises some interesting questions.
So, considering 9/11 Trutherism sunk Bush and brought in the rise of the liberal Democrat complete control of Washington and the Federal government, wouldn’t it be more logical for LGF to say that this “birther” stuff will do the same for the GOP?
Michael…..woo, hoo, majority in 2010!!!!!!
the video is crap, the celebs are mindless. i cut the song off fearful of brainwashing. there is something to this
but then i thought anyone who supported obama was brainwashed to begin with. why cant i as a us citizen though know the hospital where my president was born?
Jonn I know this isn’t the “place” for this comment but you don’t have a specific post about the google ads so…..
I clicked on one today – as I do EVERY time I come here. And this is what I got Started to buy the Michelle Obama inaugural ball doll for you but figured you already have it.
And if you listen real close about 2 minutes in, Oily Titz is saying she has the divorce documents proving Obama was born in Kenya. Oh, jeez, will these people NEVER stop?
At least the unemployed from Obamanomics are keeping busy. Keep your spirits us and pass the bottle!
I cannot believe that people have let it go this far. I mean I get election mud slinging poltics, but this is just dumb any way that you look at it . Also with trying to get people not to deply? That is just a crime.
With “friends” like these…
To Glenn Beck from Lt. Col Dr. David Earl- Graeff Dear Glenn, 30 July 2009 I will get right to the point. Either out of ignorance or with intent your recent comments on your television program are nothing less than a slap right across the face of each and every Soldier that serves and has ever served this great Country. How could you do this to us? You contend that you are supportive of the military and yet when it comes to an issue vitally important to us you scoffed, demeaned and ridiculed those of us who serve and are fighting to defend the Constitution. You placed us right along side Whoopi Goldberg who, to my knowledge, never served in the military a day in her life. You have insulted our intellect and integrity. Until now I had been a big supporter of you. Now I am left to question your very motives. Has money become your new God or was it simply a mistake on your part? Whatever the case is, I need and deserve an explanation and an apology for your actions. There is little more we military ask of our Country in return for our service other than to be respected and given the benefits we earn in peace and on the field of battle. Of paramount importance to me and most every American soldier is that we fulfill our duty with honor and that we are given lawful orders and not left to question or have cause for reservation. As we take our oath without reservation we should not be given reservation by those appointed above us. If we are to be sent into harms way, there should be no doubt whatsoever, we are being sent by someone who has the moral AND the legal authority to do this. This is an indisputable fact. The ONLY evidence that Barak Hussein Obama himself has been willing to produce to assure us he has that authority is an altered ( sanitized serial number ) COLB posted on HIS web site “fight the smears”. That is it and NOTHING… Read more »