World Can’t Wait protests NAACP
It seems that the World Can’t Wait and their attendant affiliates got angry at the NAACP “Diversity Career Fair” at their annual convention earlier this month. In the post-racial era, the Left decided that people of color shouldn’t be allowed the opportunity to serve their country and reap the benefits of the service. And who is surprised that Matthis Chiroux was on hand;
The demonstration was a follow up to a press conference held on Saturday July 11th, the opening day of the convention where Benjamin Jealous, CEO and President of the NAACP, was asked by a high school student and a military mother why military recruiters were invited to recruit, given that the NAACP had come out against the Iraq war. Benjamin Jealous refused to disinvite the Army Strong Recruitment Tour and said that the recruiters would not be recruiting.
At the press conference this afternoon Debra Sweet, representatives of the Ya Ya Youth Network, revolution youth, war resister Mathis Chiroux, and Barbara Harris all spoke very eloquently as to why the NAACP should not allow military recruiters into its convention. The main points driven home were that the wars/occupations decided to go inside the convention to see what the Army Strong Tour was doing. What we found was appalling. Over 60% over the Diversity Career Fair was military.
That’s horrible – unless you factor in that the military is the most color-blind facet of our society and has been for decades. In fact, one Black recruiter got a first hand look of the racist attitude of the writer of this piece;
The recruiter tried to defend recruitment by going into what the navy had done for her. My activist friend began to tell her she understood that this recruiter felt that the navy had done a lot for her but … This was when the conversation was cut short by another Black male recruiter approaching us and demanding to know what we were doing there. He demanded that we leave and that if we didn’t we would be escorted out. My friend asked why. We were told we were being loud and disruptive.
The Black female was obviously so stupid that she didn’t realize that the Navy had abused her somehow and it took a white loudmouthed Leftist to tell her how her life wasn’t really better.
All WCW and the others will accomplish is convince more impoverished Blacks to be left out of the economy. According to the Stars and Stripes this morning, the basic training stations are jam-packed with new recruits;
A sagging economy, declining casualty rate in Iraq and a resurgence in the U.S. military’s popularity appear to have contributed to a strong recruiting year, Army leaders said.
And the steady training schedule at Fort Jackson is likely to continue into next year as recruits find themselves on a waiting list to report for duty.
“Shipping dates are anywhere from six weeks to two to three months out,” said Sgt. 1st Class Jay Jenkins, who works at the Army’s downtown Columbia recruiting station.
So instead of helping minorities out their poverty, WCW and Matthis Chiroux are content to leave them mired in their unfortunate circumstances. Oh, and here’s a little bit about World Can’t Wait from Discover the Networks;
Founded in June 2005 by Charles Clark Kissinger, a longtime leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party, World Can’t Wait (WCW) is a direct action movement seeking to organize “people living in the United States to take responsibility to stop the whole disastrous course led by the Bush administration.”
I guess that’s where the money is, huh, Matthis? Did it suddenly dry up in Alabama?
Thanks to Navy Brat for the link.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck, Military issues, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects
Good ‘ol Matthis and his communist handlers. I think he would be an excellent choice to sit on the board of IVAW. Of course, the television commercial that WCW put out did have a lot of hollyweird actors in it, which shows that the HUAC didn’t get rid of all of them, or the ones left over were breeding like rabbits.
When is IVAW going to make it official; that they are now completely under the control of the commies? I know there are some that are decent people, however, they might be in the minority.
Jonn, you can drop the “leftist” moniker, when talking about someone in WCW as they are full blown commies.
A bit of background for you. My ex used to work for the job fair company which used to have (read: paid big bucks for) the “rights” to use the NAACP moniker/sponsorship in their diversity job fairs for about 10-12 years. PSI bought that right several years ago. To say that 60 percent of the companies/recruiters are military is a stretch to say the least. Having also been a military recruiter whose command actually attended these job fairs, you’ll get the services, police, fire, etc., but anywhere from 50-80 OTHER companies and organizations representing.
Oh, and the stories of political infighting in the NAACP between the national and regional organizations–incredible. I’m amazed they’ve lasted this long, frankly.
What in the hell does Matthis Chiroux, as far as life experiences go, have to share with the NAACP or any freakin’ organization for that matter???
A hitch in the Army, massive ammounts of cannabis smoked, some college & sponging off of girlfriends = a source of wisdom for the massses???
This is an issue that Kris Goldsmith raised in his resignation letter. These people are crossing a line in their “counter-recruitment” campaign by trying to force their point of view onto other people and throwing out military recruiters. I’ve always adhered to the idea that if the truth is on your side, that fact will prevail at the end of the day. Rather than try to set up their own table and give their side of the story, WCW and Matthis want to force out competing viewpoints so that theirs is the only one on the podium. This type of coercive and manipulative “activism” is a joke. It also betrays the intellectual bankruptcy of their position.
My how the mighty are falling. Matthis was barely a mention let alone the headline or a even a keynote speaker, or speaker at all. I wonder if he was able to do any effective “fundraising”. Probably not. There will be an entertaining last desperate grasp for the spotlight if the IVAW passes Matthis over for the board. Even loaded lefties get tired of parasites. We shall see.
Here is something of interest on this;
In a question and answer segment following the prepared remarks an anti-war protester who had written a letter to Benjamin Jealous before the event asked the NAACP CEO why he had invited Army recruiters to the convention.
Jealous told the activist that the NAACP had worked to desegregate the military and would have the traditional dinner to honor those who served.
“While we do oppose this war we are very proud of their service,” he said.
When pressed on the issue by a second activist, Jealous denied that the Army was intending to recruit youth attending the convention, saying that “these are your words, not ours.” He declined to comment further saying that he had already answered the question.
I thought these WCW nuts would have disappeared once Bush was gone, seems that they are just as wacked as ever.
Woah, just took a trip to their website. Pure Barking Moonbat. Of course, their whole mission statement has been a loser. Bush was never driven out of office, we are still in Afghanistan and Iraq, we are still spying on other countries, and, well, they have lost every battle. So sad, too bad.
Maybe if they got actual jobs.
“Maybe if they got actual jobs.” ROFLMAO! That bunch?
The world can always use more port-a-potty cleaners 🙂