Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene swatted a second time

| August 25, 2022

Marjorie Taylor Greene got swatted early in the morning. She initially was going to bring her gun with her, but her gut instinct told her to go to the door without the gun. The police had gone to her home prepared for the worst. For many people, this happens once. However, she got swatted again in the evening. The transgender activist responsible for the swatting has issues with Geene’s “Protect Children’s Innocence Act”.

From the Post Millennial:

A police report detailed the incident further. It stated that officers were dispatched “in reference to a male who had been shot 5 times in a bathtub. The call came in from a VA crisis line. As the details continued to be relayed, it was reported that the female was still in the residence and possibly had some children inside with her.”

It was on the way to the residence that the officers were informed that the home was that of Greene. “Due to the nature of the call, we formed up at the intersection of [redacted],” the report reads. “We then made the approach to the residence, still unsure of exactly what had transpired or what was still in progress. We made a tactical approach to the residence and began ringing the doorbell.”

“After several minutes we were met at the door by the victim. We informed her of the reason for us being there, and she assured us there was no issue. She stated that she would forward the issue to the appropriate security services and requested a ‘keep check’ on her residence.”

“After we cleared the call,” the report continued, “and went back in service, Rome-Floyd 911 received a call from the suspect, claiming responsibility for the incident and explaining his/her motives. It was a computer generated voice. They explained that they were upset about Ms. Greene’s stance on ‘trans-gender youth’s rights’, and stated that they were trying to ‘SWAT’ her. The suspect claims that he is connected to the website ‘’ which is a site that supports cyberstalking. The suspect stated that their user name is ‘AltisticRight’.”

Greene confirmed that, despite the swatting or any other threats, “there is no way I’m backing down. I introduced very important legislation called the Protect Children’s Innocence Act… It makes it a felony to perform any type of so-called ‘gender affirming care,’ which is really genital mutilation surgeries, hormone therapies, [and] puberty blockers, and this is absolute child abuse.”

The Post Millennial has more details of the first and second swatting events.

Category: Crime, Liberals suck, Society

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Wonder if those “appropriate security services” have enough to go on. Like a web site and user name.


That would require equal enforcement of law, which is “racist,” comrade!

AW1 Rod

USSS won’t do a damn thing.


popo indicated they couldn’t trace it back because the call came in on a VPN. Locals may not have the tech available to tack it back, but somebody does…if they want to.

Remember when people that were trying to protect kids from freaks were the good guys and the freaks were the bad guys? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

On and on and on and on, this shit keeps going on and on.


The Groomer’s are in fear along with all those who support them, looking at you Big-Pharma. Watch who signs on to the Anti-Groomer bill she is pushing and those who keep silent!

Leave the Kids alone!


When, not if, the political assassinations start (in ernest), I *highly* suggest you have; gold, guns, a get-away plan, and/or a trench line with ample friends to man it.

In many areas come November, The Left/Uniparty will have enough data that an outright steal won’t be possible in areas normally considered ‘safe’ electorally and will torch polling stations, use violent to shut them down.


Talk about a Second Time…

“First Lady Jill Biden Tests Positive For COVID-19 Once Again In Rebound Case”

Hack Stone

More positive news coming from the Biden White House.


If the caller is ever found, dollars to donuts a (D)emon-rat judge will wrist-slap ’em with a wet noodle and let ’em go.

All LEO training needs to include the “SWATting” scenario where they are being used as tools of oppression, and how to be prepared to stand down quickly. But in the end this is going to result in both death for a person SWATted and death of an LEO who is not sure if the call is valid or not.

Hence, IMNHO, someone who calls in a false report attempting to have someone SWATted should be prosecuted as attempted homicide – with the possibility of a death penalty included.

MI Ranger

Especially agree with your last statement Graybeard! Anyone who calls in a false report with the expectation of a SWAT team showing up is actually guilty of attempted murder.
Not just homicide, because it is premeditated and planned!

Last edited 2 years ago by MI Ranger

I don’t know if this is a appropriate legislation at the Federal level or whether it like abortion should be handled at the State Legislature level.

Swatting is just wrong and dangerous.

Hack Stone

If those phone calls cross state lines, it becomes a federal law enforcement issue. These people doing this shit are usually thousands of miles away, safely wrapped in their blanket as they wage their war from their mother’s basement.

A Proud Infidel®™️

But when was the last time we saw the feebies or any other Fed Agency pursue those targeting Conservatives?


Even Pepperidge Farms can’t remember that

Hack Stone

They are busy with other important matters, such as getting Ashley Biden’s diary back.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Well, if the Feebs can’t/won’t handle it, then I won’t be surprised to eventually find out that the tracing and “correction” was handled…..privately. I’m sure there’s a market for private individuals “with a particular set of skills” to find these “swatters”, local or across state lines, and show them “the error of their ways”, with extreme prejudice.


I believe the phone calls do not have to cross state lines to be considered federal wire fraud. But since Greene has a R after her name, The FIB could likely care less about this crime. Besides they have all those parents to investigate who don’t want their kids groomed for the MAP’s in our school systems


We see a bit of this with the loony stalkers. Mostly with Domestic Violence cases but sometimes pissy neighbors. It never works but they can feverishly rub one out thinking that they are doing something.

Green Thumb

Where is Turd Bolling and Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency when you need them?



The Groomers will stop at nothing to keep kiddies in the pipeline…
Unless the Republican Party specifically and the entire population as a whole don’t pull their
collective heads-out-of-their-asses, pedophilia will be normalized.
Think there’s no way? How long ago was having a Drag Show in school been considered scandalous? 2 years ago?
MAP (Minor Attracted People) is already gaining traction in academia (of course) and heading to the streets unless we stop it cold-dead in its tracks.


comment image

Prior Service

SWATers should be charged with attempted murder.

Only Army Mom

This right here is the crux.
so-called ‘gender affirming care,’ which is really genital mutilation surgeries,”
Remember when Hollyweird and the rest of our moral superiors was up in arms because some tribes/religions believe female genital mutilation was God’s will? Remember when Hollyweird and the rest of our moral superiors was appalled that this barbaric practice was still common in some parts of the world? Remember when the “elders/leaders” of those tribes hit back, calling the West hypocritical for how we sexualize children? Is anyone else puking over the idea those savages are now being proven right on a scale we could not have imagined?

USMC Steve

Now, an obvious thought here, assuming the coppers were actually interested in stopping these antics, or at least in responding properly to the right places, would be to require positive identification via the 911 system. No id, blow off the call, or better yet, if it seems fishy, send the SWAT team to the location of the caller without telling them. They blow up the source of the bullshit call, this crap would trickle off to nothing relatively soon.