That’s Not a Loophole; That’s an Aircraft Hangar Bay Door!

| July 23, 2009

I have always pretty much played by the rules although as Jonn can attest I have always operated as close to the edge as I could get without actually violating a regulation.

I always prided myself on being able to find a loophole in a safety reg or a range control policy or whatever. Loopholes are hard to find because in most cases it enables someone to do something that was clearly not intended. Usually I would do this to allow me to more effectively train my men but occasionally I did it just to be a smart ass.

Then there are loopholes that are put there intentionally to cover the ass of whoever wrote the policy. This is the cowardly technique used by slimy lawyers.

Behold a classic case in point:

WASHINGTON – Six months in office, President Barack Obama sought to rally support for sweeping health care legislation Wednesday night as Congress struggled to find agreement on a historic overhaul. He vowed to reject any measure “primarily funded through taxing middle-class families.”

Remember during the campaign Obama promised over and over again that the middle class would not see “one single dime” in higher taxes?

That did not include the caveat “Primarily”, did it?

The M1 Abrams tank is 67.6 tons and it is 8 feet tall, 12 feet wide and 32 feet long.

You could drive a task force full of these things through a loophole as big as this.

Category: Politics

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Old Tanker

Dude, I used to drive one of these M1’s and they were 72 tons combat loaded………….just sayin’……..

Brown Neck Gaitor

That “one single dime” pledge has come back again this time in the form of, “I will not sign a health car package that raises the deficit one single dime.”