Assault weapons ban approved at committee level
The Assault Weapons Ban of 2021 was approved in a House committee, passing 25-18. The fate of this bill on the floor of the House is uncertain though. Jerry Nadler is the chairman for this committee. He stated that assault weapons, combined with high-capacity magazines, are the choice weapons for mass shootings.
From Fox News:
“As we have learned all too well in recent years, assault weapons — especially when combined with high-capacity magazines — are the weapon of choice for mass shootings,” committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., said during the bill’s markup. “These military-style weapons are designed to kill the most people in the shortest amount of time. Quite simply, there is no place for them on our streets.”
Ranking member Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, argued the bill would take away upstanding gun owners’ rights.
“Democrats know this legislation will not reduce violent crime or reduce the likelihood of mass shootings, but they are obsessed with attacking law-abiding Americans’ Second Amendment liberties,” he said.
Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said, “They’re coming for your guns.”
The bill would make it a crime to “import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device,” according to the bill’s summary. A few exceptions would be made.
It would not include any “firearm that is (1) manually operated by bolt, pump, lever, or slide action; (2) permanently inoperable; (3) an antique; or (4) a rifle or shotgun specifically identified by make and model.”
Fox News has additional information here.
Category: Democrats, Liberals suck, Second Amendment
Gun grabbers have got a hard-on now that we’re not paying attention…
Hopefully somebody breaks their hard on off ans puts it right where it belongs.
Why do you think Democrats want to pack SCOTUS with ideological Leftists who hate guns and love abortion?
I just have to wonder what version of the Constitution and Bill of Rights he’s been referring to, even dreaming that this is anywhere near to the intent of the 2nd Amendment.
HR 1808 makes it illegal to “import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD).”
Confiscation, here it comes. What do the think RINOs will do?
Assault weapon means any semi-auto capable of accepting a detachable magazine that could hold more than 10 rounds, of course. (Hope you like revolvers, bold-action rifles, double-barrel shotguns and Winchester ’73s like it’s 1897.)
There’s provisions for “grandfathered” stuff, but restrictive (prove ya owned it before to their picky satisfaction, etc.). Old mags can’t be sold/transferred at all; only gov’t or “retired law enforcement officer” (clods at Uvalde, not military active/reserve/retired) can have new.
The phrase “cold dead fingers” comes to mind.
Oh, and as Breitbart reports, Dems want to ban “semi-automatic” weapons (note their language creep)… that’s your WW2 G.I. .45 and anything not a revolver, bolt or lever action, too, folks.
Early ARs and AKs are now C&R-eligible as they’re over 50 years old.
My opening position in this fight: the NFA ’34 is un-Constitutional and tyrants should be hung for just that egregiously rank continuation.
But history and reality be on the side of logic and reason, ~8.5 MILLION newly minted firearms-owners in the past 2.5 years. Suppressor sales are 120K+/year and increasing rapidly…
“Common use” much?
GunPeople Control is a dead letter, but do go on...I was going to edit but links:
From a PewPewTactical article (Feb’21):
Imbedded within that article is this ATF fact book. On page 15 it states that there are 6,634,064 NFA registered weapons!
Of which 3,180,393 are Destructive Devices, define as:
Um, I think they’re making a mistake but whatever, not my monkeys, not my circus.
When I first moved to Florida back in 2007, My Cousin from Vero Beach has a Curio & Relic License and talked me into getting one so I received the forms in the mail and then realized that I don’t have the room to store a large safe so I never filled out the forms. I received a booklet along with the forms that had a list of firearms that Roh-Dog mentioned among other types. I think I still have the forms in the folder and will check or I may have thrown them out. Will find out.
I checked my folder for the C&R License forms and it wasn’t there. I must have thrown it out awhile ago.
C&R and antique are different categories. They can ban 50 year old ARs etc.
Yes, but no one was discussing antiques:
It’s a data point on why one may desire to load up. ‘Banning’ C&Rs would be a complete shitshow.
I’ll have to look at one of my Chinisium SKS. Any verifiable database to transfer s/n to date of manufacture?
Dunno Tox, above my pay grade. The ATF’s website is actually easy enuf to navigate.
Have fun, know the laws, liquor helps digest legalese (YMMV).
Keep it up, Dems. This is just the message the American people want to hear.
No, really.
This bill should be called “The 2022 Conservative Voter Turnout Act”… 🙄
I’m surprised they haven’t suggested a gangbanger gun buy back program. They’d get a lot of junk guns off the streets and the gangbangers would get money to buy baby clothes, cookies and other “stuff”./s 😷
Or they might sell several of their junk guns to the PoPo and have enough money, together with the drug sale money, to buy a quality handgun and an extended magazine. The gangbangers seem to love those 30 round pistol mags.
I see a rash of boat accidents coming up. Now if we could just do something about the rash that is Kongress.
People Control. Molon Labe, mofos.
Pedocillin and multiple doses?
You Be The Judge.
Ask Jerry Nadler or JB Pritzker.
We can only wish on Nadless…..
Once again the D-rat pols show their dedication to the dogma of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao,… by doing one of the first things tyrants always want to do, disarm the general public. It worked wonders for Hitler as well!
What we already know: any such ban will have minimal effect. It may even lead to something far worse as they are still trying to treat the symptoms and not the disease. The biggest issue is finding a way to address the sicknesses of the mind that are prevalent these days. Mass shootings are an outlet for certain broken minds as they are the easiest path. But if you block that path, without fixing the underlying issue, then they will simply find another outlet. Such an outlet may be far worse. Timothy McVeigh is an example of this. Ban the guns and crazy people will still have access to to materials that can cause massive destruction. Sadly, a mass shooting is still preferable to the destruction of entire buildings and the bloodshed that entails.
Oh, they’re coming for our guns, just like we’ve said, repeatedly, they would?
Molon Labe, motherfuckers. They’re yours if you can take them
Yup. Any attempts at confiscation are going to get a lot of people hurt. Or worse.
Resisters and any innocent bystanders who get hurt (they were “involved,” you see) will be evil “Trump insurrectionists” and gulaged.
Excuse me while I go buy another pallet of ammo.
I was under the impression that the majority of Sturmgewehr 44’s were destroyed when Germany surrendered and I know that their were 44’s brought back to the States and their are people that own them, but not a few million people that the supreme ruler wants to take away/buy back and ban them in the US. The US Army does not meet the criteria of a Sturm (storm/Assault) rifle.
“Pistol brace = bump stock!”
The First & Second Amendment and Our Freedom is on the ballot for November.
Like Nixon said in ’68:
![comment image](
Keep pushing. It’s like they totally forgot 1994.
Stack up Jerry, you’re leading the first confiscation raid. You can fit the entire Uvalde PD behind your fat ass