Jimbo’s Friday Freefly

| July 18, 2009

If I was this good lookin’, this is the video I’d make of this last week’s events.

From Blackfive and Ace of Spades. At Ace of Spades, they give Jimbo teh Love;

Who’s this fat balding piece of shit, critscizing another soldiers oathe to uphold the Constitution of the United States because he doesn’t have the balls to?

Uncle Jimbo, you are a turd !! fuck you !!!

Damn Uncle Jokebo you sure are looking mighty red and bald these days . Is that severe alcoholism,or are you just jealous that there are actually soldiers out there that took their oaths seriously to defend the Constitution Of The United States of America to heart, instead of just smearing them and acting uber-tough and disgracing ace’s blog, because you knew your own weak ass Black-Fag blog wouldn’t get the necessary traffic ?

Um, guys, I know Jimbo and your comments are like water on a duck’s back.

Category: Politics

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You should check out a blog post on Gateway Pundit about congressman tim waltz (Phony Soldier Alert: Dem Rep Says He Served in Afghanistan– He Didn’t.)I have done my own research and found that waltz is making false claims about being the highest ranking enlisted soldier to ever serve in congress,this link proves him wrong, baic.house.gov/member-profiles/profile.html?intID=9 SEN. John Tower was also a E-9 in the Navy these are just two I was able to find. Not to mention his claims of being an Afghanistan veteran in the Gateway post.

Jonn wrote: Yeah, we wrote about Walz a few days ago, John.

AW1 Tim

Great video! Kudos to Matt & Jimbo.

That’s the voice of a real soldier, speaking plainly and honestly.



Jimbo’s been laughing so hard over the comments at Ace of Spades he pulled a muscle or something. I think I may have to take him to the ER.


Serves him right Tankerbabe. I was laughing so hard at Jimbo, that my wife came back to the computer room to see if I was having a seizure.

Nice Job Jimbo… you make it a regular feature, I’ll be a regular veiwer.

Thanks for sharing Jonn.