Weekend Open Thread

| June 24, 2022

I’ve said this enough that it was time to turn this into a meme. The other side didn’t like it, but it was funny. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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Hack Stone

I’ll be back.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

All Honor to the KoB, the one, the only, the incomparable Gun Bunny! Now hop to it, Bunny, and gets us some of that top shelf imbibables, some fresh baked cat’s heads or corn bread, and a quantity of hand rolled ce-gars.


I Knew It…I Knew It…I Knew It….😆😅🤣😂

Folks, this is WHY he is called “The King Of Battle”…NEVER underestimate those Redlegs…

Congrats To My Partner In Crime When It Comes To Spreading “That Movie That Shalt Not Be Name” Love To Our Favorite Swabbie, AW1Ed and Our Course, Mick..

Gotta Watch Out For Those Danger Zones




HEY FUCKERS!!! It’s not even 3 pm EST.
I’m calling the SCOTUS.
I want a DO OVER!!!
Nah, fuck it, I’m good with the fabulousness Times 2!! I’ve gotten this week.
Good on you KoB


Chipster got influenced by those Woke Crybabies that make up the minority in our nations population!!!


Welcome Back…Again!!



 😂  🖕  😘 


Get a room…


Our redleg is back on the WOT Throne.
Looking forward to a dish of cats-head biscuits, perhaps some Southern Comfort or Shiner Bock, BBQ and trimmin’s from the stores.

Hack Stone

Not even close.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Damn! sECOND



President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

My weapon is my mind. All the rest (as shown here) are tools with which to extend the reach of my mind.


I’ll take the FN PS90 in 5.7mm. It is compact and has a 50-round magazine. But my first thought was the C96 Mauser, cuz I have experience with that one.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I don’t see the M-1 Garand.


Your thumbs will thank you.


Of course the 90. Paired with a F350 diesel truck with plow, trash clean-up is a breeze!


Vera. No question. “Six men came to kill me one time. And the best of ’em carried this. It’s a Callahan full-bore auto-lock. Customized trigger, double cartridge thorough gauge. It is my very favorite gun.” – Jayne Cobb

A Saiga-12 re-envisioned as a rifleman’s weapon.


M41A Pulse Rifle! (Actually an M1A1 Thompson + Remington 870, but who’s counting… either/both still good.)

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous

FN P90, 5.7x28mm, compact weapon with the 50 round magazine. For me, first seen on the show Stargate, SG1 (1997-2007). 😷 

Forrest Bondurant


Commissioner Wretched

Missed out on FIRST since I was … working – yeah, that’s right, working. So how about the week’s drop of trivia? All hail the King of Battle, and stand by for incoming trivia.

How much did the creators of Superman receive when they sold the character to DC Comics?
By Jack Bagley
It’s summer!

The warmest season of the year begins this week. The summer solstice, when daylight is longest, arrived Tuesday. For those keeping score, we enjoy summer until September 22.

That’s the official tally, anyway.

Those who make their living at such things have already said summer began Memorial Day weekend, and it ends Labor Day weekend.

However you slice it, it’s summer!

It’s trivia, too … right now. Have at it …

Commissioner Wretched

Did you know …

… chocolate milk was originally sold as medicine? The mixing of chocolate with milk was discovered by Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753), an British-Irish physician. While in Jamaica, Sloane noticed locals drinking cocoa mixed with water. He tried it and found it “nauseating,” but when he mixed some with milk – which had apparently never occurred to the Jamaicans – it was much more palatable. Sloane brought the “recipe” back to England with him and initially sold it as an over-the-counter medicine. (And no, it doesn’t come from brown cows, either.)

… a Shakespearian play was banned in the Soviet Union? Under the rule of Josef Stalin (1878-1953), the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was banned. Stalin’s reasoning was that Hamlet’s indecisiveness and depression were incompatible with the Soviet Union’s spirit of “optimism, fortitude and clarity.” (Another case of the jokes just writing themselves sometimes.)

Commissioner Wretched

… Hershey’s™ chocolate bars can be frozen? Yeah, you probably already knew that. But to prove the point, I invite you to consider this: in 2001, researchers in Antarctica dug up a Hershey’s chocolate bar made in 1937 that was a part of a cache left behind by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd (1888-1957) during his 1939-1941 expedition. Even after being frozen for more than 60 years, the chocolate bar was still edible. (Once it was thawed out, anyway.)

… the patient in the game Operation™ has a name? Sure, you’ve played Operation, the game where you have to remove bones and other things from a poor cartoon guy lying on the operating table – but don’t touch the sides of the incision with your forceps, or his nose lights up and a buzzer sounds and you lose. That fellow has a name. He’s called Cavity Sam. (Quite the appropriate name, don’t you think?)


Waiting for the Woke to give Cavity Sam a Pronoun…or make “him” Black or Asian or an American Indian or a Woman..orTrangender..

See how silly and sad our world has become? We can laugh, but I have this feeling Cavity Sam may become obsolete…you watch…

Commissioner Wretched

The scary part, ninja, is … you’re probably right.


Kinda sad, isn’t it, CW…and absurd…

We are so fed with all of this..

Thank you for sharing that interesting tidbit!

Commissioner Wretched

… the iconic character Superman was sold very cheaply? Originally created in 1933, Superman was the brainchild of two young men, Jerry Siegel (1914-1996) and Joe Shuster (1914-1992). The first “Superman” was a bald villain in a story written by the two in 1933. That story never sold and the character as created was never used again. Later that year, the two created the superhero we all know and love (and sometimes wish was real). Over the next five years Siegel and Shuster tried to find a publisher – Siegel wrote the story and Shuster drew the pictures. In 1938, the character landed at National Periodical Publications, which later became DC Comics. To get the first Superman comic book printed, Siegel and Shuster agreed to sell the character to the publishers for $130, along with a ten-year contract to produce Superman material. 

Commissioner Wretched

The two tried to regain the rights to their creation in 1946, after Superman had become a world-wide comic book phenomenon, but the New York Supreme Court ruled that the original sale was valid. As a result of the lawsuit, DC stopped running the credit line recognizing the two as having created the character. The two men, and their families, would try several times over the next few decades to regain the rights, but without success. It wasn’t until 1975, when Siegel started a publicity campaign protesting the treatment of him and Shuster by DC, that the negative publicity finally caused the comic book publisher to notice. DC’s parent company, Warner Communications, ordered the “Created By” credit returned to the comic – and required it to be in the opening credits of the blockbuster 1978 movie Superman, and all movie depictions of the character since then. (Super, man!)

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I’m going to guess that the bald villain was later remade into DC’s own Lex Luthor. If not him, then it was “borrowed” and recast as Marvel’s Kingpin. Just my 2 cents.

Commissioner Wretched

Most likely the former … I’ve seen the original drawing and it looks like Luthor was later drawn.

Though, there is a resemblance to the Kingpin as well …

Commissioner Wretched

… a sneeze covers a room is just five seconds? (We won’t discuss what it covers the room with, of course.)

… “doubleheader” was not originally a baseball term? The word came from railroads, and it referred to two engines in a switch yard that were hooked up back to back on a single train. The term was appropriated by baseball to mean two games being played back to back on the same day. (I thought it meant a fellow with two heads, but what do I know?)

… caffeine can both cause and cure headaches? If you’re a regular coffee drinker, for instance, and stop consuming the brew abruptly, your body goes into a kind of caffeine withdrawal, and headaches are common. Those headaches can be relieved by a dose of caffeine.


“sneeze covers a room is just five seconds?”

Does King Fauci read your columns?

Folks, that man is doing what he does best. He LOVES attention. He tried so hard in the 1980s/1990s/2000s reference HIV, different variants of Flu, mosquito borne diseases and got nothing. And then BOOM… Now that it has DIED, he is trying to get back in the limelight with Monkeypox…and it ain’t working…

A Proud Infidel®™

I can picture Fauci going FULL MONKEY about monkeypox like that Cereal Mascot going Koo-Koo for Cocoa Puffs™!





“Take This Mask And Shove It”

Commissioner Wretched

Yeah, he’s craving that media spotlight again …



The Stranger

I can’t wait to read that old fraud’s obituary.


All real fellows have two heads.


But they only have enough blood to operate one at a time.

Commissioner Wretched


Commissioner Wretched

… more soldiers died during the Civil War from disease than anything else? The worst of the diseases that killed soldiers on both sides was dysentery, or what we would today call diarrhea. Death came from dehydration, exhaustion, or rupture of the intestinal wall. About 1 in 40 cases was fatal in the 1860s. (The other 39 cases weren’t all that much fun, either.)

… in a game of five-card poker, there are a total of 2,598,960 possible hands to play? (Most of them are losing hands, too.)

… chickens lay the most eggs when pop music is played? (I’m not sure how they can tell what kind of music it is, but there you are.)

Now … you know!


CW: Shhhhh about the War Between The States and disease. You will get all those CRT Folks in an Uproar (the ones who THINK they know History..)…


Yes, I just saw the Veep, Kamala-toe, say that black people were slaves in this country for 400 years. The Progs have their own “special” versions of our history.



We are SICK of it!!!

Yep, you are right about those Progs having their own version!


2022 minus 1776 equals ummm carry the two… divide by pi…add the square root of 69… yeahhhh 400 is close enough.


But huwite beeboe be time travelers and sheet. That type of evil from cave dwelling, chalk roaches transcends the space-time continuum.

But honestly, General Damages:
(1) physical and emotional pain and suffering
(2) emotional distress
(3) loss of consortium
(4) loss of society and companionship.

Too bad for her she’s a tad too late to have a claim and her family got here about a week ago.


She ain’t even half American Negro. The Jamaicans got their “reparations” in their slave revolt.


“Pop Music”…

Bet if you use that expression for those born after 1980, that they would do a GOOGLE Search…😉😎


Commish, ol’ Poe has one for you that he just learned today from the Screaming Eagle newsletter:

Did you know that the 101st Airborne Division suffered more than twice the killed and wounded in Vietnam as it did in WWII?

Yep, 9368 in WWII and more than 20,000 in Vietnam, all due to the length of time in combat: in WWII a little more than a year; in Vietnam from 1965 to 1972. It was the longest serving combat arms unit of the Vietnam War.

Young SSGT Poe got in early, 1965-66…


So hard to believe that next weekend is the 4th of July Weekend!!!

Say…Was Now Wondering…

Why do we celebrate a full month for Gay Pride, but cannot celebrate a full month for our Independence?

You Know…Proud? As in “I’m Proud To Be An American???

We The People



The ORIGINAL “I’m Proud To Be An American” by Lee Greenwood recently remastered.

Despite what has been going on in our Country, we are STILL PROUD…and We Will Still Defend Her:


“Everything’s Gay In June”


44 second video. Please turn on your sound.

Christian Walker is Herschel’s Walker son.

Folks, we frankly don’t care if one is Gay. We have relatives that are Gay. JUST DON’T FORCE YOUR BELIEFS ON US!!!

Christian Walker tells it as it is. He admits he is attracted to Men. He admits it. But he also states he does not want to be associated with Pride Month or known as Gay.

We really admire him. This is what he wrote:

“We don’t even get a month to celebrate our country’s independence from Britain. Why are we taking a month out to celebrate who someone’s attracted to? It’s ridiculous.”

Please watch.


A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, the LGBTQWERTYUIOP crowd gets a whole damn month while we Vets get one day in November.




I’ve said it a number of times now:


And also, get; food, ammo, a water source, a gun, many guns, GUNS!, med supplies, hand tools, fishing gear, hunting decoys and calls, etc, etc, etc.

Long story short: be hard(er) to kill!

I pray every single one of you have His providence and, by His hand, we may make this union more perfect.


Better to have and not need than the other way around.


The “mostly peaceful” antics are strong this weekend…

not insur dem antifa.png







BAM! On Target…Secure from Fire Mission. Rolling Barrage from The King of Battle…THE King of FIRST has a BDA of 100/100. Had just rolled in from Escort Duty, opened up Chromie and WHUUUMP, thar it was, the Friday TAH Weekend Open Thread, laying there…orphaned. Better to be lucky than good, huh?

To pay Honors to the Gun Bunny’s Two-fer as FIRST on the Coveted EARNED NEVER AWARDED TAH Friday Weekend Open Thread we have a two-fer choice on the entree’ of rations.

Grilled, boneless porked beast chops, scrambled eggs with cheese, and golden hash browns OR, Bison Beast Sauced Pasta (for those EyeTalian Native Americans) along with some of that fresh baked crusty bread from Ms Thang at the bakery. Note to OAM, Waffle House got their grilled porkychop recipe from me.

Choice of the House Wine (Sweet Iced Tea) or draw from the extensive Class VI Supplies (for those of you that hasta).

A Proud Infidel®™

I award myself Honorary First once again.


Hack Stone

Today’s laugh. Comments say that it is a professional comedian, who managed to get a news station to play along.



Cannot open…😔

Hack Stone

Do you have a Fakebook account?


The Original, OFFICIAL FJB “Nobody Likes You” song that came out November 2021.

4 minutes well worth watching.




Guys (and gals) ,
Imma just post this here for all to enjoy.
have a GREAT rest of the week.
This is going to be one of the greatest 4th of July celebrations in quite a long time.


And this one too because I just love the contrast of the Howler Monkey. I laugh my ass off every fucking time.

Last edited 2 years ago by ChipNASA
A Proud Infidel®™

Every time I watch that I not only LMAO, I also want to invest more into Pharmaceutical Companies!

A Proud Infidel®™

PRESENT and ready for some Adult® Beverage™. My employer decided to shut the place I’ve worked the past 18 years down, but i hit the ground running and have another job with the same choice income. I’m still dealing with the aftermath of being robbed though, it happened when I was gassing my pickup truck up. The Police wasted no time getting there, asking me if I had a description of the perp to which I was able to reply, “Hell yeah, and still there, pump number 13!”

Last edited 2 years ago by A Proud Infidel®™




“FBI Raids Georgia Churches Near Military Bases, Sources Say Church Was Targeting Soldiers”

The FBI on Thursday raided three churches associated with the House of Prayer Christian Church in Georgia and Texas.

The House of Prayer is owned by the foreign nonprofit company House of Prayer Christian Churches of America Inc., which registered with the Georgia Secretary of State in 2004. The business’s listed officers are affiliated with the Georgia churches and use Hinesville, Georgia, post office boxes as mailing addresses.
Its churches, which are primarily located near military bases throughout the country, have been accused by former members and a veterans’ advocacy group of operating like a cult and targeting soldiers.


In August 2020, Veterans Education Success, an advocacy organization based in Washington D.C., asked the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Georgia Veterans Service to investigate alleged abuses of the GI Bill program by House of Prayer Christian Church’s bible seminaries.

Veterans alleged the House of Prayer Christian Church “deceives the VA during inspections and targets veterans in order to access GI Bill funding, VA disability compensation, and VA home loans,” according to the organization’s letter to the VA and Georgia SAA.

The House of Prayer Christian Church in Hinesville is located less than 8 miles from Fort Stewart in Liberty County.


Raid near Fort Gordon
Half a dozen FBI agents were seen in the back of the Assembly of Prayer church on Tobacco Road in Hephzibah during a raid that started at about 7:15 a.m. Thursday and continued into the afternoon.
According to a search of property records, House of Prayer Christian Churches owns 2952 Old Tobacco Road, the address of the Assembly of Prayer church in Richmond County.

The Assembly of Prayer church in Hephzibah is located just outside of Gate 5 at Fort Gordon.

In an email sent Thursday, Anne H. Bowman, deputy public affairs officer at Fort Gordon, said “Fort Gordon was aware of the organization called the Assembly of Prayer Church through our law enforcement channels but the installation had no bans against the organization or any official dealings with them (despite their websites claims).”


Bowman confirmed “there were reports made to Fort Gordon law enforcement of recruiting/solicitation attempts by the church members but there were no incidents, confrontations, arrests or anything of this nature as a result,” she said in another email Thursday night.

Raid near Fort Hood
The Assembly of Prayer Christian Church on Massey Street in Killeen, Texas, was also raided by the FBI on Thursday, according to the Killeen Police Department.
The church is located less than 4 miles from Fort Hood.
Ashley Demorest, a former member of the church who observed the raid, said she was a member of the church from age 15 to 23, “until I finally escaped.” 
Amber Fitz-Randolph, leader of The Ft. Hood Fallen Facebook page, which was started in 2017, said members of the church in Killeen have snuck into the barracks and threatened soldiers.


I’ll withhold my judgment until the facts are known (but not holding my breath in this case or for when the FIB raids a Religion of Pieces House, because equality be a lie)

Also, I missed that asterisk in the 1st Amendment. How that recent SC case do?!

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like that should have gone up to the Division CG so their premises could be listed as OFF LIMITS. I’m betting the head honchos of that con game could make the likes of Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart look like Altar Boys!


operating like a cult and targeting soldiers

Broke Rule #1. The government hates competition.


Mason, API and Roh-Dog:

This story is gonna get more and more interesting….

So far, Fort Stewart, Fort Gordon and Fort Hood…

Still TRYING to put my finger on the story as to what the heck is going on…


Mason & Ninja,
Unrelated, but on the competition topic (??),
deploying the Fu of Google on Ft. Gordon,
I see they turned VOQ Griffith Hall into a “Holiday Inn Express”.

And, the huge Barton Field Track…. is still dust and mud.



Barton Field. Ptooie!

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I’m usually in the recliner catching some late nooners when the WOT comes on so maybe someone could get me in as first.


A Feel Good Story (We Need Stories Such As This):

“Judy, the Only Animal Prisoner During the WWII”
“For the longest time, dogs have been trusty companions we bring with us during times of war. They are brilliant and trainable, not to mention cute and fluffy. What more could we ask for?”

“For the crew of the HMS Grasshopper, their mascot dog was an English pointer named Judy. But, as it turned out, she would soon become the British POWs’ morale booster and only POW dog of WWII.”



This story STILL turns our stomachs:

“Transgender Ex-Neo-Nazi Robber To Receive Fast-Tracked ‘Gender Confirmation Surgeries’

“The U.S. Bureau of Prisons (BOP) is hastening a transgender ex-neo-Nazi bank robber’s “gender confirmation surgeries” after the inmate filed a lawsuit against the federal agency claiming it denied previous requests for the surgery.”

“In light of the steps [BOP has] taken towards providing surgeries to Plaintiff, the parties believe there is a possibility that all claims in this case might be resolved without the need for further litigation,” a June 17 joint status report states. “Plaintiffs concur that the actions of the government appear to show that the surgery is on track, and will not be postponed excessively, or artificially delayed.”

Donna in prison.jpg
A Proud Infidel®™

The Inmates run the asylum these days.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Awwwww, that would be too too bad if “he/she/it” were to have a successful operation but died on the table.


Hope the hotdog rots

The Stranger

That sounds revolting. I tried gefilte fish once and I couldn’t stomach it. Not the same, but I also couldn’t stand the pickled herring that my ex’s family would eat for luck during Christmas dinner. I loved everything else, the 2 or 3 kinds of kielbasa, the various pierogi, the ham, the Kugela, but that herring was just foul.

A Proud Infidel®™

Nope, it’s getting a Dickoffofme, a snip-and-tuck.

The Stranger

I think it’s more to do with his anti-Semitism. Gefilte fish is a popular dish for Ashkenazi Jews.


Wait, isn’t that a pre-existing condition? Why da f* does the gov’t have to do s/he/it’s elective surgery free?


What is disgusting about all of this is that OUR Tax Dollars are paying for this!

That Dude is currently in a Woman’s Prison!

We can’t even take care of our Veterans!!!

We are TEED OFF!

(And laughing hard at everyones comments and pictures/memes on the DUDE…



I was out in the hammock snoozing, listening to the juvenile blue jays discussing whether or not I was a threat.

Developed a cough Wednesday evening. Trying to take it easy. Garden is about dead in the continued heat & drought.
Not sure whether to queue “Stayin’ Alive” or “Country Folks Can Survive” first, but both are true.

Have a grandson getting baptized Sunday. It’ll be a good day.


Prayers, Graybeard…You Are Strong!

Thank You so much for sharing your Faith with us as well as others…

So happy to hear the great news about your Grandson! Yes, Sir..this Sunday will be a Wonderful Day!

Hope your Brother is doing well! He is always part of our Prayer chain!

Thank You again for sharing the heartwarming picture of Mrs. GB and your Airborne Son…HOO-AAAHHH!!


Thank you for the prayers, ninja. We need ’em.

Found out this week that the area around the wound on my brother’s foot is looking darker, & a doc wants a closer look at it. They are also trying to get yet another Dr to check him for his Peripheral Artery Disease. Not surprising conditions considering, but concerning nonetheless. Best we can do is listen to the Drs and try to care for him. He is in good spirits, but hasn’t been able to get outside since they found The Wuhan Plague on his floor. Everyone asymptomatic, but quarantined. But with this heat, no big deal really.

Have another grandson who is thinking about making his commitment, and a 5-year-old granddaughter who is asking to be baptized herself. Best thing in the world, knowing that they’ll all be joining us around the Throne of the Lamb by His grace and mercy.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone just received the call that he is qualified to get his entire credit card debt wiped out. Pressed 1 to speak with the representative. Let him run through the drill for three plus minutes. Then he asked which card had the highest balance. “That would be the Columbia Record & Tape Club. I owe them 13 cents.” Then it took a dark tone. He told Hack to shove the card up his mothers pussy. Seems like strange way to wipe out credit card debt, but this guy is a professional, and he was reading from a script.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe I need to discuss my still-outstanding credit card balance with Montgomery Ward with them?


I miss the MW catalog


Christmas catalog!


The Sears & Roebuck catalog, the Montgomery Ward catalog, plus the Houston phone book and you could reach the top of the refrigerator!


I used to work at Monkeys Wards…

And K-Mart…

And A&P Grocery Store..

And Ben Franklin Dimestore..

And Sears…

And worked at a Woolworth’s Diner…

And durn it, Hack, I still have LPs from Columbia Record Club…

What a hoot. At least you answer the phone. I ignore those calls…and then use an App that lets me know who the caller is after I ignore their calls…



Does Bernath still have an account with Radio Shack?


Really like the ones where they’re going on and on about my student loans and my forgiveness package they’re working on, then I tell ’em I didn’t have any after I let ’em BS for a while.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous

Guess Who…



No video yet,,, possible passenger?


Gonna Share This…



A Proud Infidel®™

What a week, Roe vs. Wade takes a dirt nap AND the State of NY LOST a big Gun Control Case. Popcorn, anyone? Deluxe Nachos?


Nachos with lots and lots of cheese..

Never Mess With A Higher Power…


Ole Joey/Brandon Boy could not blame Putin for the end of Roe VS Wade, so he is now back to blaming President Trump.


Ole Auntie Maxine Waters said “The Hell With The Supreme Court..”

The ninja family sometimes does not want to turn the other cheek…We really want to SLAP that James Brown wig off her UGLY, NASTY FACE…


Happy Birthday, Spaceballs!

https://youtu.be/RK0yd4LtLdg For 35 years young, she’s still a riot!


Roh-Dog..Thank You!

The ninja family was discussing Mel Brooks movie yesterday…STILL CLASSICS.. (Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, The Producers etc)..


Glad to be in GREAT company, ninja! I remember back in the day TBS would play History of the World, Part 1 about every 6 months.

I’d happily endure the rewatching.

(now I have The Producers ditty stuck in my head, thanks for that)


I recently discovered MRS D had never seen Blazing Saddles. We remedied that last Saturday. She said she understands me much better now. On Sunday, our boy yelled something from upstairs that I couldn’t quite understand. I said “What’d he say?” I’m pretty sure all you dickweeds know what her response was…




And we are still watching them watching them…


Don’t overlook that great marionette movie, “Team America: World Police.” One of my favorite scenes is when they tell Gary, their new undercover recruit, that there is a possibility his cover will be blown; and they want to give him the means to end his life so he can’t divulge any secrets under torture. The boss man then pushes a beat-up claw hammer to Gary.

Hack Stone

This past Monday was the 42 anniversary of the release of The Blues Brothers, making it a great day in film history. On the flip side, on February 6, 1998, Blues Brothers 2000was released, and nobody has ever been held criminally responsible for that crime against humanity.

Hack Stone

June 26, 1981, the greatest military film of all time was released. That’s right, we are talking about Stripes.


“What kind of training???”


Best line ever.

I’ve used that many times.

The Stranger

I used that line recently and my Soldiers looked at me like I had two heads. Most of them were born LONG after that movie was made.


Welp, Vindy “the Rat” Vindman has filed some kind of a lawsuit against Don, Jr. and some other Trump supporters, including Laura Ingraham, claiming they ruined his career as a foreign policy REMF Army officer. He filed in federal court in the District of Criminals, the world center of Trump hatred.