Proposed Florida bill would make it a felony to bring child to drag show
Florida State Representative Anthony Sabatini proposed a bill that addresses kids being brought to drag shows in Florida. Sabatini proposed a bill that would criminalize this action. If this becomes law, parents that bring their kids to these drag shows could be charged with a felony and could lose their parental rights.
From Town Hall:
Rep. Anthony Sabatini (R-Fla.) proposed a bill that would make it a felony to bring a child to a drag show and terminate any parental rights.
“We need this legislation to protect children,” Sabatini said, adding “too many sick Woke adults are forcing young children into these drag sex shows and trying to sexualize them at earlier and earlier ages. This bill will prevent that.”
Sabatini condemned anyone who thinks it’s appropriate to bring a child to such sex-related events.
“It would also create a new provision under Florida law where the Florida Department of Children and Families can move forward with terminating parental rights of an adult that brought a child into a drag sex show and extend Florida’s lewd and lascivious obscene materials (pornographic) law to include these sex shows aimed at children.”
Meanwhile, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) showed support for the bill describing the Texas event as “really, really disturbing.”
During the press conference DeSantis said “there’s a movement to inject these things like gender ideology in elementary schools even, and my view is our schools need to be teaching these kids to read and write and add and subtract.”
More can be read on the following links to Town Hall and WPTV West Palm Beach.
Good! Want to teach little children about sex and drag queens, you F*in pervs.
Image downloaded
If this law passes, does that mean kids can’t go to Disney Orlando? Or as some of us refer to it…Groomer USA.
I ain’t got a dog in this fight…
but my woodchipper is hungry af. (context for pic)
Hell yeah!!
Fuckin’-a yeah, now we get some popcorn and watch the libtard proglodytes shit themselves over this!
Found elsewhere… 4 pride flags together… 😜
One has to wonder if Lars would be capable of seeing the irony in that… 🤔
The militant LGBT crowd ain’t called the “Gaystapo” for for nothin’…
Good intention but the use of “felony” can be so hideously pervasive and destructive that I would prefer to see heavy economic consequences at a misdemeanor level, instead.
Alternately, direct the punishment towards the source, the sponsors and performers of such behavior in the presence of a minor child. At least you can keep the government and child “protective” services at bay.
Sick shits…
Testify! And Welcome Home, Sister. You’ve been missed. Hope you’re doing more better.
I don’t like this law.
Stupid parents have every right to be stupid. While this is not the best way to raise a child (though there is value in introducing children to different lifestyles), grooming doesn’t rise to the level of abuse.
There are plenty of folk out there willing to make a law preventing you from teaching your child how to shoot, fish, or even cook a steak. They consider that kind of parenting to be bad or abusive.
Ultimately, let idiot parents groom their children to be trans-queer-birthing-male-humanparamecia. Your well-adapted, self-sufficient children will see through the bullshit.
Plus, with a face like mine…. yay for gay pride! I need as little competition for the ladies as possible.
Someone should check in with the False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points logistics) and get his input.
Word has it that he performs drag on Thursday afternoons under the show name “Phildo”.
Finally someone grows ballz
Budz lightez fur de win
Just to be sure, we’re not talking about drag strips, drag races
or dragsters. Some of the youngsters here may not understand
the difference.
AA Funny cars were worth the price of admission. Some beautiful craftmanship in all of them.
One of my high school buddies had a brother in law that
owned a AA Fuel rail job. He was much older but let us
hang around the clubs garage and be part of the pit crew
at the Epping NH strip. Kids today have no idea what real
fun is let alone being part of a team.
Yeah, funny cars really put on a good show for everyone.