Competing ads

| March 1, 2008

Hillary Clinton released a Lyndon Baines Johnson-type ad that uses fear to demean Barack Obama’s experience. In the words of the Washington Post;

 Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton launched an across-the-board assault on Sen. Barack Obama on Friday, questioning in a provocative new television ad his ability to keep the nation safe as her advisers sought to raise an array of questions about her rival’s ethics and electability.

The ad;

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Seemingly within minutes, Obama released an answer to the Clinton ad;

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It’s a good thing the ads are targeted toward Democrats because, honestly, if either tries to run the same types of ads in the general election, it’ll sink them. The picture of Hillary on the phone gave me chills. Obama’s message of courage to run away from tough decisions will turn off most independents, who, unlike hardcore Democrats, see the value in taking out the Hussein regime.

Category: Politics

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Don Carl

As opposed to HER experience? Either one of these idjits demeaning the “experience” of the other is a laugh.


Frankly the thought of either one of those answering that phone scares the crap out of me.

Tom the Redhunter

So Obama thinks himself brave because he opposed the Iraq war. If your audience is the far left, and his is, then it’s hardly brave.

He says that the real threat is al Qaeda in Afghanistan. No, the real threat is a global Islamist insurgency, of which al Qaeda is only one part. Iraq was a threat for a host of other reasons.

He says he opposes the spread of nuclear weapons. How nice. Betcha a hundred dollars that if he’s president Iran gets the bomb and he doesn’t do a thing about it.