Bad Day for the Russian Navy

| March 24, 2022

Ship Fire at Berdyansk

Ukrainian officials claimed their military destroyed a Russian Alligator-class landing ship in the port city of Berdyansk on Thursday.

Spotters reported a burning ship identified as the Russian Navy ship VMF Orsk, with two other Russian ‘Gators seen with varying amounts of damage.

Orsk and her sister vessels pulled into the port of Berdyansk earlier this week, demonstrating Russia’s ability to bring supplies ashore to its troops.

Showcasing this ability proved short-lived.

ChipNASA sends.

Videos: Ukraine blows up Russian warship – see footage here

An amphibious landing ship Russia had used to transport tanks and other armored vehicles for its invasion of Ukraine is now heavily damaged in the southeast port city of Berdyansk.

Ukraine’s Navy shared a post on Facebook, saying the Russian shi Orsk, Project 1171 (NATO designation Alligator) class amphibious transport dock, was destroyed in the Russian-occupied port city.

Ukraine’s military tweeted a video of the Russian landing ship on fire, with the caption “Berdyansk!!! The [Russian] occupiers are burning well.”

The Ukrainian military did not immediately specify how its forces were able to get through Russian lines to attack the landing ship.

Timelapse of Russian Alligator-class Landing Ship Burning

American Military News

Pretty arrogant of the Russians to overstay their welcome. This was a costly lesson. Thanks, Chip.

Category: Dick Stepping, Guest Link

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Oh nos! Time to scour the list of RusFed Navy WHALE* candidates for suspects.

(*We Hesitantly Act with Long-in-the-tooth soviet Equipment)


Whale of an word salad there -Dog. I laffed way yonder too hard over that. Almost as much as I laffed at the burning ruskkie ship. Maybe the ‘Kraines got to it before it got unloaded.


I’d almost say that looked like someone hit the ship with some Willie Pete, but that would be against the law… like invading a sovereign country.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Looks like a lot of stuff cooking off and a lot worse than I remember when a ship was hit when Dominican rebels were trying to get away during Op. Power Pack. (1965) We were a number of miles away off the coast when it was hit and we could see the smoke.


Haha, motherf*ckers!


That thar Tar Baby had best start respectin’ Br’er Vlad, or he is really gonna whollop the Tar Baby some more.

It’s like the Ukrainians had spent the last few years studying how to fight a bigger foe.

Last edited 2 years ago by 11B-Mailclerk

OK motherfucker you get the lol’s and the ha ha’s and the Whoopty Dooooos for me this morning.
I smiled at Roh-Dog but this, I read this in a cross between Morgan Freeman and some unnamed Disney dudes voice from back in the 60s. This is the most amusing and politically incorrect shit I’ve read this morning and it’s just 9:30 AM
Oh and “Vlad they’re getting impaled…”


Borsch. its what’s for supper!


Bet Putin is really glad that the conquest of Ukraine was only supposed to take a week, at most. Wonder how many Generals and advisors are in hiding, or in lock-ups.

RGR 4-78

Vlad the invader is finding progress less than optimal in the Ukraine.


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A Proud Infidel®™

There go his supply lines again, the Russkie Army can only go for so long foraging and looting for sustenance, how much of an ammo shortage are they having so far?


Brings new light to the phrase: “Try to look unimportant; maybe they’re low on ammo.”

Wanna bet those IFVs that were offloaded didn’t have their full ammo load outs? Or am I just being optimistic from the Ukrainian point of view?