Ukraine war update

| February 28, 2022

I troll Twitter so you don’t have to. Doesn’t look like things are going well for the Russians. Good! Here’s some highlights.


Category: Russia, Ukraine, War Stories

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“Top attack missiles don’t work.”
Ageing like milk.


Ukranians know whats coming if Vlad conquers Ukraine and installs a puppet government.


So mud season in a thing? Military intelligence at work.


Always check the weather, ask Napoleon.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto the Germans.

Frankie Cee

Good Stuff Mason.


All good news. Thanks for sharing

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“I am here to kick ass and chew gum. And I’m all out of gum”


Random thoughts:
1-Putin underestimated Ukraine/Zelensky’s will to fight
2-Russian soldiers’ heart is NOT in this fight. Ukraine is not seen as enemy
3-Russian Army’s logistics is a cluster-f@ck
4-Anybody want to see a Klitschko vs Putin winner-take-all no-holds-bard match? Klitschko the boxer vs Putin the Judo “expert”.
5-“You know how stubborn Ukrainians can be, right?’ says my Ukrainian wife. “Yes” I say, “Putin had no idea who he was messing with”. Long live Ukraine.

USMC Steve

Their army, although smaller than warsaw pact days, (I read somewhere that the Russian army is about 400,000 strong) is just about like it was. Kill officers off, the unit cannot function. NOC’s aren’t of much use. Troopies are almost universally draftees serving for one year. Worst of all is that they still fight pretty much like a communist army. Not too much smarts, lots of armor.

A Proud Infidel®™

Even back in the Cold War days we were taught that the Soviet Army NCO’s were little more than highly paid Privates!


If it’s important an occifer does it, still.


These women are posing. Its an disinfop, i.e. propaganda. I have no idea why because I’m sure to Russians it’s laughable, meanwhile anyone in Ukraine that believes crap like this has shaved their face, put on a wing, dress, and is heading to Poland tre quick.

Stop being thirsty for bad info and STOP SPREADING IT!


Hey, I’ve seen all those TV shows and movies that show 105 lbs women kicking the ass of men that outweigh them by 90 lbs. If it weren’t real, they wouldn’t put it in our entertainment. Sheez! Don’t watch TV much, huh?!

Last edited 2 years ago by FuzeVT

I’m all for hot chicks with guns pictures.


AK-47, the very best there is…


I should show you the pics I took when I went to Israel for a training mission. There was a paperwork snafu and I ended up with a female infantry unit and the female going over ended up with a male motorpool unit. I got some great pics and didn’t see a single unattractive woman there.

Green Thumb

I enthusiastically concur.


Sheet, Hombre. I ain’t mad at that, I’m just dismayed that we seem to be parroting the Blue Checkmark Army and their virtue-signaling stoopedity. Like Fuze is saying, there is real news about disabled RUS armor and heinous actions throughout the AO.
I’m honestly worried that as this gets worse the real war crimes might start as the desperation factor goes to 11.

I guess I’m just laying my marker down in form of critique, talking shit about and deflating these 1/2-dimensional photo ops seemingly without any hint of contempt for war before this gets uglier.

Last edited 2 years ago by Roh-Dog

Putin’s got Chechen minions coming and they’re talkin’ hard:


Fighting a war means you show contempt for the invaders; not the means to defeat them.


How come there aren’t any hunky men photos, Mason?


Can’t we have just one of Dave posing hunkily in his pink Speedo?

That oughta be enough to get Ex stimulated, doncha think? 😜  😜  😜 


Hurt my eyes just READING that.


No sausage, gravy, and biskets for you Ol’ Poe!



Ummm…. Dave Hardin hunky? Hey, I don’t want the carp beaten out of me by the Soviet, Poe!
Besides, some of the Brit Special Forces guys are hunky, too, never mind our own guys….

Dave Hardin


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Yes, I realize that it’s propaganda.
Do I care? Nope.
Is it still appealing eye candy? Yep.
Thx Mason for keeping The Pretty Pics.

Without context or verification this will tickle the empty skulls of our countrymen, which will change the calculus of leadership re sending more weapons and ramping of war over there.
How many more stories before we have our yellow cake, aluminum tube moment?
I just don’t wanna see dead Americans and this is a real possibility as the phases of propagandas flow by, unabated, unanalyzed.


Well, Dog, if we get to that yellow cake, aluminum tube moment, our federal agencies are prepared. This from FEMA:

FEMA website warns Americans to maintain social distancing and wear a mask in the event of a nuclear explosion –

As an old sailing buddy of Poe’s used to say, “It’s what’s important that counts…”


The dumbest of us have been installed into positions where they can do the most harm.
At least the historic information they supplemented is correct or else we’d be getting “be sure to ask the fallout what its pronouns are so the ionizing radiation will not effect you”

USMC Steve

And you know this how?

You must know, as you are posting it as fact.


propaganda noun
pro·​pa·​gan·​da | \ ˌprä-pə-ˈgan-də  , ˌprō- \
: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause

Miss Ukraine’s ‘rifle’ there is an airsoft toy.

Those two pincushions with AKs are not wearing standard uniforms and the Ukraine Armory mark appears to be incorrect. (see below)

Last edited 2 years ago by Roh-Dog
USMC Steve

Uniform they are wearing is correct, but not current. Active troops are getting a new digital camo uniform, the reserve types and national guard or whatever they have mostly wear this pattern. I have seen like four different types of uniforms on them so far.


I said those chicks with gats is a lie, brought evidence and you’ve empty words.

Bring an image of the multicam-ish uniform matching or stfu.

USMC Steve

Okay, just fuck the fuck off. I don’t know who stole your geritol and antipsychotic meds, but I addressed your nonsense. If you lack the intellect to grasp it, and want to be pissy, I really don’t care. You don’t particularly impress me. And by the way, get a better set of eyes motherfucker, the markings on that AK are fine. Do better research and grow up. They have had AK’s for about 40 years, and not all the ordnance markings stayed the same. For fuck’s sake…AND NATO IS GREAT.


But I love you, deeply.


How about an easier challenge. I’ve scoured for an image for one representative sample of a Ukrainian AK with a chrome or grey parked rear sight. Find one.

DDDDDDAAAAAARRRRREEEEEE you. Or continue the defense of propaganda by your inaction, or ambivalence.

This is a free country, you have a choice… unless we’re talking about funding a stupid war, then thou must.


I 100% realize that we are feasting on Ukrainian propaganda right now, but there do see to be a lot of videos of broken down/ abandoned/ destroyed Russian gear lying about. Doesn’t mean Ukraine will prevail, but if the Ruskies just loose all the stuff I see in pictures and videos, it does seem like they are at least getting a bloody nose out of this thing.
Of course that might make Putin even more insistent on total victory since he can’t be seen losing to a smaller power like some other major world powers he could mention right now.

bruce kendall

twitter aint on our side, just sayin’


You nailed it.


Anyone else seeing in the news how the Democratic Socialists are blaming the invasion on US and NATO “imperialism and expansion”?

Fucking idiots. What year do they think it is?


But it is though. From a Russo perspective, Nuland helped interested parties overthrow a government to draw more interest out of UKR with IMF usury. Also, Visegrad and Vilnius expansions of NATO were unnecessary and against the post-USSR agreements from Jim Baker.

To suggest this action is without provocation is disingenuous.

Last edited 2 years ago by Roh-Dog
USMC Steve

If the US and the USSR made agreements, so what. The US likes to think it is NATO, but there are lots of countries in that organization. If the fucking Russians don’t want NATO expansion, they should kill Putin, and stop fucking with Europe on a daily basis.


Very nuanced view. I guess those ABM systems* in Poland were placed there by Putin. Clever girl.

*also known as a warhead and programing switch away from being INF Treaty prohibited weapons. Thanks John ‘The War Walrus” Bolton, PDJT and Potato Joe for forcing Russia into a Cold War Part II: Bigger, Longer, Unconscionable

There are no ‘good sides’ in this.

Dr Strangelove McCain.jpeg

Except no NATO country has ever invaded another NATO country. No NATO country has ever expanded it’s borders through conquering another country. Putin attacks any of his neighbors he thinks he can get away with and steals what he wants. Calling NATO expansionist is insane. There is no “NATO Government”. It is merely a treaty agreement.

Russia not only violated the Budapest Memorandum numerous times but Putin also declared it invalid as a justification for violating it because it was made with a “different” Russian Government, even though it was post USSR.


100% incorrect:
-Cypriot War
-The breaking up, and addicting, of Yugoslavia to the multi-headed totally not-a-government institution. “Hey, you can leave… but we can guarantee your safety cuz that air cover goes away”

expansionism[ ik-span-shuh-niz-uhm ]
a policy of expansion, as of territory or currency: 
the colonial expansionism of Europe in the 19th century.

I’d say they meter the definition quite well.

(Also, I didn’t know Iraq and Afghanistan were in Europe. I’ll have to update my map)

And notice how the fuck I said: “From a Russo perspective…” and proceeded to state factual events, and you lied and/or ‘mistruthed’. Remember that?

You want to lapdog for NATO do it the fuck away from me, tyrant.

Last edited 2 years ago by Roh-Dog
USMC Steve

You seriously need to calm the fuck down. This is not a complicated issue. Russia is pursuing a war of aggression against Ukraine, in and of itself a war crime. Poland is a NATO member so moving those ABM’s in there AT THEIR REQUEST is legit, whether or not you think so. Not sure where you got the stiffy for NATO but that is your issue, and based to that above response you ain’t going to be rational about it.


You don’t read too good, do’ya?

I’m perfectly calm, rational even, and frankly glad I’m an American, unlike the vast sum of international terrorism apologetics here.

Explain to me how NATO isn’t a suicide pact, also how this war is ‘bad’ yet NATO’s wars are ‘good’.

I’ll wait.

biggest lebowski.jpeg
Last edited 2 years ago by Roh-Dog

Sure, as soon as you name a single war begun by NATO.

I’ll wait. Forever…..


The United States has killed more people, even per capita, than the Russian Federation.

Honk, honk.


I have no idea what that has to do with wars begun by NATO? I bet you don’t either. But it makes you have good feels I bet.

Did Commissar hack your account and start posting as you? If not, you guys need to get a dacha together after the war. You can toast Putin from the skulls of the kids killed from when the Russians bombed the Children’s Hospital in the Ukraine.

So back on topic…. how many wars started by evil NATO?



Sit and spin, warmonger.

And if Lars was anti-war I’d gladly consider him an ally.


What the fuck is that?

Still waiting on WARS BEGUN BY NATO.

The rest of us know there aren’t any. Still waiting on you to catch up. The class moves at the speed of the slowest student.


Oh, you’re right! Those were peace keeping actions…. with bombs and guns.

You can see my confusion. I’ll stick to the mockingbird taking-points from now on.


No those were wars. I never said NATO didn’t fight in wars. That is their whole point of existence.

My point is that they don’t start wars of aggression. Now you don’t want to understand the difference…?


NATO’s existence, that is.


Wars of choice vs wars of necessity. I’m pretty sure I get the distinction. You do you, beau beau.


I will. Just like when the US attacked Germany in WWII. It was a war of choice.


So you do get it!
Smedly Butler’s Maxim was proved right again, just ask Prescott Bush!

At least I can be truthful about the warts, this doesn’t make me more moral just honest.

USMC Steve

That was only because the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.

USMC Steve

Nato operations do not equal wars peace pussy.


I’ve seen many elephants, so ‘pussy’?

At least I retain the right to say ‘I told you so’.

USMC Steve

So fucking what. Am I supposed to care? Might that be because the Russian Federation hasn’t existed up until about 1989.


Correct. Since then we’ve killed many, many more people.

Not even close.

Own it.


…..oh this is some bullshit going back and editing your posts, it was way better when you couldn’t do that….


You posted after I had edited, check the tape. The edit was ‘supranational’ to ‘rational’.

USMC Steve

Hold your breath while you wait. I am not going to waste time explaining to the delusional. You are as bad as Lars.


Turkey isn’t claiming Northern Cyprus for itself. You may as well say that US has claimed South Korea. Cyprus itself was never in and is still not in NATO. Yugoslavia was never in NATO. The breakup of Yugoslavia was not at the behest of NATO and was something that was certain to happen when Tito died. No NATO country has claimed territory in Yugoslavia. You should listen to yourself sometime.

Also you changed the context of your quote. I was responding to your;

“Visegrad and Vilnius expansions of NATO” no clue what else you are talking about, so no I DONT FUCKING remember it.

If you think NATO is some kind of tyranny please pick whatever non-NATO/ non-SEATO country you want to live in, move there and start enjoying the blessings of freedom and liberty you find there. Nutcase.


I just might, expansionist.

Again, the inability to accept that Putin has his own motivation, and it is in fact reasonable, possibly justified, is your own metal disorder.

I can’t help you.


Supports wars of aggression when launched by unconstitutionally self appointed dictator… got it… you should probably edit this post too.


When did I support it? And even if I did, which I most certainly do not, what could I do about it?

I have the impact of nothing.

I want truth, reason, and peace. This can only be accomplished if we step of of the jingoism rah rah lies and treat this as what it is, an amoral eventuality brought on by tit-for-tating over the last 30 years.

And look at my comment about the edit, tool.


Calling Putin “reasonable and possibly justified” sounds more supportive than anyone else I ever heard.


When our (read: your) bought-and-paid-for government overthrows other governments you kinda lose the moral high ground.

Again, read what I said.

For instance, we own the Mad Mullahs of Iran.


All governments are led by politicians. All politicians, by nature are corrupt. This isn’t about moral high ground it is about the kind of world that I want my kids to live in.

A vassal state of Putin’s Russia ain’t it.


So ceding our sovereignty to fight an existential (non) threat is net-net positive?

I’ve got a $6.4B reason to tell Ukraine to f-off but if we don’t give them rockets puppies cry.

Did I do that right?

USMC Steve

OOOH, hey 5JC, roh doggie learned a new word.

Hack Stone

It is Donald Trump’s fault. If he would have fought harder to question the results of the 2020 election, maybe, just maybe, the questionable tactics of the Democrat Party would have given the election to Trump. If Trump was in office, Putin would not have invaded. Ergo, this is Donald Trump’s fault.


Oh. My. Gobsmacked. Gob!!!!! I haven’t laughed this hard in a while! Thank you for that, Mason!!!

Maybe the Ukrainians could “adopt” the mechanized junk? You know: rehab it (so it works better) and put new code numbers on it, all in plain sight.

Is this going to be something that might close off Russia’s ship base down at the Black Sea coast?

I have to say that I am SO disappointed in Vlad Pussyf— er, Putin. Obviously, he doesn’t understand strategic stuff…. or something like that.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just like how US Army Units in the past would break out the paint when “accidentally” stumbling across unattended equipment.


If you have time, this is an excellent video explaining why the Russian’s want control of Ukraine. The bit about the huge natural gas resources, both onshore and off, was a surprise to ol’ Poe.

Why Russia is Invading Ukraine – YouTube

Last edited 2 years ago by Poetrooper

It’s also the reason Russia has a Navy base on the Black Sea right now.


This just in… After a weekend of consultation with John Kerry at “an old folks home” in Delaware, the Brandon administration has authorized an emergency air drop of solar panels to the Ukraine in order to offset carbon emissions.

A Proud Infidel®™

With or without a bundle of free crack pipes?


Just a thought or 2. Anybody do the math on this? Maybe Vlad Teh Stoopid is holding his Class A Formations in reserve in case NATO does do something? Maybe he was thinking his C Formations could just waltz on in and be greeted as Liberators to the oppressed people of Ukraine? The former Soviet Doctrine was to reward success, with the logistics string going to the units that met their objectives…the rest did the best they could with what they had. Or maybe Vlad is holding back to not blow hell out of stuff that would have to be rebuilt? Why else would the Red Army have not rolled thru the Ukes like a hot knife thru butter?

All that being said I repeat; War is dangerous to children and other living things. Make peace you fool and let’s just all get along. And keep the pretty girl soldier pictures coming. I like pretty girls with gunz…I’m queer that way. 😜


You’re asking the right questions, KoB. Much of Soviet-cum-Russia Fed Army doctrine is maneuver under indirect fires, arty and a depth of smaller systems.
They’ve used this sparingly, almost a negligible amount. Many of those systems were not moved up in the initial push with them still sitting at borders in REDCON unkn status.

With Putin I’m afraid as the tensions start to ramp up with a coordinated resistance the thermobarics will come out.


He didn’t send the A Team. So now he is in a pickle. If he sends the A Team what is left to defend the country or suppress Chechnya and Georgia and Belarus and Syria and Central Africa and Dagestan and Uzebeki-beki-beki-stan? when they start getting rowdy? The news might be suppressed but people are noticing that things are going poorly. When you hold your empire together through fear of a threat and the threat turns out to be a paper tiger things can fall apart fast.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not even a week and the Russkies are running out of food and fuel, makes me appreciate the ones I called “POG’s” back in the day!


You know you’ve lost it when neutral Switzerland adopts European Union sanctions on your ass…

Neutral Switzerland will adopt European Union sanctions against Russians involved in Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and freeze their assets, the government said on Monday in a sharp deviation from the Alpine country’s traditions.

“In view of Russia’s continuing military intervention in Ukraine, the Federal Council took the decision on February 28 to adopt the packages of sanctions imposed by the EU on February 23 and 25,” the government said in a statement.

Switzerland also adopted financial sanctions against Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, effective immediately, it said.”


Vlad is not going to like having his secret Swiss bank accounts frozen.


You’re right, Counselor, but it could end up biting the Swiss in the ass if oligarchs, politicians and other assorted, corrupt, wealthy types, who have long relied on the absolute inviolability of their ill-gotten gains stashed away in Swiss bank accounts, start getting qualms and go looking for other options.


Or, someone decided being bankers to assholery isn’t worth it anymore.


In the case of most bankers, greed usually triumphs over common sense… 🤑 

Last edited 2 years ago by Poetrooper

Things didn’t look so good for the Russians at the start of the Winter War (1939-1940) either.


True, but the Finnish army bled the Soviets pretty badly before Russia finally prevailed with six-to-one KIA/MIA losses. The Reds lost around 40,000 to 50,000 (depends on whose numbers you use; these are from Wikipedia) troops KIA/MIA per month for the 3.5 month duration.

The Finns, admittedly a much smaller country, as is Ukraine, lost around 8,000 per month. Yeah, they lost and had to cede some territory but they gave the Russian bear a helluva bloody nose in the process.


Salty’s take on the info war that’s being waged. He brings up the same point posited here about twatter: they are not our friend.


Phew! TAH is back up after I was getting 504 gatway timeouts.
I was afraid Putin went after Dave’s server.


If you’d like to continue this justification for your bloodlust I’m game. The word wrap is getting annoying so I suggest a new thread lest you further misconstrue our convo.

You were at the point of ‘make Americans poor to kill poorer people 1/4 the way around the globe because ‘freedom”, please continue.


Or I’ll start, I’d like to revisit my comment “NATO is a suicide pact”. First, let me define terms:

2. The destruction or ruin of one’s own interests.

  1. A formal agreement, such as one between nations; a treaty
  2. An arrangement between people; a compact. synonym: agreement.
  3. An agreement; a compact.

If we, the United States, have a treaty that gives us cases belli absent of our deeded right as a country of citizens, namely Congressional Declaration of War, then is that not unconstitutional? Wouldn’t the subsequent depletion of treasury and drafted lives be a “destruction or ruin of [our] own interests”?
If these conflicts were fomented by international corporations without allegiance to us, would we still has the moral obligation to fight against their enemies?
I concede no treaty is perfect, but given the consolidation of power external: what do we retain?