Weekend Open Thread

| March 4, 2022

We are in the season of Lent in the liturgical calendar. The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, the day after Mardi Gras. The smallest season this year, Easter Triduum, begins on the evening of April 14 and runs to Easter evening. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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I’m sixth….maybe I can be 9th’s too.  😅 
OK Dawgy Dog
Your Crown, Your orb and your scepter.
I hope you rule justly and fairly and well.
Better than Joe Biden. Who’s your second just in case???

Last edited 2 years ago by ChipNASA

Thanks Chip. I’m tapping Lars as my number 2 (iykwim).

Frankie Cee

I know whut you mean, Vern.


You fucker. I laughed WAY too…(still giggling as I type this… 💩 ) too hard at this….VERY slick.


Looks like the Dog has it agin. Woof woof


Remember He died for your sins. In honor of God’s gift to us, wine and bread will be served in Jesus’ name.

Have a GREAT weekend y’all! (even you, 5guy)

Work them preps! Now back for the closing hour of trading. Joy.




Roh-Dog, you wrote: “Remember He died for your sins.”

Yep. That Jewish Carpenter is still one Awesome Guy.

Thank You for sharing your Faith…and Congrats on being “FIRST”!


President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Sparkling wine? (i.e., champagne or prosecco?)


We bow to your FIRSTNESS Roh-Dog! This knave awaits your orders My Liege. Good J.O.B. on stealing the Crown from that wingwiping Space Cadet and bringing it back into the (GO) Army Realm. I’d check the Throne very carefully, he mighta wiped wings, but ain’t sure if he wipes anything else. May Kong bring you Rats. Be gooder’n Ham and Muthers.

The Stranger

Uh, you do know that our Lord and Savior was a carpenter, right? Which would make him an…ENGINEER! Just sayin…
He made water into wine, we drink wine (or burnt wine). Engineers are holy! I gave up quitting drinking for Lent.

And you do remember that I’m Army, but was originally of the wing wiper persuasion?


True dat, Pappy. The Former Jewish Carpenter’s turning the water into wine may be what started the Engineer’s drinking problem. And yes Sir, I remembered that used use to wipe wings until you found honest work, turning golf courses into rifle and Artillery Impact Ranges. Let’s have a frosty, cold Yuengling to celebrate your awakening.

Commissioner Wretched





First – Twofer!!




Sorry, but naw. Have a great weekend tho(?).

Hack Stone

Hack Stone would like to claim First Post for Friday March 4, 2022. Hack Stone is well aware that as a victim of a vast right wing conspiracy, the “good old boy network” will never allow Hack Stone to assume his rightful place in internet lore.

And as a reminder, all of the Adorable Deplorables of the Catholic faith are reminded that since we are now in the Lentin Season, you should abstain from listening to Meat Loaf songs or watching Kevin Bacon films.



Hack Stone

Missed it by about 10 seconds.

Commissioner Wretched

Well, poop. Missed it by … THAT much. Oh, well. Time for some trivia … and congrats to Roh-Dog!

How similar is the film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” to the original story?
By Commissioner Wretched
Spring is right around the corner!

Just a few more days until that best of all seasons is once again upon us. The birds will sing, the air will warm, the snow will melt (if you have any snow, that is), and …

Baseball season will begin! I hope.

Yes, spring is certainly my favorite time of year. What’s yours?

If you’d like to share your answer to that question, you can always drop a note to me at didyouknowcolumn@gmail.com and I always answer right away.

As you contemplate your favorite season, let’s add a little trivia to the mix. Read on!

Did you know …

… only male fireflies can fly? (They’re also the only ones that want to.)

Commissioner Wretched

… a famous circus performer had three legs? Francesco “Frank” Lentini (1889-1966) was born with three legs, four feet, and sixteen toes. Lentini lived a full and normal life, married, and was the father of four children. Doctors believed Lentini had what they called a “parasitic twin,” or a twin that did not fully develop before birth.

… the first videocassette recorder, or VCR, was released in 1956? It was the size of a piano. (But was it Beta or VHS? Enquiring minds want to know.)

Commissioner Wretched

… Europe’s oldest independent country is also one of the world’s smallest? The Republic of San Marino, which is surrounded by Italy, has an area of only 23.63 square miles. It was founded on September 3, 301 AD. The country lays a legitimate claim to being the world’s smallest republic, but the island nation of Nauru in the Pacific Ocean gives that claim a run for its money. (Despite what you may have heard, size isn’t everything.)

A Proud Infidel®™

A Nation SO SMALL that its National Olympic Swim Team has to use the kiddie pool!

“HAAAAAAAA!, I kill me!” – ALF

Commissioner Wretched

… one of the most popular tourist attractions in Asia is the result of an accident? In the nation of Turkmenistan you’ll find an attraction known as the Gates of Hell. It’s a natural gas fire crater that began in 1971, when Turkmenistan was part of the Soviet Union. Soviet geologists discovered methane gas there during a mining expedition and decided to set it on fire, expecting it to burn off in a few weeks. Now, 51 years later, the gas is still burning, and has become a major tourist draw. (The jokes are too numerous and obvious here for me to just select one.)

Commissioner Wretched

… the classic Disney film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is nothing at all like the original story? Sure, there’s the beautiful Snow White, the evil Wicked Queen, Prince Charming, and the seven little guys. But that’s where the similarity ends. In the original story, the Queen isn’t after Snow White’s heart … she wants her liver and lungs instead. The Queen tries three times to kill Snow White, and the first two attempts fail. (Well, so does the third, but nobody initially realizes it.) The Queen wore the same disguise all three times, so I’ll leave it up to you to decide how smart Snow White really was. The dwarfs – who in the original story do not have cute names – put Snow into a glass coffin after she eats the poison apple, thinking she has died. 

Commissioner Wretched

Prince Charming doesn’t awaken her with a kiss or anything else. He just thinks she’s awfully cute and wants her around, glass coffin and all. The coffin is dropped on the way to his castle, Snow falls out, the piece of poison apple stuck in her throat is dislodged, and she wakes up. And the Queen? She gets her comeuppance when she’s invited to the wedding of Charming and Snow, and has to wear red-hot iron shoes and dance herself to death. (I’ve never understood why the Queen wanted Snow White’s liver and lungs, but that’s just me.)

Hack Stone

“I’ve never understood why the Queen wanted Snow White’s liver and lungs.”

The Queen wasn’t asking for a handout, just a liver and lungs.

Dennis - not chevy

Maybe, with a nice chianti?


Don’t forget the fava beans.


It’s a variation of the steak and kidney pie recipe.

Commissioner Wretched

I’d rather have the steak and kidney, myself.

Commissioner Wretched

… that popular office tool, the red Swingline stapler, did not exist until one was created for a movie? Swingline only made black office staplers. But the movie Office Space, made in 1999, featured one that had been spray-painted red, because a character in the film required a red stapler and no company actually made them. For some reason, the idea of a red stapler in the office caught on, and a demand was sparked that caused the company to begin making them. The red stapler is now Swingline’s second-most popular item, following only its original black staplers.

… people in Ireland who give blood get an interesting gift in return? In Ireland, the tradition is that if a person gives a pint of blood, that person is given in return a pint of Guinness beer. The beer is to replace the iron that was in the donated blood. (And it keeps your body’s fluids in balance … though the beer is more tasty than the blood, I’m sure.)


CW: You wrote: “Swingline only made black office staplers.”

The ninja family owns a Red Swingline Tot 50…since the 1960s. It still works..

Tried to attach a picture of it, but the JPEG was too big.

Thank You for your trivia!


CW: Found a picture of the Red Swingline Tot 50 with an article about it:



Here is the picture from the article:

Commissioner Wretched

You’re right, the Tot 50 has been around a long time, and has been red a long time … but Swingline doesn’t consider it an “office” stapler. It’s rather a “personal” stapler.

The actual red office stapler (larger kind, heavy duty) didn’t exist until one was painted bright red for Office Space.


Thank You, CW for the feedback! You have a great point…!

One member of the ninja family DID use the Tot 50 as an “Office” Stapler since it was made in Long Island City, New York. The Swinglines we received while in the US Army were made in Great Britain…for some reason, those Staplers malfunctioned quite a few times…😉😎


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jeff LPH 3 63-66

When working in LIC servicing the Jewelrey factories, I remember passing the stapler company on Skillman Ave above the railroad yards before they moved. I think that we also did check cashing or payroll drop off their but this was so long ago.


Had a Rio Red Swingline 747 dummy-corded to my desk with eight feet of foliage green 550 cord in 2011… which pissed-off the O6 running the place. (Not quite the model shown in the film, but steel and worked quite well.)
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Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous

There was no “Rio Red” stapler from Swingline when Office Space came out. They started making one after so many people asking where they could get one.


True dat. The O6 was bent outta shape about what it implied about his operation from the movie.


Had a company commander that dummy-corded a couple of 2LT’s to his desk. Long enough that that they could work but too short to let them out of the building without his knowledge. Worked like a charm.

Commissioner Wretched

… you may suffer from koumpounophobia? If you do, you have a fear of buttons. Sufferers of the malady will do anything to avoid touching buttons, looking at them, wearing clothing with them, or even thinking about them. According to a study published in The Guardian, about one in every 75,000 people suffers from the fear. (Fortunately for these people, the zipper was invented.)

… you can engine-block cook an entire holiday meal? It is possible to prepare all the food you need to cook, put it on top of your car’s engine, drive around a while, and when you’re done, the food will all have been cooked. (Call it a car-becue.)

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Myth-Busters did a show on that. And it was CONFIRMED.

Commissioner Wretched

… the most dependable brand of automobile is, arguably, the Rolls-Royce? According to the company, more than 75% of all the cars ever produced by Rolls-Royce are still on the road. (And now you know why they cost so much.)

… phone books in Iceland list people by their first names? That’s because Icelandic culture does not have actual last names, like family names. Boys and girls are given a name at birth, followed by their father’s name with an ending meaning “son” or “daughter.” (Never mind that … who still uses phone books?)

Now … you know!


Longevity and dependability are NOT the same thing. Ask the RR owners how much they have spent on the cars in maintenance and repairs, not to mention the initit=al purchase price.

Commissioner Wretched

Hence my use of the word “arguably.”


Had a friend who bought a 1991 Bentley for $25K. Had it for abou three years before the engine seized. Repairs were likely going to cost 15 to 20K. It sat in his driveway for over a year before he passed away.


Not first but happy to be here. Have a good weekend all!


“Ukraine is game to you!?”


I was caught napping. (Literally)
Present and unaccountable.

Still no endurance to speak of after my allergic reaction a week ago last Tuesday.

Saw the prostate Dr. – still in stage one but it is growing, so I’ll be having a consultation visit with the radiation Dr. later this month, to probably start later this year.

Four years after initial diagnosis, and only one of the 8 sections doubled that we know of. One sample didn’t provide enough usable tissue to get a result. Some increase in the others.

Expecting one of those “minimal impact” type outcomes – except if they declare me “cancer free” at the end I can actually give blood again!

Our Princess’ concern was whether or not I would lose my beard. (Hee hee)


Out Thoughts and Prayers to you, GB on your health situation. You, Mrs. GB and your Family deserve the best. Proverbs 3:5-6.


Thank you ninja.
I have to say God has blessed me far beyond all my dreams and deserts already. Although I won’t refuse more!


Amen. I wish you and yours all the best, GB.

Get health ASAP, we need you in the fight!

(Thanks for the reminder about blood dono’ing. It’s been a hot minute so I’ll take one for the team!)

Frankie Cee

How in the damned hell can a country go from energy independence to sucking tits at OPEC and paying through the nose. On my birthday, last September, I bought gas, and I keep all my receipts in my “truck book”. I paid $1.799 or $1.80, and just a couple hours ago, not even 5 1/2 months later, I paid $3.799, or $3.80. This is outrageous.

Gas March 4 2022.jpg

Here’s the answer to your question, Frankie Cee…😉😎


Gateway pundit reports an Alabama gas station is removing 5 or 6 Biden stickers daily.

Whoever came up with the sticker idea is making some pretty decent coin I would imagine. You can see at just about any gas station where they have been removed because they can’t get it all off.

Any Biden supporters here care to brag on his first year accomplishments?


Recently in Wisconsin on a mission, every single gas station and every pump in ’em had stickers in the appropriate place.


Stickers available on Amazon from multiple sources, too.


In Commiefornia there are stations where premium is over $6.50.


$4.69 in South California. That is using $1.00 off per gallon using Vons card…


Just as not everyone in the United States cares for Biden, there are folks in Russia who do not care for Putin.

Music brings folks together. There is an irony in the title of this video song as well as where it was performed.

Video is 5 minutes in length and is worth it. Please enjoy. We did.

“The official video for the song “The Final Coundown” by EUROPE, performed on Rocknmob Moscow #9.
Moscow, Russia, VDNH Park. September 5th, 2021. 220 musicians.”

“Musicians from different parts of Russia play together!”


Here is a second video performed by the same musicians in 2019. There is also another irony in the song title. About 5 minutes long…worth the watch.

“The official video for the song “Livin’ On A Prayer” by Bon Jovi, performed on Rocknmob Moscow #8.
Moscow, Russia, Gorky Park. May 19th, 2019. 270+ musicians.”

“Almost 300 rockers performed one of the most popular Bon Jovi songs to welcome the band in Russia before thier first concert in our country since 1989!”




Thanks. That was impressive. I bet one would look long and hard in that crowd to find one person who is a fan of Vlad the Invader.

A Proud Infidel®™

Fifty-something and I claim Honorary First once again.



I was looking for a good place to post this for your LULZ for this weekend. Eh, this is as good a place as any…..so….speaking of World War... here’s an interesting story, true or not, it still gives me a giggle,
Cheers all,
(A photo but it’s going to be small so don’t try to read it, use the clicky linky. )
Here’s a favorite of mine from a few years back, in case you’ve never seen it. Maybe we can load McDonalds fryers into B-52s and add a few employees on the aircrews and airdrop hot salty fries into Ukraine and Russia. .

World War Crow…

Last edited 2 years ago by ChipNASA

To my fellow Buckeyes, CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY LAW HAS PASSED! Now it just needs signed by the governor. AMERICA! FUCK YEAH!


Congratulations…but is that RINO going to sign it?


Can I claim first for next week?

Green Thumb

Woke up.

Just finished coffee.

About to go scoop the rest of the Phil Monkress from my backyard. Got a lot of Phil Monkress scooped last week, but as the snow recedes, it reveals more old, oozy, soggy and loose piles of Phil Monkress.

Don’t need the neighbors complaining about the sight and smell of numerous piles of Phil Monkress so I need to be a good neighborhood resident and get to it!

Wish me luck!


How many and how big are the Phil monkress that live at your home.

Green Thumb

Removed about two 45-50 lb. buckets of somewaht half-frozen but still oozy and slushy piles of Phil Monkress.

Currently having a drink to numb the experience.

Green Thumb

Hey, admin.

How do I put a picture in my little box to the left?

Everyone has one but me!


So, what am I? Corn hash?  😂 

Green Thumb

I do not know.

Corn Pop?


Head fake!

Heh heh heh.

A TAH Friday oldie, but goodie…