McKinney languishes in Israeli jail
Removing American moonbats from society that Americans won’t, the Israelis have shown good sense by locking up our looniest loon according to Fox News;
Former U.S. lawmaker and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney and several other human rights activists remained in an Israeli prison Thursday after refusing to sign a deportation form that they claim is self-incriminating.
In a press release from the Green Party, McKinney said the form states that the Spirit of Humanity, a Greek-flagged relief boat carrying 21 activists, medical supplies, cement, olive trees and children’s toys en route to Gaza, was violating the Israeli blockade and trespassing the country’s territorial waters.
“We were in international waters on a boat delivering humanitarian aid to people in Gaza when the Israeli Navy ships surrounded us and illegally threatened us, dismantled our navigation equipment, boarded and confiscated the ship,” she said in a statement, adding that they were immediately taken into custody.
“Immigration officials in Israel said they did not want to keep us, but we remain imprisoned,” she said.
Cynthia McKinney has been complaining about the Jews and Israel for years. I hope she takes advantage of this wonderful opportunity to immerse herself in the traditions and culture and build bridges between the moonbat lifestyle and the Jewish world. I’ll bet cash money that they don’t want to keep her – but we don’t either. Sorry, Israel.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Liberals suck, Terror War
OMFG……..That was scary as hell….someone beat her with a crazy bat WAY too long. I vote for a caption contest for that picture!
As a former constituent of this loon – who voted ABC – anybody but Cynthia – I say keep her. Throw her under the jail. Don’t let her out until she repents of her sins and agrees to sin no more against Israel or the normal United States Citizen.
Now that Obama has shown that you really don’t have to be born here to become president, do you think we might entice Netanyahu to run in 2012?
Maybe we could adapt the old advertising campaign from Levy’s Jewish Rye Bread, “You don’t have to be Jewish to vote for Bebe.”
Holy Shit!! Where’d she get that fright wig hair!!
I nominate that pic of McKinney as the “second best walking cure for priapism”. Just sayin’.
I’m with Susan……Keep her locked up Israel. Yer doing us a big favor.
Hey Isreal PLEASE KEEP the Moonbat Beotch. Please ,pretty please, with sugar on Top.