Dumbass attacks 72 year old Brit veteran, proceeds to get beat like a Bodhran.
Does this look like the face of a man who would attack an elderly British Veteran?
The Future Mrs. Marcus Luttrell sent me this from Boing Boing today:
A British hard-partying 24-year-old bartender got upset that his elderly neighbour called the cops over all the noise he was making, so he got drunk and broke into the 72-year-old’s house, wielding some kind of Mall Ninja knife that incorporated brass knuckles. What he didn’t know was that the neighbour was a retired boxing champ, and the older man beat the everloving crap out of the would-be assailant. The judge in the case sentenced the burglar to four and a half years and said, of the beating, “You got what you deserved.”
Category: Politics
comments at the linked article are interesting, too…
(sniff)…I love happy endings!
You know, my mother, when provoked by my brother’s mouth at times would always ask,”You want to keep those jewels?”
Never underestimate anyone’s strength to save their own ass. That little puke got what he deserved. And the comments were priceless. “he was too drunk or he never would of done it.” Precisely why an asskicking was in order.
Great story!!! Always happy to see an assclown get his.
I’m sorry, but I just get a warm fuzzy seeing some doorknob get his ass kicked for being a complete moron.
What would really have been funny; is to actually have been there to watch this guy screaming like a bitch after getting whooped and the old guy standing over this quivering pile saying “How do you like me now?”
Did this happen in England? If so, I’m shocked that the old vet wasn’t prosecuted for defending himself (“criminals are members of society, too”, and all that nonsense)…
I think the reason he didn’t is because he was un-armed and the perp/moron had a weapon. I guess having a weapon doesn’t always give you an advantage, or so the little turd found out.
Ok, thats just funny as hell.
LMAO.. he looks a bit like Perez Hilton.
Dammit, 1stCav. You beat me to it.
And that folks, is why you NEVER screw with old people…
The old man not only schooled that little punk, he sent the little fucktard to detention. Gotta love it.
Thanks for coming to Texas. I know you had better reasons for coming than just the party, but it was fine party none the less. I enjoyed meeting you guys and truly appreciated the stories about Bells. Thanks again, and come back anytime.
~Jesse Janis
“Marcus Luttrell”
This’d be one of these Lee Harvey Oswald situations, where you’d do well to find out and then include the guy’s middle name.
You know, to avoid any confusion with the Navy Cross recipient, Navy SEAL hero, etc. Did you not read “Sole Survivor” ?
On further examination, it appears that’s not a prison joke and you aren’t referring to this guy’s name.
Old Geezer Vet 1, Stupid Moonbat drunk 0. Yeah for us Old Guys.