Military Searching for Extremists
The Defense Department has added questions about any extremist behavior to the screening process for potential recruits. This and monitoring a service member’s social media are parts of the effort to eliminate *cough* radicalism from the ranks.
This effort has gone so well as to be assigned strict oversight.
David sends.
Watchdog to Audit Military’s Screening for Extremists at Enlistment | By Konstantin Toropin
The Department of Defense inspector general has begun an audit of how the military is doing at screening out extremists during enlistment, the latest move in a new push to root out the activity, according to a publicly released memo.
The watchdog audit comes only weeks after the Pentagon unveiled its latest report on extremism in the ranks. That report created new guidelines on activities banned for service members by adding more detail and clarity on what constitutes extremist activity, as well as active participation.
Military extremism was pushed to the forefront last year when some troops and veterans participated in the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. A mob clashed with police before breaking through doors and windows and stalking lawmakers in an attempt to stop the official vote count in the 2020 election after former President Donald Trump lost.
And the band played on. Thanks, David.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Big Pentagon, Guest Link
We suspect the article may tie in with this new Navt training plan:
“Navy Extends Boot Camp To Encompass ‘Extremism’ And Sexual Assault. The Military Has Reportedly Been Trying To Root Out What The Biden Administration Calls ‘Extremism’ After The Jan. 6 Riot”
“The U.S. Navy is adding two weeks to its formerly eight-week boot camp program this year to focus on improving recruits’ emergency skills and war readiness, as well as equipping them to handle issues related to suicide prevention, sexual assault, hazing, and racism.”
“We’re telling our recruits … here are all of the things that we expect you to do, and here’s how we expect you to behave and act,” said Rear Adm. Jennifer Couture, according to the AP. She added that the training involves treating people with respect and holding peers accountable.”
“We believe very strongly that those types of behaviors are directly impacting our fighting readiness and the performance of our sailors.”
“The military has also reportedly been trying to root out racism and “extremism” after some former and current service members were present at the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. The Biden administration ordered the Navy to undergo an operational “stand down” on “extremism,” during which some sailors tell Fox the service engaged in politically-charged training in which it allowed sailors to advocate for Black Lives Matter while on duty, but were prohibited from taking other “political” stances. Under Biden, the Pentagon has also publicly criticized pundits who question the administration’s stances. Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has publicly defended his decision to study critical race theory and place books about it on military reading lists.”
“Last week, the Navy removed the first group of sailors from the service for not getting the COVID-19 vaccine.”
I heard about this over the weekend on the news radio and thought to myself, “I think Ex-PH2 would just about shit herself (not very ladylike and certainly not a comment on her personally) or more realistically, get a vein up on her forehead over this crap. Got-damn PC Brass. Fuckers.
Not to comment for her but, hey, I can be uncouth in her stead. 😉 And don’t forget DOJ is launching a civilian counterpart. Kinda lie, say, the GRU and KGB.
Won’t matter if we have any Warriors left in the Military. After the surrender, the remainders of the US Military will make up the Cadre of the 1st US (United Socialist) Corps.
Comrade Milley appreciates the vote of confidence, citizen. You will have premium berthing and job in reeducation camp.
I don’t remember us getting this ( suicide prevention, sexual assault, hazing, and racism.”) while I was in Navy Boot Camp back in 1963. Maybe because we had a real Mil Armed Forces back then.
Easy fix. To avoid suspicion purchase a Kamala Harris 2022 wall calendar AND/or an Alexandria Ocasio Cortez bobble-head doll to display from Amazon (yes they sell them). One could also mention their preferred pronouns.
Something like this?
Wait until they get the bill. Uncle Sam charges Uncle Sam for everything. Basic training has a price; technical training has a price; shipping stuff on a C-whatever has a price. If Sammy makes it, moves it, trains it, delivers it, etc; Sammy sends Sammy a bill and it ain’t cheap.
What a joke. Austin cannot be this stupid.
In my time in, I saw a few of these clowns, for sure. But nothing like they make it out to be.
If anything, it went the “other way”.
Misdirection 101. Keep people off foot and fearful and you can do whatever you want.
In the end, if you look for something long and hard enough, you will find it. If it exists or not….
We should focus more on letting and helping people through military schools and training when they do not have the skill set to get through in the first place.
Monies well spent!
“Austin cannot be this stupid” – I have a large amount of cash green money willing to bet the other way. Iff’n I wuz you, I wouldn’t take that bet.
I’m sure it will be just as effective as the recruiter screening questions in the movie Stripes.
It’ll be mandatory soon…
“No, but we’re willing to learn.” ha ha loved that film
Where on the list of the “extremist organizations” does Black Lies Matter fall? AntiFa? La Raza? The Crips? Bloods? Latin Kings?
Or,are they just looking to weed out the white boys?
The Masons.
Austin fails to mention them.
Find them all?
Alyssa: Hooper, why do sound like Minister Farrakhan on stage and the King Pop when you’re not?
Hooper X: Look out boys. This kitten has whip
Alyssa: Always before I get to speak you dick!
The end of a classic rant from ‘Chassing Amy’ in the View Askew Universe…back when Kevin Smith was fat and funny aka 20 years before he got woke and ruined He-Man.
Before Lars?
I retire this year (Thank God). This shit is just getting rediculous. Can’t wait for the day after retirement to begin the next phase of life, leading the charge to call out all of these idiots.
I hope my son can get medically retired before the Vaccine Gestapo (intentional use of the term) OTH discharge him.
Looking for extremists?
Start with the 5-sided Puzzle Palace, they are like cockroaches there. Traitorous backstabbing hijos des putas.
Now where are my blood pressure meds?
I take it that anyone dissenting with the liberal agenda will be branded an “extremist” and drummed out any way they can. NRA Member? Extremist. Conservative Talk Radio fan? Ditto and the list goes on. It’s very apparent that the current criminal crew in charge is doing all it can to perform a Stalin-like purge of its ranks, y’all pardon me while I go give my DD214 another hug and a kiss!
The DOJ just announced it is now forming a dedicated “domestic terrorist” unit to ferret out and prosecute the domestic terrorists among us.
Are they going to name it “Stazi” or “Abwer”?
I think it will be the English translation for GeheimeStaatsPolizei.
Yep. They’re already going after parents who opposed CRT and voice their opinions at Loudon County, VA school board meetings.
(The school board has since closed their meetings off from the public, and many families have already had a visit from the FBI.)
Today’s FBI is the Stasi / KGB of the DNC.
Sorry, you can’t enlist, son. We looked through your social media and saw signs of extremism. There were three American flags, a photo of the Constitution, and messages about how you think America is a meritocracy. There’s no place for a man like you in today’s military. You’re too dangerous.
What’s next, only taking Graduates from places like UC Berzerkely for Officers?
Lars’ wetdream
With all the incompetence in the political and military leadership roles, the government spying on service members social media, PC indoctrination classes etc, why would anyone with options want to join? Why would anyone encourage a young man or woman to put themselves in such a shitty position for almost no money or tangible benefit? Patriotism was a great motivator but I’m pretty sure that’s extremist.
Are you now or have you ever been a Republican?
Is the watchdog screening for extremist behavior at the top too?
I’ve been flagged on social media as “someone at risk for recruitment to extremism” for some of my more libertarian commentary. The Book Of Face has even graciously offered my counseling options available in my area to help me avoid becoming even more libertarian… There’s a reason I was banned for 60 days recently…I manage a page that is not at all Facebook friendly, or SJW friendly…or even polite at times… None of this surprises me, we are becoming a nation of a fucking sallies more worried about appearance than the lethality of the fighting force… In the US a kid made a toy gun out of a Pop Tart and the police were called and the kid was suspended….meanwhile in Russia they are having competitions to field strip an AK74 and one little girl was able to do it in under 30 seconds… Our enemies don’t give one flying fuck about the feelings of the fringe jerkoffs in their nations who contribute absolutely nothing to their societies…but here in the states if you’re a fat fucking slob with green hair and so many piercings you can’t get through a metal detector who is offended by everything and uses “non-binary” pronouns the entirety of society is supposed to not only tolerate you, but fucking cater to your sorry ass. Newsflash shitbirds, I begrudge the green haired slob nothing with respect to their right to live in this country unencumbered by our legal system with respect to employment and housing. That said I am under no obligation to find that green haired slob my equal in terms of contribution to society and thus deserving equal consideration for said slob’s opinions or lifestyle choices. It is entirely possible to believe people should be left alone while vehemently disagreeing with every choice they make. The government can’t legislate who I like or respect regardless of what some asshole says in a press conference. That opinion makes me an “extremist” on social media apparently…and I don’t give a fuck. It also, apparently, makes every member of the US Military who thinks as I do… Read more »
Let’s Go Brandon!
(I proudly got a lifetime ban from Twitter for disrespecting Hillary Clinton)
DILLY DILLY!!! The way I see it is every undesirable extremist booted from the services only strengthens the good guys, aka us, when CW2 goes from frigid to hot. I honestly believe it will happen soon.
I don’t think anyone wants actual extremists in the military or in society for that matter. The problem is what is the definition of extremist and is it enforced equally.
We Marines have proudly been accused of being “extremists” for quite some time now.
From the illustrious days of the Clinton administration in 1997:
‘Army Official Apologizes to Marines’
‘WASHINGTON (AP) _ The Army’s top personnel official apologized Thursday for referring to Marines as “extremists,″ a remark that had prompted the Marines’ top general to return fire.
In her apology, Sara Lister, the assistant secretary of the Army for manpower and reserve affairs, contended her remarks had been “taken out of context.″ She did not deny that she had characterized the Marine Corps as extremists.
At a public seminar on Oct. 26, Mrs. Lister took aim at the Marine Corps.
“I think the Army is much more connected to society than the Marines are,″ Mrs. Lister told the conference in Baltimore sponsored by Harvard University’s John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies.
“The Marines are extremists,″ she added, according to a tape of the conference, as first reported Thursday by The Washington Times.
“Wherever you have extremists, you’ve got some risks of total disconnection with society,″ Mrs. Lister continued. “And that’s a little dangerous.″
Ooragh. Semper Fi, Mrs. Lister.
Yes the Marine Corps has bucked the PC trends of the last few decades but they are firmly in the crosshairs of the left. The Corps has the same woke training and indoctrination as the rest of the military and has changed its standards to accommodate women in combat roles also it’s adopted the same gender confusing policies as everyone else. Marine Corps senior officers an senior NCOs are just as politically motivated as their peers in other services, no one is making waves about this nonsense not if they want to get promoted. Chesty would be booted as and extremist in today’s Corps. And believe me as a Marine Vet it pains me greatly to see it happen.
DoD is setting this policy in the hopes of preventing it from becoming a more restrictive law.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is the federal law that funds DoD each year. The House Armed Services Committee (HASC) version of NDAA 22 included a lot of provisions that would mandate things like a UCMJ article against extremist activities, a DOD oversight office with responsibility for countering extremism policies,
required training on extremist insider threats, media literacy, and whistleblower protections, data collection and reporting on extremist activities, and the authority to utilize online extremist content as cause for separation.
In other words, it was very, very bad. Fortunately the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) refused to pass it, so it was not included in the bill. However, it was a close thing.
This policy is designed to placate Congress. Austin knows that if he doesn’t do something to satisfy Congress it will become law in NDAA 23. It is better to have a policy (to which DoD has the authority to grant exemptions and set regulations) than a law that is non-negotiable.
The current policy is at the link below.
The definition of extremist activities on page 9-10. Basically it is advocating or engaging in unlawful force, violence, or other illegal means to deprive individuals of their constitutional rights, achieve goals that are political, religious, discriminatory, or ideological in nature, to commit terrorism, to overthrow the federal or a state government, to disobey lawful orders, or to unlawfully discriminate.
By the way, DoD has long included criminal gangs as part of its definition of extremist organizations. Many were denied enlistment or clearances in the ’90s for having gang tattoos. I remember a chilly March Ft Bragg morning when the officers of the battalion had to strip to our underwear on Devil Field (Red Devil Field if you were in 1st Battalion, Blue Devil if 2nd), so the XO could inspect us for extremist tattoos. I
What about the Masons?
You can’t question them. They’re the chain of command.
We have had several examples of general officers and even colonel’s resisting political agendas without committing mutiny. Problem is we have no more Pullers, Pattons, or officer’s like Robin Olds, etc. Valued officers have a voice and a strong one.
Political agenda is one thing, law is another. For example, NDAA 22 took the authority for sexual harassment and assault charges out of the chain of command and gave it to a special trial counsel.
We were forced to go through ‘extremist training’ last year. It was basically saying ‘look out for conservatives’ without saying conservatives. Our SECDEF is a bearded Marxist