We Must Be Patient

| December 15, 2021

The USAF is discharging troops who refuse the Covid vaxx order.


So far, it’s 27 who have been discharged for refusing the vaxx. If this is so important, will those who didn’t get a flu shot this past fall get bumped out, too? This is ridiculous, but we do now see the verifiable edict that you get it or you are screwed. The horror stories are on the same level as those stories your cousin used to try to use to scare the bejeezus out of you by telling you about the Closet Monster… and we all know he’s a big, blue, hairy critter with warts on his nose, don’t we?

From the article:  WASHINGTON — The Air Force has discharged 27 people for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, making them what officials believe are the first service members to be removed for disobeying the mandate to get the shots.

The Air Force gave its forces until Nov. 2 to get the vaccine, and thousands have either refused or sought an exemption. Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said Monday that these are the first airmen to be administratively discharged for reasons involving the vaccine.

She said all of them were in their first term of enlistment, so they were younger, lower-ranking personnel. And while the Air Force does not disclose what type of discharge a service member gets, legislation working its way through Congress limits the military to giving troops in vaccine refusal cases an honorable discharge or general discharge under honorable conditions. – article

Where will this lead? How much thinning of the ranks will occur before this idiotic petty dictatorship comes to a halt? No one was ever punished for not getting a flu shot in the fall, when I was on AD, but there was no hysteria about it, either.  In fact, after the flu vaccines were developed, there was no difference in the health outcomes of people who received the flu vaxxes.


I’m as doubtful about the whole covid scaremongering as anyone else, especially since it seems to have turned various governments into scaremongering hooligans. It’s gone worse in the UK, with BoJo again shutting down everything and claiming the Omicron made him do it. (Wait!  That could be a T-shirt slogan, couldn’t it? Hey, I get dibs on that one!) But we have to remember that we are dealing with overgrown children, who are a bit too hoist with their own conceit, who operate on the level of junior high school bullies.

This is the reason that I posted that excerpt from a letter from James Madison to Tom Jefferson a short while back.  I agree that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing. Hoist the colors and sound the trumpets. It just might scare the bejesus out of them.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", 2020 Election

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Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Heavens to Betsy, And I’ll be a monkey’s uncle over what the new woke military are now doing to the troops which turned out to be a fine kettle of fish. Things were pretty jake and keen when I served.


Well this too shall pass. Just like downsizing after Vietnam and the cold war….”We don’t need troops?!?!” They’re expendable. We can get as many as we like any time. (Right, keep telling yourself that)
I think the Demoncraps are finding out that their shenanigans will only last so long with the population, and when it truly starts to affect 85 % of the Americans that still have an A1M1 working ea. Brain Meat Chunk, they’ll get a rather obscene message.
Oh and they’re trying to make their cheating permanent.
Take this with a grain but I’d think maybe there’s some fact to it.


My rapidly dissolving in purchasing power, two copper-clad zinc slugs: let them.

They can Federalize the elections, but a state should not be compelled to have Federal elections, and even if they are, suspend the certification. Make DoJ herd them cats, since the only tool they have is force, draw them into action.

Tell the citizens, since we have no input on the executive, the occupiers usurped our will, don’t pay your federal taxes and tell the dotgov to eat it.

The United States ARE NOT a dictatorship. Dissolution of the Union is a human right. (I’m looking at you Texas!)


OK since I just came across it today and then you accidentally mentioned it above…WTF are zinc slugs. From what I googled, they are zinc plated casings(?). I don’t know the benefit rather than brass (are they cheaper steel casings coated with zinc to be shiny?).
This says “range freindly” but what the HELL does that mean? I believe my indoor range says no steel casings because they recycle all their casings or something like that??
Right now, it is popping my Ammoseek for low price and not that I need to order any new ammo but I’ve never seen zinc casings before.
I may have to ask my range doods.


The debased one-hundredth dollar, commonly referred to as a penny.

My rapidly dissolving in purchasing power, two copper-clad zinc slugs = My 2¢

Sorry, I got busy.


Ah, got it. Not heard that referenced like that and now makes complete sense.
*kicks rocks* (OK Brandon Jr!!! *aimed towards self so there’s no further confusion!)


We went from bronze cents to the copper plated zinc in 1982. almost 40 years ago. Though in 2009 they minted a small number (approx 784K) in the original composition.


Your range says no steel cases because they don’t want to have to separate them from the brass cases, which can be sold. The steel cases have little scrap metal value; that is why steel cased ammo is cheaper than brass cased.

Note: The Russian and Chicom AK ammo has lacquered steel cases to keep them from rusting. Once fired, they are worthless to anybody but a metal recycler.


The Army riffed about a quarter, if not more of its Reserve officers serving on indefinite active duty. In my SF group we lost about a quarter of our junior officers in the two RIF’s in 1971 and 1973. One of my favorite captain ODA commanders accepted a reduction to SSG in order to stay on active duty.


Sorry, NOT sorry, Mi’Lady, Imma just about out of patience with these idjits, that are trying to control “We, The People”! Imma also of the opinion that it is way yonder past time to raise the Black (and Red) Flag, sound the Deguello, and prepare to take our Country back. I’ve also lost any patience that I had for the sheeple that are herding up to the slaughter. Some of us frogs in this pot realize that the gas burner has been turned on. Tox put a linky in a comment the other day, directed to me, in re of K Roger and how they have treated their employees during all of this scamdemic. I was aware of the high points of the article, but had let it slide under the radar of late, since management was always, “not available right now”, or “in a meeting”. Today, on my way to see the eye doc in re my cadillac eye surgery, I hit two (2) different stores, and spoke with a variety of employees and managers. Didn’t take long to separate the sheeple from the potential Warriors. One snowflake in particular, when I questioned her, was adamant the the company was in the right to do what they were doing, and people that weren’t vaxxed were putting her and her family in danger. The other mid level mgr that was in earshot of our conversation was rolling her eyes and shaking her head. Come to find out Ms Snowflake had lost people “with the coof” (not from it, multiple underlying issues, weight/COPD/die bee tees/ect…) that had been vaxxed, wore the mask, social distanced on and on. Snow also couldn’t understand why, if the vaxx was to protect her, why would it matter if someone chose NOT to be vaxxed. The eye doc place (an eye surgery center) when I asked if I had to wear a mask inside just laffed and said “only if you think that piece of cloth is going to stop a germ.” Best news of the trip was I got a deal on some 90/10 grounded… Read more »


Dayum! It’s almost 2300 and now I’m hungry…gotta quit reading food related posts before bed.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

I’m going to guess (guess) that the zinc plated steel case (sez so in the description) is a more AR friendly ammo vs the lacquer coated steel cases which have shown a tendency to stick in an AR receiver.
As for what does “Range Friendly” mean? Dunno.




Oh, Look Kids….AW1Ed sent us a selfie!


Where did you find this “Tee shirt”(?)
Thank you


That cartoon is based on an old one – literally 50 or more years old. Here’s a link to an example from the early 1970s (e.g., an ad selling a vintage wall poster).


That ad dates the poster to 1971, but I’ve seen other ads selling the same poster that date it to 1970. It may be even older.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO the left KNOWS that they’re going to get their asses handed to them in November of 2022, thus they’re fucking everything up that they can much like when Hitler gave the order to destroy and burn as much of Germany as possible because he thought that the German people did not deserve to go on living without him.