Wednesday FGS

| December 15, 2021

Standard Arms Co. Model G

Suspect shot by police in Ferguson after firing on officers

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — Police shot and killed a man in a Ferguson street after he twice fired on officers following a report that he had been brandishing a weapon, authorities said.

The St. Louis County Police Department said Monday that detectives are investigating the fatal shooting, which occurred Sunday night. Four county police officers were involved, and they ranged in age from 26 to 40 and in experience from two to 16 years in law enforcement.

Police did not immediately identify the man who died or name the officers involved.

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But did the *cough* victim shout “Hands up, don’t shoot!” after he fired at police officers?

Police: Officer fatally shoots armed man during altercation

ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky. (AP) — An officer checking on a suspicious vehicle fatally shot an armed man during an altercation, a Kentucky police chief said.

Elizabethtown Police Chief Jeremy Thompson said in a statement Monday that it was imperative to share some details of what happened Saturday while Kentucky State Police investigate, news outlets reported.

After asking the man to exit the vehicle, the officer had a conversation with him that led to an altercation, Thompson said.

”We know the suspect in this case was armed,” Thompson said. “We can definitely say he had three active warrants that weren’t served.”

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Virginia burglary suspect held at gunpoint by would-be victim until police arrived
Jonah Smith allegedly brought a knife to a gunfight, Fairfax police say

By Danielle Wallace
A Virginia burglary suspect armed with a knife was arrested Sunday after an armed resident held the intruder at gunpoint until authorities could arrive.

Jonah Smith, 47, was arrested and charged with burglary with a weapon and attempted malicious wounding over a Dec. 12 incident that happened before 8:22 a.m. in the 10600 block of Railroad Court in Fairfax, Virginia.

Smith, who was unknown to residents, entered a home through an unsecured door without force and refused to leave, according to the City of Fairfax Police.

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Fox News
Close to another Trifecta, but a three-pete isn’t shabby at all. Thanks, Gun Bunny.

Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from a slave. — Andrew Fletcher 1698

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Frankie Cee

That the burglar was armed with a knife, suggests he expected to be confronted. Or was he going to use the knife to make a sammich? That he was fool enough to think that a knife would be sufficient, is his problem. The victim should have at least put one in a limb, marking him for future identification.


If the Good Citizen had of put the “warning shot” center mass we’d of had a two (2) in a row DRT Trifecta. Oh well, tomorrow is yet to arrive. FGS happen everyday, some figures show that over 2 million a year, which is north of 6K a day. Seems as if the suppression of these stories is getting worse. Doesn’t fit the narrative, I guess.

Interesting article on that Standard Arms Model G. Some of that narrative reminded me of a coupla gridiron competitions of late, ie “…was a heartbreaking, maddening jammer…” “It wasn’t supposed to be that way…” On any given Saturday. *sigh*


Right. If our Virginian kin had been quick to squeeze this could’ve been glorious, so now we settle for great.
I’ll sleep well.
About only one way to keep the recidivism rate down these days!

AW1 Rod

Stand by for another Al Sharpton deployment to Ferguson in 4, 3, 2…..

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

If the 4 LEO’S were behind the local shopping strip cooping and talking about contracts and retirement, they wouldn’t be in sharptons and the lame stream media sights. They didn’t follow the Ferguson effect that you don’t do anything except expired meters and expired tags on empty parked cars. I’m assuming that the perp now cooler than room temperature was not of my race.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

“not of my race”.
What are you? An E.T.?

I am humbly sorry about the not of my race error remark. Was thinking of something else