Dr. HusseinLove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Cap and Trade

| June 26, 2009

I am totally supporting today’s Cap and Trade legislation! This could be the most brilliant Bill ever written.

No, I’m not off my meds folks, work with me here.

I say “brilliant” if Carl Rove wrote it. I haven’t had a chance to read the whole Bill but of course not one single member of Congress has either but that’s okay, I think it’s a winner anyway.

Let’s get it out front that Global Warming will go down in history as the greatest scam ever concocted. The academics who are pimping this are doing so only for money and the down right stupid people who are fully invested in this cult are just stupid Kool Aid drinkers.

Having said that, it is a golden goose for the RNC.

Look, Obama and his socialist handlers are pushing three big initiatives before they lose control of congress: Cap and Trade, Nationalized Health Care and Immigration Amnesty.

The only one of these that could ever be reversed is Cap and Trade and that is why we should support it whole heartedly.

I realize that our electric bills will almost double and $4.00 gas will happen. This will cause massive inflation in all sectors; groceries, retail, you name it. It will also cripple the coal industry and put hundreds of thousands of people out of work.


“Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Businesses would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that cost onto consumers.”
Senator Barack Obama Speaking on Cap and Trade
San Francisco Chronicle
January 17, 2008

Obama can’t blame this on George Bush or the ever fatiguing 8 years of misguided policy. He will own it and we should let him.

This will be painful but it will guarantee a major RNC victory in 2010 and seal his place in history as a miserable failure as President.

I can see the billboards now. Utility bill from June 2009 beside a bill from 2010 with a single word stamped over it: CHANGE!

Of course IF this whole thing blows up today, we can say with 100% certainty that Nancy Pelosi is undeniably the stupidest Speaker Eveh.

Category: Politics

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On the radio this morning they were running scenarios on how congress was going to tax cow flatulence as part of this program.


better get those victory gardens growing because this will destroy agriculture.

Frankly Opinionated

Here in the Northwest Florida Panhandle, the place that I live on, (as a steward to elderly friends), we’ve just received our solar water heater, (made in Israel), and are awaiting delivery of our electrical solar panels, (also made in Israel), that charge batteries made in Canada. The power inverter was found in Germany; making the whole effort to do our best to avoid residential costs of Cap and Trade, had to come from employees in other countries. Thank you Hussein Obummer for causing us to support the world. Now, when I pour used, filtered cooking oil into my diesel fuel source, I am only paying half the taxes as I would if I used 100% diesel.
Surprisingly, my mileage did not drop when I began using blended diesel, and there ain’t a damned thing the gummint can do to collect those unpaid mileage taxes. I get the oil while out and about doing other necessary chores, and pay nothing for it. And, I am wrapped in 7300 pounds of 1987 American Iron that will take me safely through any encounter with say, a Prius. My only problem is all the people asking me where the Mickey D’s is at when they smell that burnt french fry oil.
We can overcome his ignorance, and one way will be to help this “Cap and Trade” mess pass and stay totally Democrat in nature.
nuf sed


Of course, nobody will be able to get to the polling places short of biking, walking, or horseback by the next election at this rate.