Dumb and Dumber Predictions
Making 2012 Presidential predictions this early is stupid but making them based on asinine logic is even dumber.
A friend emailed this to me today and asked for my thoughts.
Here is a lead but the whole thing is worth the time just to witness the dumb-assery.
Sure, the New Hampshire primary for 2012 is still nearly thirty months away, but it makes no difference, since we’re ready to make this prediction:
The GOP nominee for president in 2012 will be one of these five would-be candidates: Newt Gingrich, Haley Barbour, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush or Michael Huckabee.
Notice who is missing from this mental Goliath’s list?
The most popular Republican in the country – Sarah Palin and the most qualified and least tainted Republican in the country – Bobby Jindal.
Here is the low down of each of this genius’s picks for 2012.
Newt Gingrich is the most brilliant and articulate conservative policy man in the country but he is more unelectable than Bob Dole. Bringing divorce papers to your wife’s hospital bed when she is battling cancer ain’t gonna fly anywhere.
Haley Barbour is a popular two-term southern governor who is competent, likable and very connected in the Republican Party. Barbour however has a history of being a hard hitting lobbyist back in the day and believe me by 2012 lobbyist will be the label of death. Also education and standard of living in Mississippi is not something that anyone wants for the whole country. Too bad because I like Barbour.
Mitt Romney couldn’t beat a fake Republican in 2008 and after everybody gets a taste of socialized medicine his failed Romney-care will rear its ugly head.
Mike Huckabee is a nice man and even has a show on Fox News. He is also an open borders, tax and spend RINO.
Jeb Bush is a bit more complicated. On the one hand no one in America named Bush could get 5% of the vote right now. However if Obama totally screws up the “Overseas Contingency Operations” the Bush brand would be revitalized.
Bottom line is this folks; it’s way too early to be making predictions (as Governor Sanford just showed us all).
Category: Politics
I’m still with Tim Pawlenty.
I would love to see more polished and prepared Sarah Palin give it a shot even though I know the vile cretins in the media would just drag her through the mud all over again.
In Minnesota, the governor hosts a fishing opener every spring with tons of celebrities, media, and local politicians. He also invites a small group of Guardsmen who have recently come back from Iraq or Afghanistan. Last year I was one of them, and I can honestly say that Pawlenty understands soldiers. He even bought the first round of drinks at the bar. His respect and admiration for the troops reminds me of W.
That being said, anyone who is talking seriously about who will be the nominee in 2012 needs to be taken out back and beaten. The campaign is already long enough, we don’t need to start the next one already. At the rate we are going, by the time my kids can vote, the campaign will start the day after the last election.
I agree Dave, let the 0 campaign on and on, let him give everyone campaign fatigue. They go on too long now, don’t encourage anyone to drag it out any more than it is.
Hell, Zerobama is STILL campaigning…or has already started on 2012. I can’t tell which yet. I just wish he’d show up and lead once in a while.
I disagree with some people who are speculating the “end of the GOP” which is just as asinine. Just because there are some extremists that is causing the party to disagree doesn’t mean the complete destruction of a party. Things always evolve, especially politics. There is just a change in what people use to define these politics. We have three years, there will be SOME viable candidate for 2012.