The Fort Dix “Porky’s” scandal
There’s been very little published about the Fort Dix shower scandal involving an MP company from the Virginia National Guard. Here’s some background in case you haven’t heard about it;
Eight male soldiers with the Manassas-based 266th Military Police Company are being investigated for allegedly taking still photographs and videotaping as many as 21 female soldiers showering during the unit’s pre-deployment mobilization training at Fort Dix, N.J., Army spokesman Lt. Col. Christopher Garver said Friday.
The Army’s Criminal Investigation Command and Multi-National Force-Iraq are investigating the alleged misconduct.
The photos were allegedly taken last fall, before the 266th Military Police Company of the Virginia Army National Guard shipped out to Iraq in December.
Sniper did some digging and came up with the whole story and the reasons why it might not be such a big deal to the media on the scale of other sex scandals in the military. Cruise on over and check it out.
Category: Bloggers
There will be more on this later as well, I also have been working with Sniper on this case and know all the principals.
Which would be the first time that either I or TSO have ever known anything about principles. Ba-dum-bump.
Well, I was in a combat unit, so we didn’t have the luxury of 8ft. walls seperating our shower from the womens. This is a problem that has been going on forever. That it seems more prevalent now is mainly because of the instant communications and the shrinking of video/camera equipment of today, since most cell phones have cameras, very small digital cameras, etc.
I had friends in co-mingled units and heard quite a few tales of “fratanizing”, as Top used to say.
Well, in the cold field showers I remember, it wasn’t cameras that were shrinking….
Like the man said, it wasn’t so much the school that i hated, it ws the principal of the thing… 🙂
I am going to ask a silly question: why the girls find it acceptable to behave this way on pre-deployment/while deployed, and why not use the contraceptives??
Yeah, yeah, I am a civilian who’s never been deployed but until I came to the States, I had always worked in 100% male environment, both military and LEOs. While we had our share of fun, the info and the evidence surely stayed between the people involved and even in the famous ‘there is no sex’ Soviet Union, there were ways not to get the undesired consequenses of above-mentioned fun…
Olga: Good points and equally good questions.
You know, there was an excellent discussion over at last week regarding DADT.
One of the point brought up by myself and some other veterans is how difficult it is to regulate sexual conduct in co-ed units, something male only combat units don’t have to deal with as much.
WOW and to think that i could not make national news again.
What will happen to those falsely accused?
What ever happened to the two soldiers charged in this ‘scandal’?
Filming Army chicks in the shower … no thanks.
I hear in order of quality it is:
But what do I know?
12 is MCPO
I know I am a few years late to this, but reading some of these comments has aggravated me a bit. Let me first just say that I am in the unit that this happened in, and I am also one that was photographed and video-recorded in the shower. When everything came to light, I had to watch myself on video showering and verify that it was indeed me. The other females had to do the same. For the record, and this is in response to “olga”, the females didn’t behave in any way to make the males that did this think that it was OK to climb in the ceiling, wait there for undetermined lengths of time (because they were obviously incredibly determined), and record us bathing. Not all the females were recorded; during the court martial of the “ringleader,” he mentioned they took requests to see which males wanted pics/vids of which female. Did we ask to be objectified as such? Absolutely not. As someone who still works in an all-male environment on the civilian side, I do not have, nor have I had, any issues similar to those experienced at Ft Dix. Your ignorant comments do nothing but promote rape culture and the idea that females in the military “ask” for it in some way, shape, or form, and that is wholly untrue. There are a few bad apples, yes, but their transgressions should not be applied to the rest of us. To “Anonymous” who asked what will happen to those falsely accused, let me just say that none of the 13 names given regarding the males involved were falsely accused, there was proof that they had a hand in the scheme in some way. The reasons only 2 were charged was because one guy admitted what he did, and the “ringleader” made a plea deal to testify against the other 11 guys in order to serve a shorter sentence (he was looking at at least 10 years, and if he testified, he was only going to serve 2). However, in typical military justice system fashion, he… Read more »