VA Boys State Day 3: Of Attorney Generals, Flags, and Leeroy Jenkins!

| June 23, 2009

So it turns out I only have 1 WoW player in my entire city, a level 76 Survival Hunter.  (Slacker)  But, WoW did come in this morning.  Each morning and evening we assemble to raise and lower the flag, playing retreat and the Star Spangled Banner (it is still the official anthem, right?)  Before each event, the Sheriff for each city calls the boys to attention, and the Roll Call of cities is taken.  Bradley, Lee, Marshall,  Nimitz etc, down to Washington.   Well, when they call the city, that city responds with some form of chant.  Today one city, I think Puller had a guy yell out “Let’s do this!” and then the entire city responded with “LEEROY JENKINS!”  (If you don’t get it, it is a warcraft reference.)

Anyway, did our city caucuses last night, this morning our elections officials in the city passed out the ballots, the kids voted for Mayor, 2 Senators and 5 Delegates, and the results are being counted now.  I ducked out for a bit to put up my daily post.

Big day today, the Attorney General of Virginia, a former State Senator named Mimms is addressing the boys on what the Attorney General does.  Tomorrow we have the LT Gov, and Thursday is the Governor, Tim Kaine.  Friday morning we have the GOP and DEM candidates for Governor.  Kids ask some seriously hard questions.

Stood in the chow line this morning with 2 of my citizens.  I asked them each if they had decided where to go to college.  The first, my Sheriff informed me he was going to West Point, but his backup school was USNA.  He already is accepted there.  I talked to him about his parents, and he comes from a great family.  Not that it is in anyway germane, but he’s an African American kid who I honestly could see rising to the highest levels in the military, it gave me great hope.  I turned to the second kid who is of Chinese descent, third generation American.  I asked him, and he will be pre-med at UVA.  His mom is an electrician, his dad is a machinist.  These boys are universally the best and the brightest.  If you can, I recommend all veterans out there who think our society is screwed to call your Legion post and volunteer as a counselor.  Maybe we are screwed, but looking at these kids, I have a hard time seeing it.

We take applications for scolarships here, paid for by Samsung corp.  Special points go to the kids and grandkids of various veterans.  Another kid in my city, another African American kid gave me his application, and I looked through it.  He’s got everything you can imagine.  Model UN, Future Business Leaders of America, Boy Scouts etc.  When I got to his Dad’s DD214, his dad was an 11B, Vietnam, 101st Airborne.  CIB, Jump Wings, Air Assault, Army Achievement medals etc.  When I commented that “your dad is a badass, please thank him for me” the kid looked blank.  He said his dad never really talked about it.  That kind of humbled me in a way.  Here is a guy who did great things for his country, and continues to do so by raising one of the best kids you can imagine.  He didn’t brag about his record, he just demanded excellence in his son, and the son responded.

Last night I had a guy who ran for 4 offices.  He’s a major in his ROTC unit in school, the Batt S3.  Great kid.  VERY intense.  It takes a tough kid to be rejected 3 times.  But he won on that 4th Ballot, and is now a nominee for delegate.  I doubt he wins.  I talked to him later, and a few other kids, and most had never been beaten on anything.  It’s tough sometimes to lose when you aren’t used to it.  But he didn’t give up, all fight.  You have to respect that.

Anyway, off to set up for that State Nationalist Convention that I am helping run with the chief lobbyist for the NRA.  He’s the head guy, during a session of Congress he comes down here for a week to volunteer his time, to teach the kids everything he knows.  The conventions are a lot of fun, and the kids are excited.

Also have 7 sports events today, and I’m hoping we go 4-3, if we do, we are well on the way to winning best city.  The guy just walked by inspecting rooms, and there weren’t any pauses in his gait, so I expect inspections went well.

Anyway, Washington City out.

Category: Politics

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“The first, my Sheriff informed me he was going to West Point, but his backup school was USNA.”

LOL at USNA as a saftey school.


FYI: While you were gone the US National Anthem was changed to “Build me up Buttercup” by the Foundations.

Glad you’re having fun though dude…off to watch your Sox beat the Nats tonight.