Obama; living up to his reputation as Carter v2.0
So our President had a short-notice press conference today to rescue his plummeting numbers. From what I read in Fox News it looks like he pretty much told the Iranian protesters “Adios”;
“What’s happened in Iran is profound and we’re still waiting to see how it plays itself out,” Obama said. “It’s not too late for the Iranian government to recognize that there is a peaceful path that will lead to stability and legitimacy and prosperity for the Iranian people. We hope they take it.” He said there is a path for the country to engage with the global community.
Obama also downplayed concerns that he’s not speaking out forcefully enough in support of the protesters, saying the Iranian people can “speak for themselves.”
DrewM at Ace of Spades answers;
He keeps saying this is up to the Iranian people…problem is the people trying to ‘debate’ are being gunned down. Obama won’t say that he won’t recognize a government imposed by force.
Obama pretty much regurgitated what Dianne Feinstein said yesterday;
“I think the president has it correct. … It is very crucial as I see it that we not have our fingerprints on this. That this really be truly inspired by the Iranian people. We don’t know where this goes. And I sure wouldn’t want to be responsible for thousands of people being killed, which is a distinct possibility.”
The same type of namby-pamby BS that put the mullahs in power in the first place. Since the Obama administration has already decided to defund the democracy movement in Iran, I’m pretty sure they’ve already made up their minds about who is going to come out on top and they’re fine with the Iranian people being silenced as long as Obama can look like he’s making nice with the mullahs.
In the meantime, he can’t afford to take his eye off the ball on domestic issues – so a safer world will just have to wait while he takes away our healthcare and drives taxes higher. That’s the priority right now – just ignore the unarmed Iranians facing the Islamic Republic’s thugs.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Terror War
As Ronaldus Maximus did with the Polish Union face off in ’82; he gave them morale support with speeches aimed as showing Lech and the rest that we (the US) were behind them in their efforts against the commies. Then, he provided money, early fax machines, and other equipment, to help them in their quest and to organize more efficiently. When the Soviets started getting uppity, he told them to stay the f*** out of it, in the sense that he would get physical if one Soviet tank rolled into Poland ala Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Well, the Soviets cut off all communications in Poland, isolated them from the rest of the world, etc.; so Ronaldus Maximus said: That’s cool, oh by the way; you know those grain shipments you need from us? Yeah, that ain’t gonna happen until you back the f*** up.
They did and the rest is history. No troops, no shots fired, just words backed up by actions if necessary. Oh, and big, hairy, stainless steel balls. Something this administration hasn’t got, except for a picture that Biden found in a book about Reagan.
COWboy President needs to open mouth, insert foot.
Daniel 5:25 talks about a lightweight who is to be given into Persian hands. I think this passage fits Obama beautifully.
I want to see,what is Obama going to do,when Uncle Putin decides to settle his little unfinished business with Georgia,and settle it he will! After meeting Kennedy in 1961 in Vienna,Khrushchev,said:”I pity the American people,because they have such a weakling for a President!” We all know what happened after that.The world was teetering on the brink of thermonuclear abyss for a few good weeks!