GAO enters gun debate
The Wall Street Journal‘s Evan Perez reports this morning that the Government Accountability Office announced that “most” of the guns used by criminals in Mexico come from the United States;
Drug-related murders have more than doubled in number to 6,200 last year from 2,700 in 2007, according to the GAO study, a draft of which was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. The study is set to be released Thursday.
Mexican officials have pushed for the U.S. to enact tougher gun laws and to help restrict arms smuggling as Mexico attempts to battle drug cartels on its territory.
“The availability of firearms illegally flowing from the United States into Mexico has armed and emboldened a dangerous criminal element in Mexico, and it has made the job of drug cartels easier,” said Rep. Eliot L. Engel, (D., N.Y.), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere….
Ya know what’s funny (not funny, ha-ha) – we’ve been asking Mexico to tighten up their side of the border and help stem the flow of people and drugs for decades. Now that the Mexicans are reaping what they’ve sown along the border, they expect us to change our Constitution to help them. And of course, the Democrats are willing to bow and scrape to them.
I own several weapons that Democrats would classify as “assault weapons”. Some I’ve owned for decades. I’ve never committed a crime with them, and the rifles were never even pointed at another human. I suspect most gun owners can claim the same responsible ownership.
So why are we the ones who have to relinquish our rights? Just like those of us who’ve always provided health care for our families are now being told to pay for the irresponsible. Funny how law abiding people are always the ones who have to abide by more and more laws.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Gun Grabbing Fascists, Liberals suck, Politics
They suck.
You know the old saying.
From my cold dead fingers…..
Shhhhh…Jonn, you’re questioning “Teh Wun”, and as a fellow “right-winger possible terrorist” veteran, I also have problems with all the aid we were giving Mexico over the past decades, yet the government doesn’t want to even consider the ever-so-slightly-remote possibility that it was guns THEY, not we citizens, gave to the Mexican government that ended up in the hands of the narcos.
Of course, all this could be cured if the Mexican government treated their northern borders with the same vigilance as their southern ones, but nyah…can’t have that!
Now stay where you are and Zerobama’s “Cyber Czar” will be by to pick you up shortly. Until then, Molon Labe, ‘Rats.
Let’s make a deal with these pendejos…they stem the flood of illegal felons crossing our border and we’ll see what we can do about those guns…in the meantime, stfu.
If anyone can find the gun stores where I can buy a full-auto M4, grenade launcher or m-60, please let me know. Otherwise, the dems and Mexican gov’t are blowing smoke up someone’s skirts. And I doubt the cartels would send someone to buy an SKS or semi-auto AK, CAR-15, or Remington 742 in the U.S.
As Claymore said, shut off the flow of felons going north and guess what, you’ll also shut off the flow of anything going south.
Has the GAO been infiltrated by the Obamaniacs, yet? Because, as already been vetted and destroyed, the myth of the 90% coming from the US that was all the rage as news 2 months ago, when the data was looked at with unbiased eyes and the logic and math took over; we found that it wasn’t even close. The actual data showed that of the 29,000 guns confiscated by Mexico, they sent 11,000 to the US and of those 11,000 only 6,000 could be traced and of the traceable weapons, 5,000 came from the US. So, in actual numbers: 5,000 out of 29,000 came from the US. That doesn’t sound like “most” to me. I’m sure, when yyou add political spin, it comes close to that, but reality and facts are stubborn things.
This “study” focuses on a majority of guns that could be traced.
“The study acknowledges the data gap. In 2008, of the almost 30,000 weapons seized by Mexican law enforcement, only 7,200 were submitted to the bureau for tracing”
If the weapon has no serial number, it cannot be traced, so it isn’t included in the statistic of where the weapons came from.
John Lott’s son did a piece exposing the lie in the statistics. Which I referenced here:
The conclusion? 83 percent of the guns found at crime scenes in Mexico could NOT be traced to the U.S.
“And of course, the Democrats are willing to bow and scrape to them.”
Devil’s advocate, but a Democrat from Wyoming is probably better on RKBA than a Republican from New York.
Not too many Democrats in Wyoming these days, if ya catch my drift. The governor is Dem, but virtually everyone else at the state level is a Republican, as is the entire Congressional delegation. That being said, yeah, when you can still have a gun rack in your truck as little as 10 years ago and go to school after going deer hunting that morning, RKBA is pretty much second-nature.
Plus they also had drive-thru liquor stores and open containers were legal back in the day. That and a 19-year old drinking age…
The so called “assault rifles” sold in the US are going for far too much money even for the driping with cash drug cartels. Why buy them when your recruits come with weapons they were given when they trained for the Mexican Gov’t.
Doctors are 9,000 times more likely to accidently kill another person than a gun owner. I would say O’Dumbo should go after doctors but he already is. He’ll cap their income at $50,000 or less as soon as he destroys the rest of American industry. No one should ‘earn’ more than a man who never earned a dime or held a real job in his life. O’Dumbo’s ego can’t take that.
There is no use in being rational with these people. Like 9/11 truthers, scientologists and New Agers, we know the science and the fact, they know the pseudoscience and the fiction better.
Until Mexico undergoes an awakening or antoehr revolution, they are at the mercy of the cartels.
I have family over there, spent some summers there as a young lad. They were killing over drugs, money and political corruption back then. My father had the good sense to turn around a walk away from a PRI rally when the speaker started to shout anti-american slogans. A bar near my grandpa’s house was blown up with dynamite because they did not pay off the crooks. And this was back in 1989.