Useless Trivia for the Day

| June 16, 2009

1) Mastadons, you know, the extinct big elephant looking thing.  Anyway, Mastadon in Greek means “Nipple Teeth.”  No, I have no idea why.


2) The common dendelion is called pissenlit in French. The name means “Piss the Bed.” No, I have no idea why.


3) TSO will be incommunicado from Saturday morning through the following Saturday at his annual “Beat the Youths” volunteer get-a-way. While I am away, try not to burn the place to the ground.

Boys State is a comprehensive one week course in state and local government . Virginia American Legion Boys State is a “leadership action program” where qualified male high school rising seniors take part in a practical government course. It is designed to develop a working knowledge of the structure of government and to impress upon the citizen the fact that our government is just what we make it. Along the way they will have the opportunity to learn the political process. Each level of government will be run by those delegates who are elected to serve. Instruction will be presented on the law and court system, parliamentary procedure and Virginia political history.

Category: Bloggers

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TSO. this made my morning. that doesn’t say much for my morning, but I enjoyed it, none the less.

brown neck gaitor

Virginia American Legion Boys State is a “leadership action program” where qualified male high school rising seniors take part in a week of WOW playing in TSO’s basement. It is designed to develop a working knowledge of the structure of the game and to show the students that the game is just what we make of it.

Fixed it.

Jonn Lilyea

“Vermont” in French means “worm mountain”. I think I know why.


Re #1. The teeth of said critter have little projections that look like nipples. Especially when compared to the ridges on mammoth teeth. Of course, the Teton mountains looked like nipples to the French fur trappers, so it could just be that palentologists need to get out more.
And yes, I am banned from playing Trivial Pursuit. Why do you ask?

Leslie Applegate

The dandelion plant is a diuretic, that is why the name “piss-in-the-bed.

Frightened Young Lad

Mr. TSO-doesn’t Meghan’s Law prevent you from being around High School boys?