“Pineapple Express” does what the active US mil is unable or unwilling to do

| August 27, 2021

Task Force Pineapple, so named because they used the imagine of a pineapple on a cell phone as a code, has succeeded in going into Afghanistan, out from the Kabul airport, and rescuing Afghan allies. While this would be a remarkable story if it was being conducted by current, active duty special operations forces, it’s even more incredible because it’s not.

With the US military stuck at the Kabul airport while our feckless leaders cower before the might of the Taliban, spec ops veterans undertook the mission of their own accord. They’ve rescued at least 600 Afghan allies.

Poetrooper sends in this NY Post article;

A group of highly trained US military veterans has been secretly rescuing hundreds of allied operatives from Afghanistan — volunteering over fears those allies would otherwise be left for dead, according to a report.

The weeklong secret operation dubbed “Pineapple Express” has been carried out by a group of special ops veterans including retired Green Berets and SEAL Team commanders, they told ABC News.

They were driven by deep frustration “that our own government didn’t do this,” former Navy SEAL Jason Redman told ABC.

“We did what we should do, as Americans,” he said.

They initially formed to rescue an ex-Afghan commando who was getting death threats from the Taliban for having worked with US special forces and elite SEAL Team Six, ABC said.

After the Taliban’s target and his family of six were rescued, the task force continued rescuing Afghan allies — and has so far helped at least 630 get through the deadly ring of steel outside Kabul airport to safely evacuate.

They normally smuggled people into the airport in the middle of the night, either one person at a time or in pairs.

Poe also directed our attention to this article at The Federalist Papers.

Category: Afghanistan

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Unable= “Joes”
Unwilling= “Generals”

That about sums it up.

Fuck this shit dead in the asshole.
If there was a way I could start fucking stacking bodies without threat of my going to jail and getting butt raped and only that because I would be concerned about my family‘s well-being, I would be 100% on board


This is why you keep a frag for a jic, take as many with as you can.
I’m proud of my Countrymen (that stepped up, the rest can get fucked)
Let’s get the band back together.


I’ve been hoarding ammo and I’ve also been going to the range a lot as an ammo whore and just recently said let’s go shoot as much as we fucking can but I think we’re gonna pull back on that and if I can afford it start stocking up because I’ve seen ammo prices go up a dime around two $.15 a round the last week or so and I’m concerned That the luxury that we’ve been enjoying of $.30 a
round May or may not last for the next couple of months if we can get through the holidays in 2022 to the folks that I know where the industry
Said that we should be OK and prices should hold end of the spring assuming that Biden and crew don’t fuck things up worse or do something weird and we should still be able to enjoy less than a dollar around for 556 223 etc


Making use of ‘skills’ in various ‘areas’ to get the people out. Well done to them, and worth supporting ANY way we can. They won’t stop on the 31st… Just sayin…


Agreed, and we should do what we can, financially and otherwise, to support their missions…


Hardcore! Lord that I was at least 20 years, well…maybe 30 years, younger.

“We did what we should do as Americans.” Too bad the people that should be ordering these types of missions don’t think like that.

BZ Gentlemen.


B effing Z!


Hey fucker how you’ve been doing I haven’t seen you post in a long time good to see you bitch 👍😘🖕🤣👀




Indeed. Set condition toxic masculinity.


Welcome Home ‘SARC, good to have you back! REAL good to have you back. Was just about to hurt myself taking up the slack, hitting everything that came along that needed a good hittin’. Was havin’ to order them blue bullets for my “gun” in the 55 gallon drum size. Don’t make yo’self so scarce.


Good to hear from you SARC. Hope al is well in your AO.


Maybe if they weren’t so worried about Smokin old Joe’s pole and were more worried about the countless lives that supported us, served when they knew it could get them killed, and endanger their families lives, they would get a clue, but they are more worried about the invisible “extremists” that lurk somewhere in the shadows of the Armed forces. I also think those old bastards need a class on good ole FM 7-8 and principles of the defense. What a fuckin clown show under the big top with cheetahs doing backflips through fire hoops they got going on there in the Stan. Our government is letting the Taliban dictate term to us, what a fuckin joke. We should go back over there and split some wigs. Good job to the Pinapple Express for having some balls and doing what is right


I warned my USASMA classmates that once the war was deemed “over”, the pink haired radicals in HR would take over the Army and indeed, the whole DoD.

They laughed at me.

Well, here we are, 15 years later and the woke fairies are prancing on the graves of warriors and my peers still in Army are tweeting out to soldiers how great that is.

Glad to be retired.



The names with pictures and a short story of each of the seven (7) Marines, the Army SF Soldier and the Navy Corpsman are identified in this article at this link:

“He Was Just A Kid’: Families, Communities Begin Paying Tribute To Troops Killed In Kabul”

Rest In Peace, Warriors. Condolences To The Families.

Please pray for the Families and for our Troops who are still conducting the mission in Kabul.




I know I was the same age when I went in, but damn they look like kids… Warriors all, RIP!


They were so young. God be with their families.

Old tanker

I can almost understand about the dementia in chief not doing anything but I am so surprised there isn’t SOME senior Officer who said F it we are getting our people out and sending teams to rescue our citizens who the administration told to “shelter in place”. Yeah it night just mean they have to retire early but I can’t see why they would be able to sleep at night for not doing that.


until you realize that no unwoke person will ever be a GO/FO again, you don’t get what the true problem is.

The woke fairies are running the whole DoD and will never do or say anything requiring integrity, courage, or honor unless it is in the interest of progressing their own career.

Not one of the current GO/FO crowd gives even a tiny fuck about America, the American people, or their soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines.

They care only about themselves.


As someone else observed here, their motto is the three M’s: “Me, My ass, My career.”


I wonder if Biden has been in contact with Bo Gritz.
Pretty sure Batman hung on him and he is now trying
anything that comes into his shrinking mind.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

So I’m guessing “Pineapples” aren’t just for ramming up asses (fronds first) any more.
Bravo Zulu, rogues, Bravo Zulu!


Just wait. With a Cat-4 hurricane about to hit the New Orleans area, we will soon see -much- stupid.


A Proud Infidel®™️

Starting with those in flood zones who wouldn’t evacuate howling to be rescued.


Bushes fault. Again.


They’ll find a way to blame Trump, don’t you worry.


Bravo Zulu troops! Godspeed to you and those you are helping.

Helo Bubba

Not trying to start a shit fight, but why didn’t the Pineapple Express guys rescue any Americans? Or did they and no one is saying it?


Good question, one I’m sure will be addressed. If I was a betting man, and I’m not, I’d say if Americans were rescued they would have so stated. If they weren’t location intell was poor, if not completely unavailable.

Marked Bell

Because the current administration will only release the list of stranded Americans to the Taliban!

Name edited to protect PII.

Mustng Major

Sicking how GEN Milley hides and lets blowhard retired Adm. Kelly do all of his talking for him. Milley is a real peach of a leader.


He isn’t a leader; he is a bureaucrat in a uniform.


Maybe the pineapple express can peel a few off and take care Milley and the rest of the dumbshits at the pentagon.

Skivvy Stacker

My biggest frustration overall, is that I’m too damn old, and too fucking damaged in my body to do anything useful in this disaster.
To be young, and fit again…


Is anyone besides ol’ Poe highly suspicious of the reported drone strike that supposedly killed the precise person responsible for planning the attack on our troops?

How is it that our intelligence assets, who failed to foresee the rapid collapse of the Afghan army and the equally rapid takeover of the country by the Taliban, can suddenly prove itself so incredibly effective that in a matter of hours it is capable of discerning exactly who was responsible for the suicide bombing and successfully targeting him and his immediate subordinate?

Poe’s bullshit meter (overworked since the Dems took over the government) is pegging out right now…


Right there wid ya Ol’ Poe. When I FIRST (ht 2…oh…wait) saw that story on the breaking news my BS meter pegged so hard it broke the peg stop off. And now it’s spinning like a top. Was a Fox article with 12K comments that mostly felt the same. And, odd, how the supposed mastermind was a loooooongg way away from the scene.

Only Army Mom

be afraid, we are thinking alike.

No, I don’t buy it happened at all. If it did, there would be video of screamers on Al Jazeera claiming the “victims” were actually a family of widows, old ladies and orphans.

On a side note, some reporters are actually remembering the function of the 4th Estate. Heard one ask, “If we had intel on these individuals, why didn’t we take them out before?”
…., “we’re not going to comment on that”…


It further occurs to ol’ Poe’s withered old brain that LTC Scheller’s gravest tactical error was failing to have an LGBTQ rainbow flag prominently displayed in the background and a copy of “Critical Race Theory for Commanding Officers” in his hands for his video.

They wouldn’t have laid a glove on him…


Heh, That was my first impression also.


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“Pineapple Express” does what the active US mil is unable or unwilling to do : This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here