Something Is Rotten In WDC….

| August 24, 2021

I had an interesting discussion with a clerk at Wmart this morning, when I went there to get a couple of things. I asked her if we’re all masking up again,  and she said she didn’t really know any more, then she said she blames Biden for the fustercluck (mess) going on now and she’s sorry she voted for him. By ‘fustercluck’, I asked her if she meant the economy and the illegal immigrants or the mess in Afghanistan, and she said, without batting an eye, “Yes.”

By that, she meant all of it. Her father is the son of Polish immigrants and her mother is the daughter of Cubans who went to Miami long, long ago. My skating coach immigrated to the USA from Poland and her husband was from Chile. These people all did it the right way, so they were coming in by the front door. Why should it be any other way?

So why has this entire administration turned into the worst mess ever? Well, who let the dogs go hunting by themselves?

This is a Brief CNN interview with Chuck Todd regarding Biteme’s handling of the fustercluck that is now ongoing in Afghanistan.

If you have not noticed, Democrats are turning their backs on him. It’s obvious he can’t be trusted to even read a news article accurately. And as this brief video tells us, he is now “Walkaway Joe”.  While one reporter thinks Afghanistan will be “forgotten’ in a couple of weeks, the others disagree with that notion.

Democrats are, as I said, turning their backs on him. Anyone who could not see that he was not the better alternative to Trump is now wondering “wha’ hoppen?”

Here, he is asked directly how he’d respond to Americans who say he is incompetent. He does not actually answer the question, so if it ain’t scripted for him, he’s lost in the clouds of goo he created.

People of all sorts thought he was a better choice than Trump.

They are either starting to regret, or regretting that notion publicly. ‘Nuff said.

Rant over (for now).

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", 2020 Election, Afghanistan, Government Incompetence

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“So why has this entire administration turned into the worst mess ever? “

I don’t think they turned. I think it was part of the plan. Basically go in screw it all up so that you can “fix” it, and fixing it, it will require implementation of all of the progressive policies so desired.

If you take 50% of someone’s freedom away for a year and then give them back 30%, they’re just happy to have and don’t think about losing 20% overall.

But, I’m just a dumb hillbilly and this is only my opinion. What do I know!

pookysgirl, WC wife

When the chocolate ration is increased from 20 grams to 10 grams, you should be grateful, comrade!

USMC Steve

No doubt the Obama appointed handlers were off on those occasions.

Regarding the clerk who regretted wasting a vote on Resident Xiden, no sympathy. ANYONE who took a reasonable look at the socialist democrat party over the last three or four years could have seen it clearly for the mob of leftist fascists it is.


No free thought. It takes too much time away from “fun”

Get your thinking from the news media!


This x1000 No sympathy for anyone that voted for this shit show. The truth of who these clowns are was well documented, and widely available before the election. If anyones rationale for voting is “I don’t want mean tweets”, they should reconsider voting at all, because it’s obviously well above their level of intelligence.


The Donk party, and it’s puppetmasters, do not want their intended debacle to splash on them.

GO/FOs and GS-whatevs agree, it’s all -his- fault.

“senile Joe” is the designated culprit. They turn on him to virtue-signal “not -my- fault!”

Bullshit. Did you -oppose- it? Then -you- own it.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

Not to mention all the foot dragging, opposition to, and downright sabotage to “Orange Man Bad Mean Tweets” plans.

George V

Heard some interesting commentary this morning on one of the business networks from a guy who’s normally talking about commodities. When asked about Biden’s Afghan mess, he said that we’ve now seen Biden’s first actual decision since he took office. All “decisions” made so far have really been un-doing whatever Trump did. Now that all Trump decisions are undone, Biden is now making his own decisions (with help from his handlers like that NSC clown whose name I forget). The Afghan Bug Out is the first one, with more to follow. Financial guy’s last words in the segment: “Buckle up.”


Apparently it was the one thing Trump did that Biden couldn’t undo. So he did the right thing and blamed the whole Greek tragedy on Trump. I don’t know why Trump had to be so mean and make such a bad situation for Biden just to make him look bad. Hopefully they will take away his Twitter account or make him stand in the corner or something.

Green Thumb

I read the headline “Something is rotten in WDC” and I thought The False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) might be visiting All-Points Logistics Reston-based office.

My apologies.


All part of the “Plan”. The demonrats coulda put a slug and a whore on the ticket and the result woulda been the same. Oh…wait!!! They DID put a slug AND a whore on the ticket. Ms Clerk Thang’s vote would not have mattered, Dominion was counting the votes. And our grubermint let them get away with it. SPAPOS and LC can bring all of the empirical data they want to, but you will NEVER convince me that there were not some serious nefarious shenanigans going on during the last election.

The swamp was well on the way to being drained and the power hungry politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle decided that Trump had to go. The majority of them are filthy dirty, we all know that. The massive numbers of illegal immigrants added to the unvetted swarms of mooslems being let in for “humanitarian” reasons will be the death of the working middle class Americans. We have not seen the restrictions on freedom like we’re seeing now since 1861. Same with the lies and misinformation put out by the politicians and the sleaze media. “We have put together the most comprehensive voter fraud organization…”

We are being voted into Socialism and we are going to have to shoot our way out. Lock and load, it’s about breakfast time.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I hope the squirrel looking at me in the above pic doesn’t think that I’m nuts.


Yo’ JOEY B!!!???


“While one reporter thinks Afghanistan will be “forgotten’ in a couple of weeks, the others disagree with that notion.”

Sounds like that reporter thinks he’ll just continue with cascading screw ups. The disagreeing reporters think he’s toast and VP “Heels up/don’t c*m” will 25th amendment his brain dead ass quickly.


So far as masking up, it is way too late in the game for that. In our state there are officially zero ICU beds and zero vents available in the entire state. In fact they are actually reporting negative numbers because of the people that are supposed to be in ICUs but there is nowhere to put them.

Summer of Freedom!

The good news is that there is this up and coming artist who really captures the spirit of the times. Here is his imaging’s of what the Corona Virus – Delta looks like and a joyous art critic.

comment image

A Proud Infidel®™

THAT looks like some 190’s wallpaper!


Wouldn’t really that dancing.

Mustang Major

Trump: “Do you miss me now?”
Americans*: “Yes”

*Americans refers to a distinct category of people living in America.

Herbert J Messkit

I stopped watching the late night comic years ago. They were the cool kids trashing Trump and the idiot voters bought it. Anyone have an idea how Colbert and others are handling this


Careful what you ask for.


Plenty of strong tree limbs in the background suitable for dancing.


But no more mean tweets! (Right, Lars?)


To quote Obama, “don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to screw things up.”