As Afghanistan goes down, Biden is determined to win the mask issue

| August 19, 2021

Joe Biden intends to fight back against anti-mask initiatives. State governors and many of their counterparts at the local level have made masks in schools optional or illegal. Parents across the US have also fought against the school mask mandates. However, Biden is determined to have his way. Team Biden hopes to leverage the Department of Education’s civil rights enforcement to force the mask policy.

From Newsmax:

The president is appalled, as I am, that there are adults who are blind to their blindness, that there are people who are putting policies in place that are putting students and staff at risk,” Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said in an interview on Wednesday.

At the end of the day,” he said, ”we shouldn’t be having this conversation. What we’re dealing with now is negligence.”

Cardona said he was spurred to after having conversations with parents of children with autism, respiratory illness or weak immune systems, ”who rely on school for socialization and the important building blocks of learning.”

I’ve heard those parents, saying ‘Miguel, because of these policies, my child cannot access their school, I would be putting them in harm’s way,” Cardona said. ”And to me, that goes against a free appropriate public education. That goes against of the fundamental beliefs of educators across the country to protect their students and provide a well-rounded education.

Newsmax has the full story, as well to the link to the New York Time’s story.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Biden, Politics

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And in the meantime, the Southern Border is still open with illegal aliens freely crossing, the Pentagon has no clue how many Americans are still in Afghanistan and stated that the State Department knows (Where Is Blinken?), VP Harris will be addressing the annual convention of the National Association of Black Journalists today and as usual, Biden is Hiden.

Biden most likely will go down as the Worst President Ever.


Spot on ninja! Nailed it. We are now in, what, week 72 of the 2 weeks needed to “flatten the curve” and/or “reach herd immunity”? Bison bagels! This is not about the bug control, this is about the people control.

Wondered how long it would be before they really started playing the “think of the chill’ren card”.

My daughter (a school teacher that floats from school to school each day) and 2 grandchildren are in FL, Hillsborough/Tampa Area. Kids in public school and even with the home schooling thru most of 2020, the mask, the whole nine yards have been exposed and tested ad nauseum for the bug. They may and or may not have come down with the Chinesecommunist Originated Virus Infecting Disease of 2019.

Biden…worst of the worst! The only good news is Hitlery is still NOT the President.


And in the meantime, the Southern Border is still open with illegal aliens freely crossing…

An honest question: If you were President tomorrow, what would you do to address the situation? Both immediately and for the coming years?


Bring back the Civilian Conservation Corps, open it to anyone who wants in regardless of citizenship or nationality, then get the illegals to earn citizenship that way. Five years of labor, then demonstrate English literacy at a 12th-grade level and pass a civics exam Citizenship Granted.

If you mean drug cartels, a few daisy cutters in the cocaine fields of Central and South America should fix that real fast.


Thanks for the response. Do you think (again, just curious) there’d be political capital to re-create something like the CCC these days? I tend to think D’s would go for it, but R’s wouldn’t support a government jobs program or amnesty program for illegal immigrants. I’d be fine with it, I think, but I suspect most here wouldn’t. I could be wrong, though.

As for bombing the fields, hey, no disagreement here, though again, that runs afoul of the ‘foreign entanglements’ stuff. I also tend to think -but again, could be wrong- that the majority of the crossings have little directly to do with drugs, but you could certainly argue people fleeing things are doing so because of the cartels in many places.


I can tell you I’m against it. If you came in illegally, you get exactly zero chances at citizens. Besides, a CCC type job in exchange for citizenship is basically indentured servitude, and we don’t do that.


Kindly replace “citizens” with “citizenship”.


I doubt it. That would require too much out of the box thinking.


I would build a wall that NO ONE could get over, under, or around. Entry only at allowed portals with proper follow-up on all of them so that if they overstay a work visa they go back.

This is OUR country, not foreigners and at this point, we have enough internal problems. Biden talks about not solving the world’s problems as part of his Afghan fiasco, so why is he trying to solve the problems of Central America and many other nations, by letting them come here en masse.


AMEN. And put US troops to patrol that wall. After all, the oath of enlistment says we will defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.


I’m very much against illegal immigration too – but I don’t think one can make such a wall. Even the Berlin Wall -double sided and patrolled by armed guards- had thousands of people make it across. That’d definitely cut down on things, but I’m also not sure we fully comprehend the cost for the scale we’d need that, let alone how bad it is to emulate that approach.

Nonetheless, I appreciate hearing your response.


Because the last 4 years were a failure?
If they cannot abide by US law, and are being enabled by; states, 501s, the Feds, the pope, grandma, etc; a whole lot of people need to go right the fk to jail. All of them.

Its theft. Period. Full stop.


Because the last 4 years were a failure?

I’m not sure what you mean by that? In 2017-2018, we had pretty low numbers of crossings, roughly comparable to the Obama years, in fact. Then there was a huge spike in May 2019, and a bigger one this past July marking the highest in twenty years. This isn’t a problem that ‘went away’ during Trump, even if it was certainly not as bad as the latest spike:

f they cannot abide by US law, and are being enabled by; states, 501s, the Feds, the pope, grandma, etc; a whole lot of people need to go right the fk to jail. All of them.

Fully with you on being against illegal immigration, but .. you, presumably a small government sort, want the government to go after people who… what, leave water and food for people? Suggest compassion towards humans fleeing violence? You want to lock people up for showing decency? That’s wild.


It happens in Arizona all the time. You see, it’s not showing decency, it’s aiding and abetting. Would you set food out for someone breaking into your house?


I think that’s a tough sell, especially for the Catholic nuns who made the news down in Texas. If you’re going to try to argue that their moral imperative to help the less fortunate, per the Bible, is illegal, that’s a can of worms and a half. It’s like how churches aren’t supposed to endorse politicians or they lose their tax exempt status.. yet it happens all the time because nobody wants to tackle that.

Further, I think I’ve already seen their defense somewhere of how they just leave food and water for anyone, and it’s not their fault it happens to be taken by immigrants. Again, proving malice there, or just accessory, for providing food and water is laughable, in my opinion.

And if they can do it, others can too. I once saved someone from drowning – should I have asked if they had a clean criminal record first, just in case they were a criminal?

And no, I wouldn’t set food out for someone breaking into my home. But I did bring some Mexicans working at a neighbor’s some cool drinks on a hot day once. Is that also bad, because maybe one or more was illegal?

Look, I’m all for stopping people at the border -again, with the complexity of how our laws allow amnesty claims- but I think arresting people for helping possible immigrants is a bridge too far.


What happens in my area is that these groups put out water, and also bring illegal aliens into their “shelter” facilities, feed them, get them healthy, give them clothes, and send them on their merry way. And that is aiding and abetting.


Guess we’ll have to disagree. I’d say it’s aiding and abetting if the immigrants told the groups, “Hi, yes, we’re here to commit crimes..”, but it’d not be if they said, “Hi, we’re persecuted, and seeking asylum.” The latter is a protected thing under our laws. Maybe it shouldn’t be, but it remains so for now, no? And helping in that circumstance is just humanitarian aid.


Remain in Mexico was working pretty well. Getting rid of catch-and-release was working. Deporting illegals (and in particular illegals who commit other crimes) was working.

Walls and fencing are needed across the entirety of the southern border. Once you have a line in the sand, it’s easier to defend.


I admit I don’t know enough about most of these policies, which is why I asked the question in the first place. I’m fully on board with deporting people who commit crimes (and even those who don’t, with some caveats for family and those settled), but we’re still doing that, no?

And yes, sure, walls and fencing makes it easier to defend… but only if you still have adequate forces. If you have a wall 10 miles long and one person watching it, at night, that person’s effectiveness is increased… to a still negligible level. It’s like telling you that body armor is helpful in stopping an enemy attack, and then shooting you from a tank. Does body armor offer protection in the theoretical sense? Sure. From that? Not a chance.

But, as always, I appreciate the response. I asked because, as I’ll reply below, I don’t know what I’d do.


It’s not just a wall. There’s a wall, backed by electromagnetic and seismic sensors, covered by daylight and IR cameras, as well as game cameras transmitting to a control center. I maintained that stuff for a few years. BUT it’s all worthless without boots on the ground to apprehend.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but last I saw, the sensors weren’t exactly top grade, and the coverage a little ways away from the border got sparse fast. I’d find a deeper coverage to be more effective than a wall.

But I agree that boots are the ground are what’s needed, and unfortunately that’s proven to be harder than expected to fix. Trump instituted a program to increase hiring and retention (which was another of the relatively few things I supported of his)… but it basically had no effect, if I recall. As many as they hired, just as many quit.


CBP only has jurisdiction 100 miles from the border. The farther away you get from the border, the harder it is to detect and apprehend without running into constitutional problems. The sensors work great. The problem is they can’t tell cows or wildlife from human traffic. Every piece of technology helps but there is no one single miracle fix.


I guess that’s what I meant by the sensors not being top grade – they sense great, but they don’t seem to be coupled networks with constant algorithmic analysis. Again, at least last time I knew something about this, which I admit was years and years ago.

There’s definitely the technological capability now to discern human from animal traffic, though, and track movement over miles, from point of discovery to 50 miles in, if the networks are up to par. I’d have rather the wall money be spent on people and those sorts of upgrades.


What would YOU do, LC?



As I just said to Mason…. I don’t know. That’s why I asked. I don’t know enough about this to really formulate a strong opinion.

What I can say is I would’ve loved to see higher numbers of CBP personnel. Unfortunately, that’s been tried and recruiting is tough, probably because it is such a shit-show on the border already – it’s dangerous, frustrating and mired in politics.

If I were POTUS and we had a huge spike, I’d also be inclined to call in the Guard… but that seems to run into Posse Comitatus issues, no? And it’s a question of how long do you do that for?

I’m also not a fan of the wall, and while I’m quite sure you’ll disagree with the application of Patton’s famous quote to this (“Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man”), it resonates with me. So I’d prefer greater manpower (but we already saw that’s hard to do, unfortunately) and better sensor coverage. Multilayered tracking sensors for people is a bit dystopian, but computers can handle that shit easily and direct the limited CBP personnel to suspected illegal immigrants.

Of course, a whole other problem is the balance in the court system – people claiming asylum is a part of our laws, but I don’t know how you balance that without it being taken advantage of, and I’d love to see numbers on how many claim that, and then vanish, and how many are granted it. If you’ve got ’em, I’m all ears.

What’s your solution?


Definitely don’t have a comprehensive answer to the problem, but I’ll throw my 2c in on two items you mention.
1. “If I were POTUS and we had a huge spike, I’d also be inclined to call in the Guard… but that seems to run into Posse Comitatus issues, no?” I’m not an expert, but I don’t believe it would. Seems to me that applies to domestic law enforcement, and American citizens.. Since by definition, they’d be defending our nations borders against what can reasonably be considered an invasion, it seems that would fall right in line with their stated mission.
2. Patton’s famous quote to this (“Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man”) That quote was in the context of an armed foe, capable of fire, maneuver, and envelopment. Waves of unarmed peasants with none of the above abilities are a completely different matter, and if properly staffed, ( another issue all together, though I believe the recruiting problems would decrease if applicants could see that the politicians were serious about protecting the border) they would be (as they have proven to be in the areas they already exist) quite effective.


Thanks, Fyr, for sharing your thoughts. I seem to recall that during Trump’s bringing of troops to the wall in 2018, the issue of Posse Comitatus came up, limiting what could be done. But it could be because that was active duty as opposed to Guard troops, I just don’t know enough about the legal aspect. And while I think you’d find plenty of people on the conservative side who’d agree with characterizing it as an ‘invasion’, I highly doubt that’d be a bipartisan view (for better or worse – we can debate that some other time).

As for Patton’s quote, like I said, I think we’ll have to disagree with that – I don’t think the context only applies to an armed, capable foe, but rather anything with mobility. And as we’ve seen, even with the newer sections of walls, people are pretty crafty and mobile, and get around, over or through them without much difficulty. So I disagree with your notion that the walls are effective. This article shows, people are using $5 ladders to get over a $12M per mile wall. If you want to argue the extra ten to fifteen seconds is a good measure of effectiveness, well, I’m not convinced.

As for recruiting improving if applicants could see that politicians were serious, I’d agree. And I’d add a lament that this should be a bipartisan issue, and while I’m sure you place all the blame on the Dems, I’d disagree with that, too. From vetoing Obama’s plans for border security to painting Dems as being for ‘open borders’ or some conspiratorial whispering that this is all to help their electorate, the Republicans are just as self-serving in their border politics. Something needs to give there.



We will have to disagree as far as the Patton quote, though I did mention if the wall was complete (as you point out, if there are gaps, they will be exploited), and properly staffed (which would stop the ladders aspect).
In addition, I will say that you’re wrong that I’d put all the blame on the dems. There have been plenty of R’s who had a chance to do more but didn’t. To me it doesn’t matter if their reasoning was being ok with open borders, or political calculation that securing the border would cost them votes, or whatever other excuse they might use. I’d also put some blame on President Reagan, as much as I liked him overall, he did grant amnesty to far too many illegal aliens, based on the promise from the dems to secure the border. He should have known that promise was a lie, and insisted on securing the border first. So i guess the short answer is that there’s plenty of blame to go around, to both sides of the aisle. They all need to start caring more about American citizens than illegal aliens.


Well Trump surprised me by doing something
About the southern border. Bite-me should
Have stuck with what he did

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Is there such a thing as the National association of White journalists, White miss America Beauty pagent, White entertainment only channel, etc etc etc etc etc etc.


Oh Jeff you wrasict wrascal! (Smile)


I’m in Florida. I agree that DeSantis needs to BTFO and let local governments exercise their discretion.

DeSantis rightly told Bitchden to BTFO and mind his own business. Time for DeSantis to show the same respect to his local governments.

Hey, DeSantis…we elected you Governor, not Emperor. Respect the decisions made by local school boards and governments.


The Arizona governor left mask and restriction decisions to the local municipalities and counties, telling them “you are more in touch with your area than the state, you decide and I will back you”. He was derided as indecisive. Now, he says “no mask mandates allowed”. Now he’s derided as a dictator. There’s no winning. People suck.


It was the same with Trump. He deferred to the states, a policy I wholly agree with, and was said to not be leading. If he’d mandated anything, he was the tyrant the left accused him of being.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66 A Gang Snipe

Florida Gov. DeSantis is leaving the mask debate to the parents of School children of wearing a mask or not wearing a mask in schools. It’s the teacher’s unions whom are causing the problems and going to liberal judges to over turn what the Gov. is trying to do.


Exactly. Leave it up to the parents. Want your kid in a mask? They wear a mask. Don’t want them in a mask? They don’t wear a mask.

At this point, people know (or don’t know) as much about COVID as they’ll ever know. Let people do what they want.


The same parent – seldom ‘parentS’ – who let the kids run the streets till all hours, teach them no manners, respect, duty, or honor. I hate to sound paternalistic or condescending, but too many parents can’t be trusted to walk a dog, much less decide correctly for their kids.


So clearly the state needs to raise the children.


Maybe the state should quit incentivizing the over-production of feral children by single “mothers”?


The lefties are using ‘birth(ing) parent’ now.
Waaaaay better descriptor for the majority of breeding activities these days.


School boards defy Desantis – Hooray!
Parents defy school boards – How dare you!


I’m appalled the faux-pResident is ‘blind to HIS blindness’ about the slaughter he is willfully abetting in various cities across the US, across our borders, and in AFG….

I want a list of actual, lawful accomplishments by this occupation in WDC that seemingly radiates out in forced fashion to infect every single American with usurpations of our ever-diminishing Rights.

Name them, YOU ‘negligent’ fools!

Mask and jab these nuts.


President Dementia’s Political Party fondness for masks dates back to 1865. On July 2,2010, then Vice President Biden Eulogized Senator Robert Byrd (D), West Virginia, a former “KKK Exalted Cyclops”. In the early 1940s, Byrd recruited 150 of his friends and associates to create a new chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in Sophia, West Virginia.

KKK origins per Wikipedia:

“Organized in the Southern United States, it was suppressed through federal intervention in the early 1870s. It sought to overthrow the Republican state governments in the South, especially by using voter intimidation and targeted violence against African-American leaders. Each chapter was autonomous and highly secret as to membership and plans. Its numerous chapters across the South were suppressed around 1871, through federal law enforcement. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks and conical hats, designed to be terrifying and to hide their identities.”


BTW, I am a 2 time recipient of Phizer and a paper/cloth mask wearer.


Byrd was such a patriot that instead of serving his country like 12 million of his generation did at that time, he was instead organizing a terrorist cell of a hate group.


The only masks I want to see are those on the marones who think this is more important than bringing our people home safely.

If nothing else, let’s make sure that the mess that is now occurring in Afghanistan is NOT EVER forgotten.


We said the same thing back in 1975 when Saigon fell.


You Reap What You Sow.

This “Teacher” probably took lessons from Hiden Biden or The Squad:

“Teacher Out Of Job After Video Of Anti-Trump, Left-Wing Rant In Class Released: ‘I’m Deeply Disturbed'”


Good. Saw that video earlier and was disgusted.

For the record, I’d be equally disgusted if there was a teacher talking about how much she hates Biden and doesn’t want to hear anything positive about gays. None of her screed was teaching anything except hate.




ConVaids is the least of your worries, red book for brains.

Why don’t you finish your romantic novel inspired by your infatuation with Greta?

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO he gives a decent impersonation of our Resident Idiot/Branch Covidian BLM “Medic” Major Moonbat himself!

