Weekend Open Thread

| August 27, 2021

Dr. Debby Burnett claimed that she worked on the COVID floor at her hospital, and that it was full. At capacity. Nearly every patient was unvaccinated. She goes on to slam the low vaccination rates in her area and blames it on Representative Lauren Boebert. Sean Davis calls her out as a veterinarian. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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Welp! All is right in our world.

KoB has assumed his rightful role as First poster!

Congrats Kob!

(Now, what’s on the menu?)


Smoked porked beast chops, green beans with new red taters, the ‘mater and cabbages cold slaw from Ex’s post (sans the onyum), peach cobbler with ‘nilla bean ice cream, and some fresh hot catheaded bisquits. Crockett pot full of stewed beef beast n taters with carrots. Lemon kissed grilled sole (aka catfish fillets). Come on!


Yum, Yum!!

Hope there’s seconds!!


Congrats KoB!


Well it’s about time.
Nice article in American Rifleman SEP 21 issue paying tribute
to your favorite uncle John Moses Browning. Cool Photos.
Guy was a sharp dresser.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I read the same article Beans. What a story.


Ok bitch. It’s yours today. I said I was gonna be on vacation and I was dodging lightning and thunder but now I’m undercover and I’m in your thread bitch.
Congratulations KoB you. Da. MOFO King 🤴🏻


Thank you Gentlemen…oh…and you too Chip. I was actually just hanging, reading up on the LTC Scheller thread when the WOT popped. Gave a 30 count before typing and another 30 count before I hit post. Henceforth the ? mark. Was very surprised that someone hadn’t already jumped in.
There will be plenty Tx and if we run low, we’ll cook up more. I needs to find me a copy of that Article on His Most Saintlyness JMB, prolly do more for my libido than a centerfold. Bro Sky, next time DiL comes South, come with her. Graybeard, Hunker down, you gonna get awfully wet.

Heartfelt prayers for the safety of all my Brothers and Sisters here and more for all of our troops. And Chipster? I catch you slipping off to the west on your vacay you ain’t gonna have a prayer. Keep yo happy azz vacaying on the east side. You may as well come on in this direction, might be some opportunities for you at the new space port they trying to build down near St Marys. WSB!




That would be twooth for the dental technicians and other OCD amongst our beloved dickweeds !!!




I’ll celebrate my podium finish by sharing this little tidbit:





That thing is correct. Per the article it was a warning, one i’d like to echo. Martial law would be devastating for a number of reasons, first and foremost the destruction of our fellow citizens. Also another ‘L’ added to the tally of failed counter insurgency operations by our military.

So, no. No one *should* advocate for a military junta, or any other for of insurrection, coup.

But as 26L said, “…hope is lousy plan”


She seems just a bit too eager to enforce a martial law declaration. I’d love to hear the conversation she’s having with her 1SG and CSM right about now.


Yes, folks, this is where nazis… er, Antifa, when left/libtards do it… come from.


DAAYYUUM? Where’s everybody? Not even close? No spotters, no frontal assaults, not even anybody taking pot shots at the King of Battle, THE King of FIRST for the coveted, EARNED never awarded, TAH Weekend Open Thread as he called for a Time On Target FIRE MISSION, FIRE MISSION, FIRE MISSION. Ergo, I claim my Title and the Throne back from my Man Commissioner Wretched and open up the Dining Facility for all hands. BTW, the Class VI Supplies Chest is unlocked too. Special today, for OAM, is Guinesses and lemon kisses for her sole.



As you give us the menu and Class IV supplies, I’m picturing you telling us while leaning out a window, dressed in suspenders and a floppy hat … ala Grandpa Jones… “Yum! Yum!”


Sorry, brother.

Between the clusterfook in the East that some of my less-intelligent friends are still blaming on Trump (how d’Hell they get that?) and Hurricane Ida headed inbound, hard for me to get motivated even to rag ya a bit.

Heads and butts down, y’all.


KoB, my southern brother.

Would have been here sooner and grabbed the WOT 1st from you, but The Queen of Battle was sitting on his throne. (grin)

Have a great weekend all of you dickweeds & weedettes.

And remember…..

Lass dich nie von den Bastarden zermürben

(never let the bastards wear you down)

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

Top Ten!


I’m taking the weekend off, Range-type activities.

I have to dial in an adjustable gas plug on an M1A, zero some things, confirm POI/POA shifts with two cans…
It feels more like work than fun

Congrats KoB!
Have a great weekend, y’all!

Commissioner Wretched

I see I missed a chance for a repeat FIRST on the WOT … but all is right with the world if the King of Battle is back on the throne. I left it nice and clean for you! How about some trivia, instead? DID YOU KNOW…? Did a guest die during the recording of a television talk show in 1971? By Commissioner Wretched Two hundred fifty columns of this silliness lie behind me, and it’s time to look ahead. Ahead, that is, to the next 250 columns of this silliness. What better way to start than with the 251st assemblage of trivial nonsense designed to elicit a smile from you? After all, 251 does follow 250. (That’s not a given, as far as I am concerned; I speak four languages other than English, but mathematics is not one of them. When it comes to numbers, I never assume anything.) Over the years, repetition of trivial facts has occurred more than a few times. It happens; remembering everything I’ve said becomes difficult after all this time. When you see a repeater, just consider that I thought enough of that fact to bring it to you again. At least, that’s how I think of it. Let’s see what you think of this week’s trivia! Did you know … … the Soviet Union once copied an American airplane exactly? The Tupolev-4 was a bomber that was reverse-engineered from a U.S. B-29. The copy was almost perfect, too: every Tu4 had a rivet hole in one wing exactly where a Boeing engineer had mistakenly drilled one in the B-29 the Soviets used as a source. The only changes were the use of metric measurements in the building the Tu4 and Soviet armaments on the plane. (If you’re going to do something, be thorough, I always say.) … a Cuban revolutionary once wrote to an American president? On November 6, 1940, then-14-year-old Fidel Castro (1926-2016) wrote a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), asking for a ten-dollar bill “because I have never seen one.” Asked about the letter many years later, Castro replied… Read more »


My old buddy Taz sure thought he was a panther. Who was I to argue the point?


Toe’mas KNOWS he’s a big (35lbs), black, and beautiful panther. But Miss Kay Kitty, the Russian Blue, will whip his ass…just because.

I don’t think I suffer from a pig n gopher disease, but to me (and ChipNASA), OAM is breathtaking.

Another fine job on the trivia CW. It is muchly appreciated.

The Other Whitey

For those interested:


Mrs. Whitey’s B-17 is making decent progress. Had to cut open the crawlspace under the cockpit, since the kit just blanks it off, and make up the deck, O2 cylinders, etc. that go in there. Also opened up the bulkhead doors in the cockpit and radio room and kinda-sorta-almost made the appropriate deck pieces look like plywood.


“…making decent progress.” Decent my Black Irish Ass, OUTSTANDING progress…AND attention to the details. Thanks for the update and y’all be careful on the fireline. Buried in and amongst the Asstan and incoming hurricane, saw a very brief headline that there are 14K on the fireline now.

Oh, and btw, just 2 more words on Mrs. Whitey’s B-17…NOSE ART!!! pantpantpantpant

The Other Whitey

In progress, KoB. Congrats on reclaiming your crown, by the way.

I have dodged the alpha, Charlie, and foxtrot strike team bullets thus far, and have spent the last couple weeks as part of the skeleton crew maintaining coverage in our own IA. About 2/3 of our personnel and almost all of our frontline equipment is up north. The rest of us are back here on the reserve rigs. Days off cancelled (though I have some AAV time coming up in a couple days, so I’m getting off).


Hardly even enough to warrant a shrug given the shit of the past few days, but since I sent in the article about the Oklahoma mom who supposedly helped rescue the girls in Afghanistan…. I figure this update is warranted.

It turns out she may have vastly overstated her role, and the organization that is responsible for the Afghan girls robotics team says she’s endangering those still behind:



Thanks for the update, LC.

George V

Covid Treatments! Here’s the next study to get suppressed. Good to hear, though, that some health orgs are looking at what may treat Chi-com Originated Viral Disease (aka, COViD)


Only Army Mom

Yes. As TXNorsky notes , your retaking he WOT First does bring a bit of normalcy to a world that feels tipsy-turvy right now.

I too am having a hard time getting worked up over just about anything. Or more correctly, about anything else. The overwhelming feeling is one of despair, for what has happened and what is surely to come. I also agree talk of a junta is just stupid.

I can’t even say I want this disgrace impeached if that means removing his room temperature carcass, given what will take his place.

Until now, I have been able to muster sufficient grace for those who voted for this, or voted against what we had. No longer. I am in the process of ending friendships-not intentionally per se but by eviscerating them publicly. In short I’ve told more than a few it is on them to face thirteen families and justify their votes. I’ve offered to help a few pack their bags. I’ve had to tell a few veterans they have disgraced their service and dishonored their battle buddies whom they say they mourn. One, just one, earned the worst thing I could say-he is right, it should have been him. That can easily become two if that screeching pigeon shows up here. Yeah, I would never before say such a ugly, horrible thing but this is what it has become.

So, to be absolutely clear…if you are a veteran and still support this administration, may the hell you deserve to rot in begin here and now. I have more grace in my heart for the Taliban because ostensibly they don’t know better. You have no such excuse. Good luck washing your buddies blood off your soul.


OAM, all I can say is AMEN!

A Proud Infidel®™

AMEN to that, Ma’am!


OAM, Testify! And may His Blessing continue to surround you with His Peace and Comfort. You got to hang tuff Mi’Lady, not so much for yourself, but for all of us miscreated, ne’er do well deplorables. You are our Rock that we lean on and the Sunshine of our days. In spite of all the trials and tribulations that many of us have faced, we are blessed that we haven’t been where you have…and pray that we never will. One of the reasons that 99.69% of us would be there to do whatever it is that you needed doing, no questions asked and no reward expected. I, too, have been physically sick over what is happening to my beloved Republic. This from a card carrying member of the Confederate Army that had ancestors that fought on both sides of that great unpleasantness…and every other conflict before and after. I have nieces, nephews, and young folks that I’ve mentored over the years serving now. One reason why the snacky menu is so extensive for today is I spent most of the night and a good portion of today cooking stuff up, just to take my mind away from it all. Situations never get better, they just become bearable…or one just gets numbed by it all. I wept and prayed for the families of everyone we have lost since 9/11. I knew and knew of many of the victims of the Towers. From about 1983 thru ’97, I’d make several business trips for meetings there every year. I found out then, as I did in my Military Service, that the damyankeys were good folks too…they just talked different than us Good Ol’ Boys…and didn’t eat as well as we did. The final former ex mrs couldn’t understand why I’d pour and pray over the casualty lists from A’stan and all the other sh*thole countries that we were in from the time we met in ’02 til that thing crashed and burned in ’06. I have continued that practice and will continue it until I draw that last breath. I have said many… Read more »


Amen, and Amen!

I am sick and tired of the idiots who argue “But Trump was supporting a withdrawal” without realizing that under Trump our allies would have been left in a stronger position, our civilians and our material would have come out, we wouldn’t be asking the Taliban (!!!!!!) to “protect” us (What in the Foock is that idjit talking about)… and for damn sure without our soldiers being put in this kind of harms’ way!

OK – need my blood pressure meds.

I’m having to stay off of social media right now I’m so mad.


Here’s a story about a veteran that just died of a treatable illness … because no ICU beds were available due to COVID cases:



Based on hospitals in this area, and as the story mentions at the end, it’s not actually ICU beds that are in short supply, but nurses to staff them. Part of this is due to many nurses retiring or changing fields due to the virus, and part is a more long standing issue of understaffing.
Understaffing is also a two part issue. Some of it is a lack of people going into the field, and part is that it is far cheaper to build capacity into a hospital than it is to staff for that capacity. The result is that many if not most hospitals have wards, wings, or even whole floors that are unstaffed / unused. Under normal circumstances, this seems wasteful, as they’re not needed anyway, but that’s about it. When capacity of the staffed sections of the hospital fill up, they can’t increase capacity, even though the rooms and equipment are still there, because they don’t have the personnel to staff them. This is obviously related to the motive to maximize profits, why pay for staff that will usually be sitting around doing nothing.

The Other Whitey

There’s more than a few hospitals who are threatening to terminate personnel for refusing to get an mRNA shot, despite this supposedly being a “crisis” where skilled staff are desperately needed. Never mind the ethical implications of such coercive policy, it’s illogical as all hell.


Oh, it WILL happen. And soon. For no other reason than they “think” it will disproportionally punish right thinking peoples who deserve to die. Not true, of course but that is what they believe.

Still trying to find anyone other than demonrats among my associates who refuse to take the vaccine. Oh, wait, I do know a Republican who refuses it, but there are other health issues at play in that case. Even the guy I know who has had the disease twice has had both shots!


Houston Methodist hospitals are already firing those who will not or can not get the shot.
And they are short staffed.
And they are begging for employees.

Nurses in the GB AO (and I believe elsewhere) routinely work 12-hour shifts – which is OK if you are young, but over 30 that is hard. Add the stress of constant “trainings” about the latest procedures/policies from CDC or the suits in the admin offices (who think they are doing some good), having to wear and change masks constantly while on duty… etc. etc. etc. it is difficult to keep them on staff.


Like the meme says:

Capt Kirk: “Bones, when the pandemic be over?”
McCoy: “Dammit, Jim, I’m a doctor not a politician!”


How DARE you bring fax (sic) into this! /s

Oh, and btws, its going to get a whole lot worse!
Cold and flu (and vcxx damage) season is a’comin!


Just heard from Fox news Sirhan Sirhan will be released on parole by California. We are truly in the Crazy Years.

The Stranger

Oh well. Goes to show that the “cachet” around the Kennedys is coming to an end. A more worthless group of grifters you’ll never find. The only male Kennedy who might have been worth a damn was Joe Jr., but even that is up for debate. I’ve long given up expecting sanity out of California.


Very odd, but somehow just seems to fit with the rest of the crazy this week. errrrr, this year. Maybe that should be this decade???


It’s not like he’s going to murder Bobby Kennedy again, is he? Sirhan Sirhan is interesting because he’s the only Palestinian terrorist to kill a presidential candidate.

A Proud Infidel®™

Forty-sump’n and Honorary First once again.



Dr Debby is also a PT employed at a hospital. The impetus behind her statements is that she is also running for congress.



The names with pictures and a short story of each of the seven (7) Marines, the Army SF Soldier and the Navy Corpsman are identified in this article at this link:

“He Was Just A Kid’: Families, Communities Begin Paying Tribute To Troops Killed In Kabul”

Rest In Peace, Warriors. Condolences To The Families.

Please pray for the Families and for our Troops who are still conducting the mission in Kabul.



Thank you posting this ninja, here and on all the other threads. Can’t be posted enough. Such a tragic and needless waste of these Warriors. Their blood is on the hands of the feckless “leaders” that have made a mockery of their actions. Valhalla will welcome these Warriors that cashed that blank check. May God bring His Comfort and His Peace to the Families of all that were affected.


A League of Their Own + EDS (Ellen DeGeneres Syndrome)
= Missfire at Ole Miss.

Oh, the drama.
Cheating. Affair. Coach. Assistant. Wife. Cover up.
And TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

[[Katie Rietkovich] Browder’s sexual misconduct was detailed as the assistant coach being romantically involved with a student-athlete on the team, who was concurrently dating a teammate on the Rebels’ softball squad. Texts sent by Browder were discovered by the partner, alerting her of the affair going on between her girlfriend and coach. The events took place in July.

Once coaches got involved in the case,
the two student-athletes were reportedly bribed with “scholarship money”
to keep the story under wraps.]
[The two coaches under investigation were also cited for strange declarations in their time at Ole Miss after making subtle political commentary regarding conservative-minded players on the team.

“If my wife or other people in my family voted for Trump
then all they would be doing is hurting me,”
said asst. coach [Katie Rietkovich] Browder,
during a Zoom call with Ole Miss officials.]



Yeah, you made me think I was actually going to see some “rugs” on that link. I was hoping for a deal on a nice Persian.


The “rugs” are actually, probably, linoleum…that needs some hardwood applied.

Bet if IDC SARC hit it, they would turn from the dark side.


From the movie Splash…. “A Lesbian No More.”

Hack Stone

56 posts and Hack decides to show up 28 hours after the WOT dropped. Just to add some useless trivia to all of you Adorable Deplorables, David Soul Of Starsky & Hutch turns 78 today. S&H was a groundbreaking show in its day, the first television series to show a homosexual couple in a committed relationship. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Hack Stone

Instead of calling them public schools, let’s just all agree that they should be referred to as Indoctrination Centers.



Black. On Black. On Black. On Red. On Green. On Pink.
Who is correct?
Who is wrong?
Who is lying?
[Candace Owens Sued For $20 Million
By Conservative Politician Kimberly Klacik For Defamation]


I love failing open in the middle of the night.

This getting old shit sucks.