Gun grabbers shift into high gear

| June 11, 2009

The Washington Times‘ S.A.Miller reports that those gun grabbing fascists are seizing on the shooting at the Holocaust Museum yesterday as evidence that laws need to tighten against law-abiding firearms owners;

They said it highlights the need for lawmakers to reconsider efforts to ease the District’s tough gun laws and allowing firearms into national parks.

D.C. Council Chairman Vincent C. Gray said the shooting underscored the need for strict gun laws in the nation’s capital.

“It’s all the more reason why, though, District of Columbia gun legislation should be not used as a bargaining chip by those in Congress who would use our city for political gain while compromising safety, particularly when it involves our right to a vote,” said Mr. Gray, at-large Democrat.

First of all, von Brunn is a resident of Maryland, so DC’s gun laws wouldn’t have prevented him from possessing a gun. Secondly, shotgun ownership is illegal in the District already, according to the Metro cop I talked to in the Fourth Precinct a few years back before I brought my own weapons when I moved to the District.

Thirdly, von Brunn probably didn’t own the weapon legally – he was a twice-convicted felon. There are already laws preventing felons from owning guns.

“It is dangerous to force more guns into places that American families expect to be gun-free and safe,” [Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence] said.

Anyone expecting DC to be “gun-free and safe” for their families lives in a pod underground. There are already 28 unsolved homocides in the District this year. There have been 58 homicides, and almost nine hundred illegal guns recovered in the District so far this year.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence said the museum shooting was part of a pattern of escalating gun violence in America.

“What we are seeing play out in tragedies across our country is the mixing of the insurrectionist idea with increasingly weaker gun laws,” the coalition said in a statement. “In shooting after shooting, we have seen individuals disgruntled with government gain easy access to firearms despite criminal records and troubling mental health histories.”

And how would writing more regulations and laws for gun control prevent criminals from getting guns illegally? And notice that it’s people who are “disgruntled with government” – coded language for “wingnuts on the Right”.

There are already sufficient gun laws, what we need is enforcement. Whoever gave von Brunn his gun should be punished right along side von Brunn, but we can be pretty sure it wasn’t transferred legally. So these intellectually vacant gun grabbers ought to focus on common sense enforcement instead of trying to pass laws that won’t be enforced.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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509th Bob

Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 922(g)(1) – felons are prohibited from possessing firearms.
Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 924(c) – use of a firearm to commit a crime of violence is prohibited.
Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 924(j) – use of a firearm to commit murder is prohibited. This is a death penalty eligible offense.

As you noted, we’ve got the laws. What we don’t have is the will to enforce the laws.


Looks like we already have enough laws on the books.


The last thing we need is more people, legally or illegally, carrying weapons into the District. What I can see happening, is the relaxation of laws which keep guns out of people’s hands, and untrained individuals believing they are John Wayne.

I would rather have less opportunities for stray rounds going off in crowded places, then for every Tom, Dick and Harry to pull out their “piece” and think they can diffuse the situation.

Why arent we talking more about cracking down on where all these illegal guns are coming from? Oh wait, perhaps because we would have to talk about the same places that illegal people are coming, and heaven forbid any administration ever does anything about this issue. Hell, neither candidate even touched on it during the elections.

Isnt this one of the reasons there are 3 dozen DIFFERENT law enforcement organizations in DC? Perhaps we need to just increase their funding to allow for more officers on the ground around a city that screms for people to come make issues in.

Jonn wrote: Reread your own comment with this thought in mind; You seem more concerned with law-abiding, legal gun owners than you are with the criminals. Like I said, DC cops have confiscated nearly 900 guns so far this year, in the 34th year of the DC gun law. Why do illegal guns come into DC? Because it’s the best place to terrorize the citizenry with guns since they’re undoubtedly unarmed.

Laughing Wolf

Well, got to remember that the policy of the WH is, per RE, not to let any crisis go to waste. What better time to drive up fear, panic, ignorance, and bigotry and get something passed before rational thought kicks in…


OK, the REAL question is this:
Since Obongo just finished his trip to the muslims to rant about their greatness and point out how everything is the Jews’ fault – how peace an only be obtained if the Jews stop breeding and get out of the Middle East – and generally preaching anti-semitism… AND since this geezerly wacko went to the Holocuast Museum to start his killing spree, then obviously he was inspired and motivated by Dear Leader Obongo’s words. SO – when will Obongo be arrested for inspiring hate crimes?
After all – if anyone speaks out about any group – muslims, child molesters, illegal immigrants – and then another party commits violence against a member of the group, or even TRIES to do so, then the speaker is charged with hate speech and instigating hate crimes.
So – Obongo certainly qualifies for having inspired this guy to begin the spree.
Or do we blame Bush? or the Jews?



Your post amuses me. You see, I live in Alexandria and work in SE DC.

In Alexandria I can (and do) carry a firearm. So do lots of other people. I’ve never had a single problem, never been mugged, never even heard gunfire. I’m totally safe walking around at night.

In SE DC, I can’t carry a firearm. I don’t walk around at night. If I have to stay late I walk directly and quickly to the Metro. In my first week working here the Starbucks near me was robbed. At gunpoint. In broad daylight. It’s inside a federal building. We just had a “police involved shooting” down the street.

Maybe if DC was more like NOVA it wouldn’t be utter shit.



Try reading Heinlein sometime, you know, that part about where he says, “An armed society is a polite society.”

And those damned right-wing gun nuts…oh wait, maybe not right-wing after all…


We should melt down all weapons and make jewelry out of it. Or better yet, shackles for all you nuts who love your guns!

Frankly Opinionated

Elaine, elaine, way out there in la la land:
And how would you propose to get “all weapons”, in order to melt them down? And when you shackle those of us who love our freedom to own guns, who will defend you and yours? It is a fact that “When seconds count the Police are but minutes away.”
Freshen up your Latte, take a cool shower, and watch a rerun of Alice in Wonderland. You are a flake!
nuf sed


“We should melt down all weapons and make jewelry out of it. Or better yet, shackles for all you nuts who love your guns!”

Oh yes, let’s do!! Then Little Sally Sunshine can tap dance across the Great Technicolor Screen of Life as we in the audience all sway and sing kum-bah-yah!

Then in the real world, the new muslim world rulers can burn down the theater, behead any who object, and chain whip any dumbass gals who don’t have their burkas in place, like the one commenting above…until they know their places…and prostrate themselves before their new masters.
THAT sounds peaceful! No ugly gun owners to get in the way of world peace.

Avalon John

“Those who beat their swords into plowshares will end up plowing for those who did not.”


DCnative, I CCW all of the time where I live. My weapon has never been out of the holster in public and never will, unless I am confronted with a threat of the gravest extreme and have a clear shot at the goblin.

elainebower, I can make a blackpowder pistol easily with a pipe, threaded plug, home made trigger, a small block, nipple & an old steel saw blade. Am learning machine shop skills & lathe work so that I can make better guns.

“Or better yet, shackles for all you nuts who love your guns!”
Gee girlfriend, you sound like a totalitarian with quips like that. Got a fondness for gulags & concentration camps, do ya?

You antis live in a dream world. I hope you never suffer a home invasion. BTW, your socialist nanny-dreamstate Europe is a home invasion hell & the people there have no right to defend themselves in any way.


“And those damned right-wing gun nuts…oh wait, maybe not right-wing after all…”

Yeah, my politics are anarcho-capitalist 🙂


DCNative is spouting the same BS that floated around when Florida and Georgia were passing “stand your ground” legislation. All these anti-liberty people were running around predicting John Wayne style shootouts all over those states. We’ve had those laws for a while now, and nothing like that has happened.


CRaissi, our esteemed governor said the same thing about her subjects, er citizens, when the legislature got off the dime and passed concealed carry here in Michigan. Blood will run in the streets, shootouts every day, no place safe anywhere. None of it happened, however a man in Grand Rapids DID shoot his attacker at a gas station and stop a felony. So, one less victim from that instance, and there are other stories too. But you still can’t convince a lib of the sanctity of a VICTIM’S life, just a criminals.

AW1 Tim

Whenever someone begins to talk about restrictions to the 2nd Amendment, I find it useful to ask them to restate their argument and salient points, but substitute any other Amendment for the 2nd.

Most times they really don’t like the way it turns out.

For example, for those interested in speaking in public, should we require them to attend a public speaking course, where “safe speaking” is taught, and a minimum score required for a certificate of graduation? Should we require them to pass a background check, and pay a license fee to the local Justice of the Peace prior to actually speaking in public? Should they be prohibited from speaking within 300 yards of a dwelling or other habitable structure, or within 1000 feet of a school, church or synagogue?

Yeah.. me too.



Scary thought ain’t it? Self-sufficent people who are actually responsible for not only their own actions but willing to help others. Why you would think this is right out of the Old West, fighting off the elements of nature and criminals. You know, the thinks that made this nation someplace folks wanted to come to!
Today is all about what is in it for ME! What can the lazy and the Sheeple get from the latest corrupt polician in return for buying their votes again.
Guns, them there things must be bad. The contribute to the attitude and ability of those who think they can take care of themselves….