HuffPo diarist for concealed carry?

| June 11, 2009

Christopher Barron, chairman of the board of GOProud, an organization representing gay conservatives, writes at Huffington Post encouraging concealed carry permits so that gays can protect themselves.

This summer, the Senate will consider the Matthew Shepard Local Law Enforcement Enhancement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, more commonly know as Hate Crimes legislation. Unfortunately, the bill, as currently written, will do little to actually prevent violent hate crimes from occurring. There is, however, a way to stop hate crimes before they happen: help law-abiding Americans at risk of hate crimes defend themselves from predators.

While GOProud, the only national gay conservative group, doesn’t take a position on the current hate crimes legislation, we do strongly support empowering individuals to protect themselves – which is why GOProud urges the Senate to amend the current hate crimes legislation to include a provision dealing with concealed carry reciprocity.

Before I start in, let me make clear my position of gay gun ownership – I don’t care. Anyone with a clean police record and a clean bill of health should be able to own a gun if they want, irrespective of their sexual proclivities, race, religion, or any other clumsily-assembled group of victims anyone can configure.

However, the Left doesn’t see it that way. They’re apparently all ready to give gays guns to protect themselves from “wingnuts”, but they’re afraid that some law-abiding “wingnut” will slip through the cracks and get their hands on a legally-purchased gun and get a concealed carry permit and be able to protect themselves.

Here’s a sample of the comments illustrating that;

Notice that? Since a concealed carry permit wouldn’t have saved Dr Tiller or the security guard at the Holocaust museum, there’s no real justification – besides, it might place more guns in the hands of “wingnuts”. I suspect that this von Brunn fellow possessed his firearm illegally since he’d been arrested for gun crimes before. i also suspect that Carlos Bledsoe, the Little Rock jihadist, bought his illegally as well (because no one has mentioned how he got it – if he’d bought it legally, it’d have been all over the news).

I love that last line in the first comment: “It’s time we monitor the wingnuts and locked them up before they do their damage.” There’s not much chance of convincing that rocket surgeon that it’s probably unconstitutional since they seem to be convinced that only their Constitutional rights should be enforced.

Not to mention that most of the commenters would support a cpncealed carry permit for gays, but not for us wingnuts. Try to tell them that probably violates the equal protection clause…I dare you. But they’ll quickly tell you that gay rights isn’t about “special rights.”

Oh, and for the defenders of Janet Napolitano’s DHS report – it seems in regards to this particular commenter, at least, the report has done it’s damage even though it’s been withdrawn. It allows the Left to call us names and call for monitoring us all without repercussions. Good job, Janet.

Category: Legal, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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This type of “reasoning” from the Left is disgusting. To this day they rail against the Bush administration for violating the 4th Amendment, among others, with regard to the “war on terror.” They make these arguments standing firmly on the foundation of a Constitutional argument regarding natural human rights.

But wait. There is that one thing that they don’t like. The right to protect life liberty and property, that one they think for some reason citizens must kiss the ring and justify exercising.


Let me just add some more fodder….from a Townhall Troll:

taormina writes: Thursday, June, 11, 2009 1:13 AM
The Muslim community is not gathering and plotting violence, hence not on the HS radar. And mind you, this man converted to Muslim. He’s not part of any group that openly blusters about killing Obama or gays or abortion doctors or blacks or jews – like your wingnut extremists do.

What you’ve done here is taken an isolated case with an isolated man and made him your whole wingnut counterattack for all the rightwing extremists currently running around, violently attacking people because YOU LOST AN ELECTION.


This is a new day! People are no longer “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights” – every thing is alienable at the whim of the Messiah! He has the right and the authority to whack down any pesky law or right that he deems , er… well, “pesky”! Even those 10 stoopid amendments. Not to mention those 10 stoopid commandments. /sarc


What’s interesting is the assertion that a CCW wouldn’t have saved Tiller…which in my state of residence (and others I’m certain) is true due to the fact the emotionally retarded anti-gun restrictionist polices don’t allow me to carry in a church or other place of worship. Perhaps Tiller’s murderer knew that…perhaps not…perhaps he was a dilusional nut…in any case, isn’t it interesting to note that in most of the more heinous incidents where shootings took place (Virginia Tech for example), they were supposed “gun free zones”.


“Is it gun violence if I shoot your Strawman full of holes?”
