Way to support the Military, Military.com

| June 11, 2009

Don Carl emailed me that I should check out Military.com’s headline about the racist nutjob in DC yesterday. For a military-oriented website, they certainly did a disservice to the military with this poorly-considered headline;


James VonBrunn was a lot of other things besides a Navy Captain (which was nearly 70 years ago, by the way, and has anyone bothered to verify that beyond his own ramblings?), why couldn’t they put one of those other things in the headline instead of feeding the anti-military frenzy.

I’m off of Military.com, just like I’m off of Little Green Footballs.

Category: Support the troops

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You have to wonder if JFK would have become this unhinged if he had lost the election?

AW1 Tim

What really p!sses off this old airdale is that he was a Lieutenant (O-2/O-3), IIRC, and “captained” a PT Boat. Saying he was a “Captain” with a capital “C” is another disservice to all those who made O-6.

It’d be like referring to a tank commander as the “Commander of an Armored Unit”. technically, yes, he commands a single armored unit.

Sigh….. and folks wonder why the press has such a bad rep these days.

Old Tanker

Great….I just got the Military channel a month ago and have been enjoying it…..now this. I left LGF months ago when Charles started spending most of his time bashing creationists……you know, the next flock of religious terrorists. Now I know why Pam Geller and fjordman told him to take a hike.


Did you know that Lee Harvey Oswald served more recently in the military than this clown?

Just something to think about.


I’m off of Military.com, just like I’m off of Little Green Footballs.

I’m off like a prom dress!

Avalon John

I hope this guy dies before we waste a dollar trying him. Due process is wasted on this a-hole.


“I hope this guy dies before we waste a dollar trying him. Due process is wasted on this a-hole.”

The phuqe-stain has an ‘A’ pass on #666 to hell when he expires.


Hey old tanker….I left LGF for the exact same reason. Charles Johnson is off his rocker crazy about Creationism and Intelligent Design. When he talks about them he sounds like a complete lunatic. It just wasn’t worth the effort to find the good (some of his posts are excellent) on his site anymore.

As for the insane headline at military dot com…it’s typical. Even foxnews dot com is regularly passing off leftist ideology as news.

Militant Bibliophile


If it bleeds…

Old Tanker

geoffmike….what finally did me in was a post on how ID/creationists were destroying the republican party. I made a comment that I thought it was being way overblown and not really an issue on anybody’s radar and the commentors sure gave it to me for not toeing the groupthink line. It really all started with the Vlaams Belang/Pamela Geller/fjordman/Gates of Vienna kerfuffle…..“look at me I’m right and the guy in Europe doesn’t know European politics…..”


Amazing, really, how the MSM, White House, et al, (and I challenge you to show me an iota’s worth of difference between them) can jump all over the shooting of Dr. Tiller and some nutjob racist anti-Semite going into the Holocaust Museum and somehow linking this as some sort of trend by the conservatives, yet a home-grown terrorist shoots a fresh-from-boot-camp young private and almost no mention is made of it outside the blogosphere.


We prefer to call it Mil.Commie since Monster took it over several years ago, it has taken a decided leftwards slant on things. Mil.Commie is Frisco based, so take from that what you will……