Nellis Air Force Base Hosts First-Ever Drag Queen Show: ‘Essential to the Morale, Readiness’

| June 21, 2021

Navy, your affiliation with the gay community through the Village People might be at risk. Air Force comin’ in hot out in Vegas.

Brietbart is fresh out with an exclusive report that Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada hosted a drag queen show and characterized it as part of an inclusiveness that’s “essential to the morale, cohesion, and readiness of the military.”

From the article;

The Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada recently hosted its first-ever drag queen show at one of its on-base dining and entertainment clubs, according a base spokesperson.

Nellis Air Force Base said in an email statement to Breitbart News:

Nellis Air Force Base and the 99th Air Base Wing hosted its first-ever drag show Thursday, June 17, at the Nellis Club. The event was sponsored by a private organization and provided an opportunity for attendees to learn more about the history and significance of drag performance art within the LGBT+ community.

Ensuring our ranks reflect and are inclusive of the American people is essential to the morale, cohesion, and readiness of the military. Nellis Air Force Base is committed to providing and championing an environment that is characterized by equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion.

The drag queen show came to light after Air Force veteran podcaster “BK” posted a digital flyer for the event that read: “DRAG-U-NELLIS” and “CLASS IS IN SESSION.”

“Discover the significance of Drag in the LGBT+ Community at the Nellis Club,” it said.

It was scheduled for Friday, June 17, at 5 p.m. and “Sponsored by the Nellis Top 3.”

So @NellisAFB is having a base-sanctioned drag Queen show; isn’t that awesome?

Maybe some of our military “journalists” can call them up and ask them about this. ?

— BKactual (@BravoKiloActual) June 18, 2021

The “Top 3” at Nellis Air Force Base is a social and professional organization established to “enhance the morale, esprit de corps, of all enlisted personnel assigned to the Wing and to facilitate cooperation between members of the top three enlisted grades,” according to its private Facebook page.

“The base Top III will provide a forum for its members to meet, share personal experiences and expertise, and assist one another. It may function as an added channel of communication within the chain of command, between the commander, and the enlisted force on Nellis AFB,” it said.

One person who attended the drag queen show posted on her social media account, “Had a fun night … at a drag Queen show at nellis afb last night.”

The Nellis Club, according to the Nellis Force Support Squadron website, is a consolidated club offering a “versatile dining and entertainment experience for all its members.”

“We now serve breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a midnight meal from Mon – Fri as well as brunch, dinner, and a midnight meal on Sat, Sun, Holidays, and Family Days. All meals are open to Essential Meal Card Holders! There is something for everyone to enjoy here at your Nellis Club, come give us a try,” it said.

Nellis Air Force Base is home to the service’s Warfare Center where Air Force pilots undergo the most demanding advanced air combat training in the country. “The crews do not come to learn how to fly, but instead how to be the best combat aviators in the world,” the base website said.

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Which is just a few minutes down the road from Nellis. Anything goes there, so go there. That the base SNCO frat put this on is more than a bit concerning.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Air Force, Get woke, WTF?

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I think this will fit in here…


Plus The Onion becomes overcome by events:


Don’t forget the “gender fluid” out there:

Green Thumb

I wonder if attendance was “voluntary” although “highly encouraged”.

Also curious if an “Airmen” were part of the show?

The Other Whitey

Just what I was thinking.


Mandatory fun.



The IS archaeological evidence that Sodom was hit by a massive asteroid strike. The site was unoccupied for several centuries, and artifacts found by archaeologists confirm what happened there. If nothing would grow there, it’s likely that the heat of the impact sterilized it and killed off any bacteria that encourage plant/crop growth.


God works in strange and mysterious ways.


C’mon, it does help morale…

… Of the Army, Navy and Marines, since they ain’t associated with it. Numbers-wise, that’s a net plus, right?


I’m sure Putin feels better.


Plenty of us TAHer DWs should drop to our knees and thank God Almighty for the blessing of our DD 214s.
May His hand of protection extend to our Brothers and Sisters still behind enemy lines.




Ruh-Roh, go easy with the talk about dropping to your knees when replying about a fairy story…hahahaha, I kid, I kid. Enough of the good natured ribbing, I shall bore you with a story.

I have about 700 days until I hit retired rolls. It’ll take me to about 26 years – 10 of them enlisted. My best military friend retired in 2014 after 25.5 years as an 11B, except for the last 3 which were spent as a EOA for flag level commands – a fucking hilarious irony, especially considering his retirement was rejected so he could perform THAT job.

Anyway, he always talks about how the military today is fucking done, shot, over. I reply to him that when he entered the service in ‘89, some crusty fuck was retiring and looking at him as if he was a pussy joining the softest military this country every produced. Point is – every prior generation thinks their generation was tougher and most gooderest.

Now, having read about this fairy extravaganza, held with full MWR support, I freely admit that I belong to the softest military this country has ever produced.

I cannot wait until I clutch my 214 in my hands. And I promise you that I will NOT drop to my knees, unless of course they issue it to me at the Nellis AFB tranny hootenanny. Gotz to service them he-shes and thank them for their service to my morale.


“No, but we’re willing to learn.” (May be a mandatory for advancement soon.)


Amen !!!!


With our ever-evolving shit-pit at CF Central(Ottawa), just can’t wait to see what brand of ‘morale-boost they attempt to employ next with our CanukianForces. Oy Fucking-GAVOLT…. Cheers an beers to all here – as our Sgt Maj used to say – drink ‘em up and drink ‘em empty, no point cry’s in ‘em..And to paraphrase our Sgt Maj – Doom on the Woke.

Michael Yankee

This is one old retired senior NCO that would have been AWOL. We used to throw that trash out and now it is welcome?? Not my Air Force. The senior NCOs that supported and attended this shit show should turn in their stripes.


Yeah, attended a CC Call as a civilian and the CC brought out a female-to-male Trans Airman like it was show and tell. Told us we had duty to “respect” he/she/it. Glad my tax $ paid for that shit

Hack Stone

If they are going to be all inclusive, when will they be hosting The Donkey Show? It’s 350 to Tiajuana, and not everyone is going to get an Out Of Bounds chit.


Juicy Lucy and her pet Gila monster.

Mustng Major

Gee, this makes strippers in the now defunct Fox Hole bar below the main officer’s club on Ft. Benning look tame in comparison.

BTW: I thought of the strippers as a great moral boost.

MSG Eric

As far as strippers and morals go, I’ve met plenty of high ranking servicemembers who have a far lower morality score than the average stripper does.

It’s amazing what used to be allowed for morale, but quickly became “mysoginistic” or “immoral”. And now we have drag queens on an installation, just like when Leon Pinheadda was SECDEF and allowed servicemembers to march in a gay pride parade IN UNIFORM, but that was acceptable. (You can’t go to a strip bar in uniform, but you can go to a political parade)

I’d be especially curious if they vetted those drag queens and how many had a conviction as a sex offender (like that drag queen story hour at public libraries apparently did).


Can I be offended and make a complaint I am about all this as a straight person? Fair’s fair.

No, of course not. I just have the right to STFU or get canceled.


Oh, the Fox Hole. Remember it well. Strippers over lunch, if I remember correctly.

Man, those sure were different times…

We went from that to needing the first GO in the chain to sign off for alcohol at a unit event.

and now to this.


Give me the old days at Ft. Riley, and the ‘Playboy Cub” in Junction City. One “Exotic Dancer”, who also doubled as a bartender and waitress. Of course, I’m sure she racked up on pay day weekends. You know the old saying; ” A GI and his money are soon parted”.

Green Thumb



Oh, yeah.

A Proud Infidel®™

Good old Grant Avenue and Washington Street, I presume? Many a Soldier parted with his paychecks there!

Hack Stone

Hack Stone

Did Hack’s video get edited? Hack posted a video of a 1960’s pop band doing one of their hits.

Hack Stone

30 seconds ago it was a Gary Sinise Video, now it’s back to what Hack posted. Just what the heck is going on here?

The Stranger

That’s what happens when you run Red Hat Linux sourced through a proud, but humble, woman owned business as your operating system.


E4 Mafia '83-'87

If its going to be “all inclusive” then I expect we’ll see everything from Christian Rock to Hard-Core to Gangsta Rap, no?

Asking for a frind.


Where was my ticket to this????!!!!

Green Thumb

Phildo stole it.


5QKB78734526 When you see the red and warm hole, slide to the bottom. Ask for Pele, she’ll hook us —I mean you…up.

(For those MGRS handicap, that’s the grid for Puʻu ʻŌʻō at Volcano National Park on the Bog Island)


That creature from the Lagoon Nebula has to be THE ugliest cross-dresser ever!

Someone please tell me why it is necessary to let everyone on the freaking planet know that you’re as close to off your nut as anyone can be, and Bradley Manning looks sane by comparison.


Why do drag queens have to be fat, ugly, bearded and downright scary today? I thought the whole idea was that folk couldn’t tell.


Diversity and inclusiveness is the new order of the day? Fine, I want to see a demonstration of a Silent, Close Order Drill…by a Confederate Color Guard Company…with a flyover by the Confederate Air Force. What? That’s not diverse? Or inclusive? Prolly more people would be interested in seeing that than a Drag Queen Show.

Inclusiveness? Diversity? Morale building? Here’s a novel thought. Let’s include all of our diverse weapons systems and learn how to use them to destroy the enemies of our Republic. That’ll raise morale.

Time to release the Kraken?


I’m sorry KoB, but there ain’t no confederate Air Force anymore. They caved years ago and became the “Commemorative” Air Force. My Pa wore a CAF ballcap for years.


Yeah, I know…Hence the sarcasm. That was one of the FIRST (ht 2 Roh-Dog) PC moves that was made. Had a coupla friends and customers that were pilots with them. Also several guys I knew were on the ground crews. Met a bunch of them fellas when they did a fly in here, decades ago. We got muchly intoxicated that evening when most of them weren’t going to be flying the next day. Good Time!

Them damned insurrectionist Cornfederated Johnny Rebs were the FIRST (ht 2 Roh-Dog) to have an aircraft carrier when they put a balloon on a CSN Ship, floating down the James River to attack the blockade fleet.

Most folks don’t realize there are north of 70 millions of people in this Country that are descended from a former Confederate.


The Confederate Air Force changed its name to “Commemorative Air Force,” effective January 1, 2002.


This spawned the term “shit-show”.


Holy F*ckballs, Batman!


Ho. Lee. CRAP, Batman!!

Hack Stone

After the show ended, all of the women were bitching that the trannies left the toilet seats up in the Women’s Rest Room.

Hack Stone

Base Commander Colonel Max Klinger gave this show two thumbs up. Just down shake his hand, you don’t want to know where those two thumbs up have been.


Bob Hope is not amused.


And to think I was just down at Nellis to get my new ID card.

I might have been able to catch a matinee!…NOT!


Does this mean strippers are coming back to the Clubs?

OWCs succeeded in ridding the Clubs of strippers in the 80s. Surely someone had to be offended by this.

Aren’t my hurt feelings just as relevant as the next persons.

Jus Bill

Nope. Not any more.


Wow, Nellis AFB joins the real Air Force? Hate to tell you this but Kadena Air Base on Okinawa hosted their first “drag” even at the Rocker Club in March 2014 and featured performances by servicemembers using stage names such as Chocolate Sunrise – a crowd favorite — and Artemis Faux. The event’s sole lesbian performer took the drag king name Manny Nuff.


Davis Mothballs has already done there drag queen
MWR too in 2016-2017 Nellis is playing catch up
It’s interesting that the AF leads the way here


Air Force FABULOUS!!!!
(Back after being out of town. Got some reading to do!! I’ll be lurking for a bit!),f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2015_26/1096206/150626-gay-rights-jsw-military-1096206.JPG


And to think in the mid 80s, they stopped having strippers in the back bar in the O’Club at Nellis…