Tuesday FGS

| June 22, 2021

Sig P365

Citizen shoots suspect accused in Carmichael truck, crowbar rampage, authorities say

One pedestrian was killed and three other victims were injured in an apparent rampage Monday morning in Carmichael involving the driver of a pickup truck who allegedly rammed two people, exited his vehicle and attacked two others while wielding a crowbar and a gun, authorities said.

The suspect struck two pedestrians with his vehicle, hit a third person with a crowbar and injured a fourth with either the crowbar or the suspect’s gun before being shot himself by another citizen, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office personnel said. The suspect was hospitalized and is in custody.

The chaotic incident started around 9 a.m. with a black pickup truck driving erratically, “up on sidewalks (and) jumping curbs,” Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Sgt. Rodney Grassmann said.

Grassmann said the pickup struck a pedestrian in the area of Fair Oaks Boulevard and Manzanita Avenue near a Safeway shopping center. That pedestrian has died, he said.

A bystander came to the first victim’s aid, and the pickup truck then “circled back” and “hit that person who came to help our first victim,” Grassmann said.

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Sacramento Bee

People always have been and they always will be stupid victims of deceit and self-deception in politics.
– Vladimir Lenin

Category: Feel Good Stories

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It’s nut jobs like this that make me glad I CC, EVERYWHERE.I.GO. Mr K40 is my American Express Card. I don’t leave home without it. BZ to the good citizen that stepped up. Too bad his aim wasn’t a little better. Wonder why the identity of the suspect hasn’t/wasn’t released?

Cute little “P” shooter. Be great for keeping the bad guy off balance til you get to a big gun.


A follow up video to this story. The dirtbag was shot by the wife of the victim from the trailer. You go girl!…to the range for more practice.



Thanks for that follow-up KoB. Yup, no two ways about it; that woman stood up for, stood in front of and stood by her man… BZ.

AW1 Rod

Yup. I don’t even go fishing without a special piece of tackle on my person.


Looks clumsy, clunky, and bulky. Needs to spend some time at the Glock factory and receive some stylish refinements. Still, and all, a step up from a sling shot.


“Needs to spend some time at the 1911 factory!” There FIFY!

Wonder if you fed it some of those blue or yellow bullets if it would swell up to full size? That usually works for my “gun”.


I can understand the difficulty of left handed people to adapt
to non ambidextrous firearms but the hand in the photo has it
all back assward and they’re gonna shoot themselves with it.


I have to differ with you Tally.

One simply does not Glock-up a good firearm.

And when it comes to looking clumsy, clunky, and bulky Glock is Exhibit A.

MI Ranger

I will agree with Greybeard. I thought TallyWhagger was describing a Glock not the most efficient example to date of a pocket carry 9mm…though I only carry it when my XDs in .45ACP does not seem appropriate!
Trying to decide if an XL with longer slide would be better. I suppose if people wanted to make it bigger they could just get its bigger brother that the Army seemed to like the P320!


I’d rather save up enough pennies and go with a Kimber for special occasions and use my Glock 17 for snake hunting.

Sleek, elegant minimalism blend function with form and classic elements of statuary that surely informed Michelangelo 🙂

MI Ranger

If this story made national news, it will probably leave out the parts about the “Suspect” driving over people with his truck, pushing another 100yds down the road before getting out with a crowbar…and just say something about man attacks random people with gun! Probably not even mentioning the fact that the wife stopped the attack with her own gun!
Doesn’t fit their narrative that good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns. Not the Government!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

i remember when the glocks made their debut in the us and people without any knowledge of firearms said that the plastic guns could go through the metal detectors. 37 years at where i worked were all smith an wesson .38 wheel guns until 9/11 although when i first started in 1970, they were also using colt .38 wheel guns until going all the way with smith. vault workers had .32 colt autos. i carry the springdfield xde in 9mm. other xdsc in .40 is a little bulky so i switched to the xde .9mm