“We are going to change the world. Please, don’t interfere.”

| June 10, 2009

Cigar Mike at Babalu Blog writes, “What a dick” about the Obama administration warning to Israel’s Netanyahu government quoted from Israel’s Channel One TV By CBS News;

Netanyahu was told Tuesday by an “American official” in Jerusalem that, “We are going to change the world. Please, don’t interfere.” The report said Netanyahu’s aides interpreted this as a “threat.”

The photo that accompanies the story shows Obama talking to Netanyahu with his feet on his desk. CBS posits;

Israeli TV newscasters Tuesday night interpreted a photo taken Monday in the Oval Office of President Obama talking on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an “insult” to Israel.

They saw the incident as somewhat akin to an incident last year, when the Iraqi reporter threw a shoe at President Bush in Baghdad

Adam Horowitz at Mondoweiss writes;

We’ve been following on the site how Israel seems to be in a state of panic and that Israeli anxiety over the US/Israeli relationship seems to be hitting a boiling point. When Obama finally does go to visit Israel, he might want to watch out for some flying shoes.


Imagine if President Bush had told any other country that same thing – how often did we hear “You’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists” or complaints about the “axis of evil” or “bring it on” and other examples of the Bush arrogance? How is this any less arrogant? And worse, it’s with an actual unfaltering ally against terror.

I dare him to use that kind of language in dealing with North Korea, Syria or Iran. I wonder if Bill Clinton is still ready to lay in a ditch and fight along side the Israelis, because this kind of talk is going to inspire another Arab invasion of Israel.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Terror War

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Jonn, he only talks that way to those he wants to intimidate, or that he feels he can intimidate, like the citizens of this country and those that get a lot of aid/equipment/military hardware/etc. from us. He doesn’t talk tough to Russia, Iran, or the rest of them, because he knows he can’t intimidate them and they see him for what he is.


Different president, different rules. Didn’t you get that memo with your free pony?


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by rick jones, rick jones. rick jones said: This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here–“We are going to change the world……http://ow.ly/3UNsK […]